Hatred Towards Malala From EDL

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Hatred towards Malala from EDL Oct 17, 2012
Malala Yousafzai is undergoing treatment in the UK and most normal people are siding with the brave girl, including the thousands of Pakistanis who have demonstrated in public (and really putting their lives at risk in a country where this can make you a target of extremists).

However, some extremist right wingers are so blinded by their hatred that the knee-jerk reaction is that the Pakistani girl and her family are going to be 'freeloaders' etc. I was quite disappointed, but not surprised, to see a post on this forum bring up this point - that the UK taxpayer would be paying for her treatment and that in their opinion there would be other freeloaders who would accompany her. This racist post is still on the forum - despite the fact that the UK foreign secretary clearly stated that the Pakistani government is paying for Malala's treatment.

Racism and bigotry don't live well with facts. This particular part of this forum is now infested with these posts. It feels dirty to even post here!

It is also no surprise that EDL members in the UK have expressed vile, racist views about Malala - calling her a 'piece of $hit':
http://www.edlnews.co.uk/index.php/late ... -yousafzai

I'm just glad that normal people are in the majority - i.e. those who are with Malala and against the extremists.

Hope not Hate's link where you can show support for Malala:
http://action.hopenothate.org.uk/page/s ... -yousafzai


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hatred Towards Malala From EDL Oct 17, 2012
You are linking to an article which is quoting some random Facebook posts and not to the official EDL website. I have no idea what the EDL think about this poor girl. I haven't heard anything from them on the news. Neither have I heard the Home Secretary say that the Pakistani government are paying for all her treatment or her families expenses, and I'm an avid news watcher.
I doubt the family will ever return home as she will be a target for the rest of her life. In fact it was reported that a Pakistani woman tried to enter the hospital yesterday posing as her mother.

I do feel sorry for the poor girl and I wish her well but I do wonder why she has ended up on my doorstep? Is the treatment offered by the NHS the best in the world? I'm sure she could have got the treatment she needs anywhere.

As for the Facebook posts, I'm sure I could hunt out some vile posts against our soldiers made by Pakistanis and others who we've invited into our country and offered a safe haven. I'm reminded of those demonstrations made by foreigners in my country when our troops have returned from ops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
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Re: Hatred Towards Malala From EDL Oct 17, 2012
If it was just some random extremist racists mouthing off it would be one thing, but in this case the quotes come from a referenced source:

This however has angered the English Defence League 'Angels' Division run by Hel Gower and the following poison was dripping from their Facebook group this morning.

As for justifying the 'free speech' and 'opinions' of the racists, you have more empathy with them than I do. I don't understand your 'what aboutery' argument though - you seem to be equating what they said with what other extremists have said against UK soldiers? If you're saying that the EDL are as bad as Anjum Choudhary etc - then you're just agreeing with what I've said all along. EDL nutters are fringe racist extremists, Choudhary is the equivalent from the 'Muslim' side.

But back to this article.. had you read to the end you'd have seen:

We thought the EDL would support this girl. Afterall, she is fighting Islamic extremists, the same group that the EDL claim they are fighting.

Alas, they are so hate filled they do not seem to be able to see past her colour and heritage, proving once again that they have no interest in opposing extremism, just brown people.

Any claims that the EDL support human rights and rights for women were shot down this morning by their own admin team and members.

A backlash from non EDL groups appeared on the post and four hours later a statement was made announcing those involved in the backlash were now banned from the group. Not surprisingly, the hate filled racist posts featured above remained on the thread.

The difference between us is clear. I denounce Choudhary et al as nutters, you make excuses for the EDL.

(I feel like I need to shower again now.. yurgh)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hatred Towards Malala From EDL Oct 17, 2012
shafique wrote:(I feel like I need to shower again now.. yurgh)

That picture nearly caused me to bring my breakfast back.
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Re: Hatred Towards Malala From EDL Oct 17, 2012
Who shot her?

This racist post is still on the forum

Care to stump your brain cells together to explain what was racist in this post you're referring to?

As far as the HopenotHate article in the OP, I agree with what 'Adrian Morgan' wrote:

Adrian Morgan wrote:This is rather sickening self-promotion by HnH. When Nick Lowles grows a pair big enough to consistently take on the pro-jihadists and Islamofascists in Britain, such syrupy exploitation of Malala’s plight seems craven.

After all, with so many Deobandi mosques in Britain, where the same attitudes of the same Taliban who shot this brave young girl are proliferating, there are some real issues in the UK that need confronting.

At least Nick Lowles did not issue a press release condemning Malala Yousafzai as a “counter-jihadist”. Though technically, merely by calling for the rights for girls to be educated, that is what she was, and that was why she was shot….

The difference between us is clear. I denounce Choudhary et al as nutters, you make excuses for the EDL.

By denounce, I think you mean 'deny' Holocaust denialism by Hamas as you've done countless times on the forum.
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Re: Hatred Towards Malala From EDL Oct 17, 2012
Very weak whataboutery arguments by 'ray'.

I didn't see a condemnation of the sick comments by the EDL supporters though - probably because he shares their sentiments.

I mean, he did say:
rayznack wrote:That's very generous of you to pay for her treatment, BM.
No doubt she and twenty members of her family will have to stay in Britain and get the benefits you're not entitled to (but will kindly pay for her to have).


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hatred Towards Malala From EDL Oct 17, 2012
Care to stump your brain cells together to explain what was racist in this post you're referring to?

I didn't see an answer to my question. I know there's not much to stump together but I'd have prefered a tortured response than none at all.
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