Hamas Robbed The Bank...

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Hamas robbed the bank... Mar 31, 2010
...but didn't shoot the deputy

Hamas security forces took $400,000 from a bank in the Gaza Strip on Monday, in a direct challenge to Palestinian authorities in the West Bank who had frozen the money to comply with money laundering regulations.

Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, said the men were executing a court order to seize the assets of a medical organization, the Patient's Friend Association.

Seeking to apply global regulations against money laundering, the Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) froze the association's account after its board fell under Hamas control, banking sources said.

The PMA described Monday's seizure, the first time Hamas had challenged the authority, as a "sinful attack".

Ehab al-Ghsain, spokesman for the Hamas-run Interior Ministry, said Monday's move was "the implementation of a judicial decision." The association had "resorted to court after the Fatah government froze its account in the bank," he said.

One employee of the Bank of Palestine, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the situation, said the Hamas policemen had forced the staff to open the bank's vault and acted "aggressively".

"They took 1.5 million shekels ($400,000) and signed a paper showing the amount of money they had taken," the employee said.

It was the first time Hamas had challenged the PMA, which functions as regulator of the Palestinian banking system in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

"This is a serious development. We are investigating the matter and then we will take the appropriate action," Jihad al-Wazir, the governor of the PMA, told Reuters. He declined to give details about the raid.

In a statement, the PMA called on Hamas to "abide by the rule of law to safeguard the soundness of the banks so that they can keep providing services to the people."

Banks in the Gaza Strip would stage a strike on Tuesday to protest at the raid, Wazir said. Around a dozen banks, Palestinian- and Arab-owned, still function in the Gaza Strip, though their headquarters are in the West Bank.

http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2010/ ... 04415.html

event horizon
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Re: Hamas robbed the bank... Apr 02, 2010
Weren’t they supposed to shoot the sheriff first????

:) :) :)
Tom Jones
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Re: Hamas robbed the bank... Apr 02, 2010
Sheriff John Brown always hated me,
For what, I don't know:
Every time I plant a seed,
He said kill it before it grow -
He said kill them before they grow.

How appropriate.
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hamas robbed the bank... Jun 29, 2010

Banks closed in the Gaza Strip on Monday to protest the seizure of 16,000 dollars (13,000 euros) by Hamas police during a raid a day earlier.

"This kind of irresponsible behavior will reduce the ability of banks to provide services that relieve the suffering of our besieged people in Gaza,"
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Hamas Robbed The Bank... Jun 29, 2010
And the full story reveals that the police were following a court order and the funds belong to Hamas.

Ahh, how the loons like to spin..

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hamas robbed the bank... Jun 30, 2010
Yep, the Gaza banks who went on strike because of this are loons and victims of the Zionist propaganda machine. :shock: :?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Hamas Robbed The Bank... Jun 30, 2010
No, your the loon spinning a story about the police enforcing a court order to release funds.

Hardly robbing! But then again, why let facts get in the way of spin?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Hamas robbed the bank... Jun 30, 2010
Well, the police happen to be Hamas.

But yeah, hardly robbing.

event horizon
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Re: Hamas Robbed The Bank... Jun 30, 2010
Great, I'm glad you're laughing at the realisation that it was a police enforcement of a court order. The same police force that Israel keeps saying should maintain order. Oops - you're not going to go into another of your famous loon logic loops again are you - eh - careful! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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