Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
You really have no shame.



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
yes, master
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Hamas wins Elections: 6 years ago Mar 06, 2012
What I said in 2006 applies today - the desperation of FD and to find something I said which contradicts this has failed many times in the past and has failed spectacularly today.

We've had whole threads on Hamas and anti-semitism to counter the numerous PRIOR threads started by the two ronnies, and in all that I've never condoned the killing of civilians - where as FD and eh have both made excuses when civilians are killed.

So you're not like the majority of Britons who consider Hamas terrorists and Antisemites and don't make excuses for them?
event horizon
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 07, 2012
eh, you really should stick to avoiding all the questions on the Bible etc that you seem ashamed to answer. Embarrassing yourself like this talking about your beliefs is just cringeworthy.

If you had any sense, you'd realise that that the majority of Britons actually agree with my stance when it comes to fairness - and the majority are indeed with me when it comes to being critical of the Israeli Military Occupation, the siege of Gaza and the treatment of the Gazans after they elected Hamas. The majority all understand that a political parties (like Sin Fein and Hamas and the ANC) are distinct from their military wings and prior terror attacks - and are intelligent enough to understand the difference.

Your failure is complete.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:If you had any sense, you'd realise that that the majority of Britons actually agree with my stance when it comes to fairness - and the majority are indeed with me when it comes to being critical of the Israeli Military Occupation, the siege of Gaza and the treatment of the Gazans after they elected Hamas

How would you know what the majority of Britons think? You don't even live in Britain.

That's like me speaking for the majority of Jamaicans. BS!

Actually the majority of Britons are not critical of the Israel. But hey, that's just actually coming from a Briton who lives in Britain so what would I know?

Carry on sunshine.....what's the weather like in Mauritius this morning?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 07, 2012
We'll have to agree to disagree BM. I don't consider your racist views and support of the BNP and nazi-saluting EDL to be representative of my fellow Brits - but I'm sure you disagree with me on that too.

I wish you a good day.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote: I don't consider your racist views and support of the BNP and nazi-saluting EDL to be representative of my fellow Brits

My fellow Brits?


Yes I'm just one of the white feral underclass you're always talking about.

Racism isn't always white on brown is it?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 07, 2012
Have a great day, my 'I do have black friends, dontayaknow' fellow Brit! ;)


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 07, 2012
shafique ,

Muslims too!
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Just to point out that far from being silent and running away from my views on Hamas, this thread shows that I have tackled head on the accusations that I support anti-Semitism and terrorism.

As for Hamas' views on anti-semitism - I have many times tackled the selective 'Memri specials' that allege Hamas' anti-Semitism and countered them with complete, comprehensive and clear statements from Hamas which categorically state their views on Judaism and Jews:

Hamas says:

We are not engaged in a religious conflict with Jews; this is a political struggle to free ourselves from occupation and oppression.


But it should be made clear that neither Hamas nor the Palestinian government in Gaza denies the Nazi Holocaust. The Holocaust was not only a crime against humanity but one of the most abhorrent crimes in modern history. We condemn it as we condemn every abuse of humanity and all forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, race, gender or nationality.


Therefore, all the selective quotes and Memri specials purporting to give a different view have been answered by the categoric, complete and clear statements of Hamas.

The contrast with eh's avoidance of the many questions he is hiding from is stark.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
I've seen the holocaust denied on DF :shock:
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I've seen the holocaust denied on DF

Have you? Or did you dream this as well?

Who has denied the Holocaust on DF?


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
My little munchkin! Surely you haven't got selective memory again? :shock:
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Nope, sorry - you'll have to show me the post a Holocaust denier on DF. I've seen people justify war crimes, and refuse to condemn terrorists when they are Christian or Jewish, but I haven't read a post of a Holocaust denier. Are you sure you're not having what FD calls a 'brain fart'?


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
I can't be ar$ed to research anyone's post let alone that moron's. Holocaust denial comes in many forms, as pointed out by Dillon, DF's English gentleman.

To compare the Palestinians plight to that of the Jews in the holocaust is indeed a holocaust denial.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:To compare the Palestinians plight to that of the Jews in the holocaust is indeed a holocaust denial.

Exactly! And perhaps even more so.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I can't be ar$ed to research anyone's post let alone that moron'

We'll just put it down to yet another 'brain fart' then.

If you want to redefine 'Holocaust denial' to something else - go ahead, but at least try and dig up the post. Really. :roll:

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
I have seen many posters posting disgu.sting stuff about the holocaust. That aint no brain fart.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
You, FD, made a joke about the Holocaust this week too.


However, this thread isn't about your recollection of alleged dis.gusting posts but rather about the fact that Hamas does not deny the Holocaust and isn't anti-Semitic, despite the 'Memri-specials' and selective quotes others present as fact.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
shafique wrote:If you want to redefine 'Holocaust denial' to something else - go ahead, but at least try and dig up the post. Really

It is well documented that holocaust denial can show it's self in many forms. I don't need to redefine it for anyone.

I love it when you practice selective memory. It makes you slightly more human.

--- Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:54 pm ---

shafique wrote:but rather about the fact that Hamas does not deny the Holocaust and isn't anti-Semitic, despite the 'Memri-specials' and selective quotes others present as fact.

Says who?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:It is well documented

Bully for you. However, if you can't actually produce posts of DF members who are denying the Holocaust, why should we not assume this is yet another example of lies about other posters? (And yes, YOU +are+ re-defining Holocaust denial with your generic statements.)

As for Hamas' categoric views on the Holocaust and Judaism - it is Hamas who is speaking, not Memri specials. That's who. If you have any more obvious questions you wish me to answer - just fire away. ;)


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
shafique wrote: it is Hamas who is speaking,

Oh yeah, Hamas! LOL

--- Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:48 pm ---

shafique wrote:if you can't actually produce posts of DF members who are denying the Holocaust,

Seek and ye shall find fatboy, seek and ye shall find.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
I'm glad you're laughing at the answer to the question 'who is speaking' when I quoted Hamas! :)

I'm also impressed that you think I will spend time looking for posts you just dreamt up! That's the height of wishful thinking... or were you intentionally being funny. If so, thanks - I did laugh! :D


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
shafique wrote:Hamas!

Yes, I did laugh when you said Hamas. Since when did any sane person take any notice of what a bunch of terrorists say?

Oh yeah....other terrorists :shock:

--- Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:55 pm ---

shafique wrote:I'm also impressed that you think I will spend time looking for posts you just dreamt up! That's the height of wishful thinking... or were you intentionally being funny. If so, thanks - I did laugh

Don't expect me to do your homework fatboy. Get of your lazy fat arse and look yourself.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
Tell that to eh and Memri - they seem obsessed with misquoting them.

It is a bit rich to blame me for quoting them when they issue categoric, clear and complete statement. Memri should learn to do that, and perhaps the media will then take them more seriously.

I make this your second fail of the day (overlooking your thinking that pies affect memory). ;)


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
shafique wrote:overlooking your thinking that pies affect memory).

It's not my fault you can't grasp the basics fatboy. I was refering to your body mass index, not your memory.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
When in a hole, stop digging. I now make this fail number 3. ;)


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
shafique wrote:I now make this fail number 3
And it's only 10.30! Impressive!
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
;) Never let it be said you're not easily impressed. Now, will you let the adults have a reasoned discussion without trolling - do you think you can hold out and not make it to fail No 4?

This thread, after all, is about clearing up the confusion (wilful) about Hamas' stance on Jews, Judaism, the Holocaust and my view of their past terrorist activities.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 10, 2012
I'm on for fail number 4. Bring it on!!

--- 1 seconds ago ---

shafique wrote: Now, will you let the adults have a reasoned discussion

Are you having a giraffe? This is DF you're on fatboy. You must be getting mixed up somewhere with your forums LOL


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