The video originally aired on al-Aqsa television (Hamas's own station) and calls for Allah to kill Jews and Christians:
Correct translation or not?
This video from Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV is a prayer pleading with Allah to "vanquish your [Allah's] enemies" and to "strike" the Jews and their "sympathizers", "the Christians and their supporters", and to not leave "even one".
"Allah, oh our Lord, vanquish Your enemies, enemies of the religion
[Islam] in all places.
Allah, strike the Jews and their sympathizers,
the Christians and their supporters,
the Communists and their adherents.
Allah, count them and kill them to the last one, and don't leave even one."
Al Aqsa TV (Hamas) Dec. 3, 2010 (1 min)
Good thing Hamas is not named "Robert Spencer".