Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others

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Hatred of Obama - Shared by Others Jan 21, 2012
Chemi Shalev in Haaretz today has an interesting view point. He says that the hatred of President Obama shown by the Jewish publisher who advocated Israel killing Obama as a possible option, whilst stupid is shared by others.

He makes some very strong points:

Anyone who has spent any time talking to some of the more vociferous detractors of Obama, Jewish or otherwise, has inevitably encountered those nasty nutters, and they are many, who still believe he is a Muslim, who are utterly convinced that he wants to destroy Israel, and who seriously debate whether he is more like Ahmadinejad than Arafat or – and I heard this one with my own ears – more like Hitler than Haman.

Anyone who reads some of the opinion articles and blogs posted on the Internet by the more extreme Obama-hating writers and pundits – again, many of them Jews - cannot deny the wanton and inflammatory nature of much of their anti-Obama invective.

And anyone who lived through the Israeli right-wing’s days of rage against Rabin and the Oslo Accords can never forget that this deluge of deadly toxins need trigger just one homicidal chemical reaction in just one fanatic brain for history to be changed forever.

The book of Deuteronomy commands the elders of the city nearest a field where a murdered corpse has been found to wash their hands over an axed heifer and to swear, “our hands have not spilled this blood and our eyes did not see.” Rashi explains that even though it is clear that they had nothing to do with the murder, the responsibility of the leaders is such that they will be held liable even if they simply denied the victim food or escort.

I wonder if event horizon would care to disagree -after all, he is a staunch republican and some of his favourite bloggers believe Obama to be a closet Muslim etc.

But here's the full article - worth reading in full.
Jewish publisher is an idiot - but his hatred is shared by many
Andrew Adler’s suggestion in the Atlanta Jewish Times that Israel assassinate President Obama is a blot both on Israel and on American Jews.

By Chemi Shalev

Like most of you, I have never met Andrew B. Adler, owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, but I think we can all agree that the man is spectacularly stupid. In his contorted apologies he has described himself, after all, as “an idiot.”

The three or four infantile paragraphs of vile text that Adler published in his obscure Atlanta newspaper last week, in which he suggested that Israel consider assassinating President Obama, almost slipped under the radar, but was picked up yesterday by Gawker.com, and is now going viral. “A fool may throw a stone into a well which even a hundred wise men cannot pull out”, the saying goes, and it will indeed take a long time and a great effort to undo the damage that Adler has wrought, in one fell swoop, in defaming Israel by implying that it might, in anyone’s wildest dreams, consider such a kooky conspiracy; in staining American Jews by appearing to supposedly represent their twisted way of thinking; and even by undermining the institution of Jewish journalism by exposing that it harbors such birdbrained bozos in its midst.

It is ironic that Adler’s despicable diatribe comes against the backdrop of a fierce blogosphere debate that flared up yesterday about the term “Israel-firsters” and whether it is a legitimate critique or an anti-Semitic slur. Adler, for his part, has provided an example of a sub-specie of “Israel-firsters” that have not only lost track of where their loyalties lie, they have gone off the tracks altogether. He has pleased anti-Zionists and delighted anti-Semites by giving them the kind of “proof” they relish for accusing American supporters of Israel not of “double loyalty” but of one-sided treachery, plain and simple.

Under Israeli law, Adler could be prosecuted for inciting to violence and could be sentenced to five years in jail. I do not purport to know much about the Georgian penal code, but I note that it contains the offense of “criminal solicitation” which occurs “when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony, he solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.” Adler’s column of January 13 might arguably fit the bill.

There is something eerily familiar in all this, of course, for anyone who was present 16 years ago at Tel Aviv’s Kikar Malchei Yisrael, as it was then known, on the night that Yitzhak Rabin was murdered. One can already envisage how Adler will be disowned, described as a “wild weed,” depicted as a lone wolf who does not represent anyone in his or in anyone else’s community and used as a springboard for a righteously indignant, preemptive counteroffensive that will show how his solitary case is being exploited to score points against anyone who legitimately criticizes Obama.

And while we might all stipulate that there is no Jew anywhere in the world who is currently contemplating any act of violence against President Obama, I know, and most of you know, that Adler’s crazy and criminal suggestions are not the ranting of some loony-tune individual and were not taken out of thin air - but are the inevitable result of the inordinate volume of repugnant venom that some of Obama’s political rivals, Jews and non-Jews included, have been spewing for the last three years.

Anyone who has spent any time talking to some of the more vociferous detractors of Obama, Jewish or otherwise, has inevitably encountered those nasty nutters, and they are many, who still believe he is a Muslim, who are utterly convinced that he wants to destroy Israel, and who seriously debate whether he is more like Ahmadinejad than Arafat or – and I heard this one with my own ears – more like Hitler than Haman.

Anyone who reads some of the opinion articles and blogs posted on the Internet by the more extreme Obama-hating writers and pundits – again, many of them Jews - cannot deny the wanton and inflammatory nature of much of their anti-Obama invective.

And anyone who lived through the Israeli right-wing’s days of rage against Rabin and the Oslo Accords can never forget that this deluge of deadly toxins need trigger just one homicidal chemical reaction in just one fanatic brain for history to be changed forever.

The book of Deuteronomy commands the elders of the city nearest a field where a murdered corpse has been found to wash their hands over an axed heifer and to swear, “our hands have not spilled this blood and our eyes did not see.” Rashi explains that even though it is clear that they had nothing to do with the murder, the responsibility of the leaders is such that they will be held liable even if they simply denied the victim food or escort.

One wonders how many of today’s anti-Obama politicians and opinion-makers, the latter-day elders of yore, will be able to read Adler’s crazed counsel to Benjamin Netanyahu, and, may that day never come, take a good look in the mirror, wash their hands of the whole affair and declare with a clear conscience that their otherwise sharp and probing eyes didn’t see a thing.

http://www.haaretz.com/blogs/west-of-ed ... y-1.408466


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hatred of Obama - Shared by Others Jan 22, 2012
That's two (count 'em) threads about an Op-ed article written by a Jew.

Wonder how many threads you'll post of the very real terrorist attack in Nigeria that has left over 120 Nigerians dead?
event horizon
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 22, 2012
Please stop trolling threads eh - it is getting tiresome.

If you can't bring yourself to comment on a current story about right-wing Americans (including Jewish Americans) who hate Obama, I suggest you just don't post in those threads.


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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 22, 2012

Talk about trolling!!! You bring only two topics to the table: Muslims and Jews. This thread isn't about Obama and republicans - it's about Jews.

Before you start posting on the politics of the US, especially the current state with a Presidential election coming up, you should do more reading and not limit yourself to the position that Jews are taking. For your information, Jews have been staunch supporters of the dems (left wing), but some hardliners are moving away from Obama because he doesn't pander to Israel to the extent Israel wants him to. Israel has been behind the push for the US to go to war with Iran and Obama told Israel to back off on stirring Iran.

I highly doubt you have been watching the debates, listening to or reading the commentaries, etc. so stay out of US politics since they don't concern you and more importantly you know nothing about them.

Stick to the two topics you think you know everything there is to know - which does not include US politics.
Bora Bora
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 22, 2012
Why would starting a thread on this topic be considered trolling? :roll:

I haven't been watching the Republican nominatin debates, I agree. However this thread is about a Haaretz article relating to Adler's article and how he's not alone in his hatred of Obama. The Israeli angle you refer to is indeed what was behind Adler's article - but what caught my eye was the extract I highlighted in the OP (and indeed the article's headline).


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
Right from the beginning the article is states:

............we can all agree that the man is spectacularly stupid. In his contorted apologies he has described himself, after all, as “an idiot.”

Pretty much says it all. He clearly doesn't speak for the Jewish community, but managed to embarrass himself (if he's capable of being embarrassed) and Jews.

You take this seriously and expect someone to debate with you on this??? :lol: :lol: The only issues that could be debated would be the stupidity of two people. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:The only issues that could be debated would be the stupidity of two people.

What I highlighted in the OP was the bit about others in the USA who share the hatred of Obama that the 'stupid' journalist and publisher exhibits.

I've not argued that the guy is not stupid or that his extremist views are representative - on the contrary the first post on the subject was all about the reaction and denunciation of this extreme view.

Now, I understand why some people will be uncomfortable with this extreme right-wing, pro-Israel view of Adler - but I wouldn't go so far as to deny that the ONLY thing to discuss is his stupidity or that anyone posting about the articles on the subject are also stupid. But hey, if that's your opinion - thanks for expressing it. ;)

So for me at least, this extreme hatred for Obama and that others on the right also share it (so not just extremist Jews) is another valid point of debate.

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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
shafique wrote:Now, I understand why some people will be uncomfortable with this extreme right-wing, pro-Israel view of Adler -

Where on earth did you get the idea that killing Obama is a pro-Israel view?
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
From Adler's original article - he stated that the Israeli government (as one option of 3) should assassinate Obama so that a more pro-Israeli replacement could gain power. Adler isn't anti-Israel - just at the very extremist end of the pro-Israel spectrum.

..the third is to “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

Adler goes on to write: “Yes, you read “three correctly”. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If have thought of this Tom-Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?”

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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
Dude, you are constantly changing you posts. I suggest you place a message "changes done" or something when you are done.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
Thanks for the advice. But if I change a post after you've replied - you'll see an 'Edited' notice at the bottom - as there isn't one in my post above, you replied after my last edit (which was to add the quote from Adler's article).

You're free to reply now.


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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 23, 2012
shafique ,

And it was stated that Adler is an idiot!!! That says it all.

FYI, it has been determined that Titt (or if you prefer Mitt) will get only 33% of the repugs votes, with 66% people voting against Obama. That 66% is not a vote for Titt, but a vote against Obama, who has failed miserably. The only people that "hate" Obama are those that are hardcore pro Israel, the majority are disappointed with him.

He recently added an amendment to the NDAA which basically profiles Arab and Pakistani American citizens who can be detained, not arrested, but detained for an indefinite period of time based on suspicion of being involved in or contributing to a terrorist act, no evidence - which could mean years - while they investigate that person. Someone can make a phone call on their Arab neighbor and the neighbor is put under watchful eyes and if that person does anything, which can mean walk into a store owned by an Arab or Pakistani who is "under suspicion", make a purchase, and when leaving he could be snatched up and detained. If it is determined that they are indeed involved in any terrorist activity and they gained their citizenship other than being born in the US, it would be revoked and sent back to their country. He's turning the US into a police state and government dependent. He's taking away rights of citizens and driving the government into the ground.

Unfortunately Ron Paul is overlooked because too many people think him to be extreme. He doesn't believe is getting involved in the problems of other countries nor does he believe that it is the right of the US to force democracy upon other countries. Nor does he believe giving aid to other countries - let them sink or swim. He believes that there is much to fix in the US and that is what he wants to do. I wish if people were going to throw their vote away they would throw it at Ron Paul rather that Titt.
Bora Bora
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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 24, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:The only people that "hate" Obama are those that are hardcore pro Israel, the majority are disappointed with him.

Yes, this is what surprised me in the article quoted in the OP - the presence of this 'hardcore' of Americans who hate Obama so much that they still cling to the theories about him being a closet Muslim, question his birth certificates etc.

I totally get that Adler is an extremist from within this extreme group - I didn't post anything that suggested otherwise.

I have been following the headline news about the Republican nomination race, and have particularly paid attention to how Ron Paul is treated in the media. I'm familiar with Paul's views and it is interesting to watch the media commentary vs the % of votes he's been getting (and the explanations for who is backing him and why he is not viewed as a credible candidate).

I'm also interested in the view of some commentators that this election is really one that the Repubs won't be too worried about losing - that there are more credible candidates out there, but they are waiting for 2016.

However, this thread was really about the part of the OP which touched on the Obama haters - and it has resulted in your interesting post above giving us non-Americans some of your insights into the Repub race. Very interesting. Thank you.


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Re: Hatred Of Obama - Shared By Others Jan 24, 2012
Ron Paul is an Independent and had to run on the Repub platform. He also doesn't have the deep pockets that the other candidates have nor is from the political circle, but is a good American who isn't interested in serving any one party, but serving the citizens of the US. I think the media keeps him off the radar because he makes too much sense and isn't very sensational in his campaigning. The spotlight is always on the better known and it seems it's shining down on Titt and Fig Newton. It doesn't matter who gets into the WH it will be 4 more years of failure and the American people know it.
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