Hamas Bombs Again

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Hamas bombs again Feb 01, 2009
Just now a report on TV : Hamas is firing rockets again to Israel !

Israel answered they will react in a very harsh way!!


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Feb 01, 2009
Israel to strike back at Gaza

* Last Updated: February 01. 2009 3:06PM UAE / February 1. 2009 11:06AM GMT

Israel has vowed to strike back at Hamas in the wake of renewed rocket fire from the group’s Gaza stronghold, two weeks after the end of a bloody war in the battered Palestinian territory.

Israel — which goes to the polls on Feb 10 — has been hit by several rockets since a Jan 18 ceasefire brought an end to the 22-day war on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

“We will not agree to return to the old rules of the game and we will act according to new rules that will guarantee that we are not dragged into an incessant tit-for-tat war that will not allow normal life in the south of the country,” prime minister Ehud Olmert said at the weekly cabinet meeting.

“The situation... in recent days has increased in a manner that does not allow Israel not to retaliate in order to make sure that our position... is understood by those involved in the fire.

“The response will come at the time, the place and the manner that we choose.”

The Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak said that “Hamas was given a very serious blow and if necessary it will be given another blow.”

And Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, infrastructure minister and a member of Israel’s powerful security cabinet, said Hamas had to pay for each rocket fired.

“We can under no circumstances behave under rules that Hamas wants to impose on us,” he told army radio. “We have set a price for each rocket fired and now Hamas has to pay.”

The officials spoke after four rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza within a space of a few hours today. No group had yet claimed responsibility.

In all, at least seven rockets had been fired into the Jewish state since mutual ceasefires by Israel and Hamas brought an end to Israel’s three-week onslaught on the territory that left more than 1,300 Palestinians dead.

Thirteen Israelis were killed in the same period.
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Feb 01, 2009
It's becoming too tense and complicated , I am longer able to grasp what kind of war is that , against who ? or it's just the media and the politicians in coalition getting nasty to deceive the world ?
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Feb 02, 2009
It’s ridiculous to expect Hamas or the Palestinians to stop firing rockets when Israel maintaining full/partial blockages on every borders that lead to Gaza, or when Israel is continuing occupying Palestinian’s territories and expanding settlements.

If Israel wants real peace, then it could’ve embrace the Arab Peace Initiative, or the UN peace Initiative, or the French Peace Initiative. Israel has no interest in peace at all, it is strategy has been to starve and makes Palestinians’ live miserable till they give in and embrace Israel as on country in the region, which is wishful thinking.

I now fully understand why the Europe kicked those Zionists out of Europe for good. They are the caused of every major wars/troubles in the world. Cant’ they learn to respect the right of others and see others as humans.
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Feb 04, 2009
Humbleman wrote:I now fully understand why the Europe kicked those Zionists out of Europe for good.

When did that happen?

They are the caused of every major wars/troubles in the world.

Flying Dutchman
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Feb 04, 2009
Humbleman wrote:I now fully understand why the Europe kicked those Zionists out of Europe for good. They are the caused of every major wars/troubles in the world.

Is it a citation from Dr. Goebbels?
Red Chief
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Feb 05, 2009
Hamas seizes UN food aid in Gaza: officials

5 February 2009
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JERUSALEM – Armed Hamas police broke into a Gaza warehouse packed with U.N. humanitarian supplies and seized thousands of blankets and food packages, officials said on Wednesday.

It was a rare public clash between the international agency that feeds much of the territory and the militant group that rules it. And the incident highlighted difficulties facing donors seeking to bypass Hamas while helping Gazans survive and rebuild after Israel's punishing military operation.

In New York, U.N. deputy spokeswoman Marie Okabe said UNRWA 'condemned in the strongest terms' the confiscation of its aid supplies. The U.N. demanded the items be returned, but they remained with Hamas late Wednesday.

Hamas policemen stormed an aid warehouse in Gaza City Tuesday evening and confiscated 3,500 blankets and over 400 food parcels ready for distribution to 500 families, said United Nations Relief and Works Agency spokesman Christopher Gunness.

'They were armed. They seized this. They took it by force,' Gunness said, terming the incident 'absolutely unacceptable.'

The seizure took place after UNRWA staff earlier refused to hand over the aid supplies to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs, he said. Similar aid packages were distributed to 70,000 residents over the past two weeks, Gunness said.

Ahmad Kurd, the Hamas official in charge of the ministry, did not deny the aid was seized, charging the U.N. was giving the aid to local groups with ties to Hamas opponents.

'UNRWA did not do what it said it would do, and began distributing its aid to groups that tie their activities to political activism,' Kurd said, an apparent reference to Fatah, the main opponents of Hamas. In 2007, Hamas overran Gaza, expelling Fatah forces.

Ihab Ghussein, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said the incident occurred because the U.N. was storing the blankets in an unauthorized area. Hamas spokesman Taher Nunu demanded an apology from UNRWA, saying the group was 'spreading false news.'

But control appeared to be at the heart of the issue.

The ability of Hamas to provide aid is crucial to maintaining support for its rule in the territory. The group claims to have distributed $50 million in emergency cash relief since the end of the incursion.

An 18-month blockade by Israel and Egypt left Gaza critically short of vital supplies, and residents are facing more hardship in the wake of Israel's devastating three-week military offense, which ended Jan. 18. The operation, aimed at halting rocket fire by Palestinian militants, killed 1,300 including hundreds of civilians and left thousands destitute after their homes were damaged or destroyed.

Israel and Gaza have allowed more aid into the territory in recent weeks. UNRWA, which has traditionally served the more than 1 million Palestinians living in Gaza's refugee camps, is expected to take the lead in rebuilding the territory. Israel and the international community label Hamas a terror organization and will not deal with it.

Mkhaimar Abusada, a professor at the Fatah-linked al-Azhar University in Gaza City, said Hamas probably took the supplies to distribute them more widely than the U.N., which supports only refugees.

Senior U.N. official John Ging said aid distribution would continue. 'We are not going to punish the refugees for the irresponsible actions of a few,' Ging said.

'The stakes are very high,' Ging said. 'Whatever donors give us by way of assistance has to be fully accounted for.'

Some international donors have expressed concern that funds meant to rebuild Gaza could fall into the militant Islamic group's hands, and the U.N. had been trying to calm those fears.

'We are very concerned, but this is an isolated incident, we hope,' said Alix de Mauny, a spokeswoman for the European Commission, one of the largest donors to the Palestinians. 'We will react accordingly if this develops beyond an isolated incident,' de Mauny said. The EC contributed $626 million to the Palestinians in 2008.

On Wednesday, Benjamin Netanyahu, the hard-line candidate for prime minister who is leading in polls a week before Israel's election, charged that Israel's offensive was stopped too early. He said the military should have been allowed to put an end to Hamas arms smuggling from Egypt. He also said, 'There is no choice but to uproot the Iranian-backed regime in Gaza.'

Israeli officials say the incident vindicated their long-standing claims that Hamas routinely confiscates aid meant for needy Gazans.

'We have said in the past that we know Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid and donations from international organizations,' said military spokesman Peter Lerner.

However, Gunness said this was the first time Hamas seized UNRWA supplies. 'Does anyone really think that the Americans, who are our single largest donor, or the Europeans, who are our largest multination donor, would give us aid in the generous way they do if they thought that aid would go to terrorists?' Gunness said.

The West Bank-based government of President Mahmoud Abbas, a fierce rival of Hamas, is also sending $600 million in aid, hoping to earn the loyalty of Gaza residents.
http://www.khaleejtimes.com/Displayarti ... uary37.xml
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Feb 05, 2009
As long as Palestinians are under the control of the Hamas, this will be their state of affairs.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that basically - doesnt give a damn about the Palestinian people.

It so easy to evoke sympathy from international community - fire missiles from residential areas into Israel. Israel - with a right to defend itself retaliates towards the source. Innocent people get killed and media make a pro-palestinian hue and cry.

Seizing UN supplies, using human shields, cowardly firing from residential areas and endangering the lives of innocent people - just a bunch of cowards and terrorists. Hamas should be banned and eliminated. Only then there can be peaceful negotiations.
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Feb 05, 2009
The Palestine authority’s division is a disgrace and has done them a great damage internally and externally. It’s very sicken when their people are under occupation and bombarded by Israeli government daily, and yet all what the Palestinians authorities do is fighting over who should be in charge.

These idiots must unite and get behind the party that the Palestinians people voted for, thereafter, present their people’s suffering to the outside world as one. Their division has been a great PR to the Israeli’s government “we can’t communicate with the terrorists”, and a fantastic opportunity to massacre as much Palestinians as possible.
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Feb 05, 2009
Michaeldubai wrote
“It so easy to evoke sympathy from international community - fire missiles from residential areas into Israel. Israel - with a right to defend itself retaliates towards the source. Innocent people get killed and media make a pro-palestinian hue and cry.”

Distorted and bias comment - it’s absolutely the catch phrase of all the media that are controlled by the Zionists to justify the killing of over 1300 people majority of them kids and women.

The residential areas that you are talking about are Palestinians homes and farms. They were forced out of them by the Israeli government and crammed into Gaza. So of course, the Palestinians people have the right to fight to death to get their lands back, or it’s okay for other nations to fight for their lands but the Palestinian aren’t?

If Israel wants to avoid Palestinians’ anger then it must do the right thing and exist within its borders that sat by the UN. Why are you ignoring the truth and cause of the Palestinian resistance – a real human would say what’s just and fair.
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Feb 05, 2009
lets not get into history as that is a never-ending debate.

On Fresh news - what was the need for Hamas' fresh offensive. Dust had not yet settled, rebuilding was yet to start and they launch a new strike? asking for trouble right?

Its like - you slap me, I slap you back and you go crying to everyone for sympathy.
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Feb 05, 2009
My friend, it’s not a history, Palestinians’ resistance is still going strong, and Israel is only 60 years old. No matter how long injustice will takes, the day will comes when true justice prevails. If it is history to the outside people, it certainly not to the Palestinians whom have lost their farms, homes, dads, mums, sisters, brothers, friends and the simple things in live.

Because of the Israel’s occupation, Palestinians are going fight on until they get their dignity, sovereignty, freedom and territories back – that’s what any nation would do. Israel must stop being greedy and be glad that the majority of the Palestinians and Arabs are willing to recognize its existence within the borders that agreed upon by the UN. What else does Israel wants?

Israel enjoys the destruction of others - mark my word, Israel will causes another international war just because of its selfishness and self-served interest. Why should the world pays a high price for someone else’s unjust and reckless agenda.
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Feb 07, 2009
michaeldubai wrote:Hamas should be banned and eliminated. Only then there can be peaceful negotiations.

really ?! and give way to Israeli terrorism ?! remember, hamas was elected by public once meaning hamas was successful in winning public support. it DID NOT happen overnight.

a simple question. what would u do if a group of thugs seize your house and u and ur family are forced to live like slaves under them ?!!
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Feb 07, 2009
michaeldubai wrote:lets not get into history as that is a never-ending debate.

right, though history never gave enough reasons to shower what they received onto others.

michaeldubai wrote:On Fresh news - what was the need for Hamas' fresh offensive. Dust had not yet settled, rebuilding was yet to start and they launch a new strike? asking for trouble right?

israeli army started controlling distribution of aid, building blockade around gaza, controlling media within gaza. if u r a Palestinian representing a group of people, who are refused certain rights and aid for themselves and their family, what would u do ?!!!!

michaeldubai wrote:Its like - you slap me, I slap you back and you go crying to everyone for sympathy.

exactly. Israel slapped Palestine by grabbing their lands and rights in simple words. what do u think Palestine should do ?!!!!
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Feb 07, 2009
The Western nonmuslims are as thickheaded and imbecilic as you can expect from incestuous paedophiles who like to drink alcohol, abuse drugs, fornicate, behave in manners that are lewd, lascivious, promiscuous and disturbing, display hypocrisy, double standards and double-faced attitudes.

That's the prime reason we need to 'do our own bidding'. We can't expect the very same filthy nimrods that caused much of the world's suffering including that of the Palestinians by implanting the despised Zionists onto their lands and territories and continue to prop it up, to actually stop doing so at our behest.

That's why a Union of Muslim Countries is extremely necessary, essential it is. I started a thread in Philosophy and Religion subforum, on this Union of Muslim Countries. Take care and plz participate there.

Shukraan akhi. Maa'assalama.
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Feb 07, 2009
Year: 1919

After the war, the League of Nations divided much of the Ottoman Empire into mandated territories. The British and French saw the Mandates as instruments of imperial ambitions. US President Wilson insisted that the mandates must foster eventual independence. The British were anxious to keep Palestine away from the French, and decided to ask for a mandate that would implement the Jewish national home of the Balfour declaration [unbeknown to the Americans, the declaration was deliberately contrived to allow the British to renege on earlier promises to France and the Arabs regarding Palestine], a project that would be supported by the Americans. The Arabs opposed the idea of a Jewish national home, considering that the areas now called Palestine were their land. The Arabs felt they were in danger of dispossession by the Zionists, and did not relish living under Jewish rule.

"Arabs lobbied the American King-Crane commission, in favor of annexation of the Palestine mandate area to Syria, and later formed a national movement to combat the terms of the Mandate. At the instigation of US President Wilson, the King Crane commission had been sent to hear the views of the inhabitants. At the commission hearings, Aref Pasha Dajani expressed this opinion about the Jews, "Their history and their past proves that it is impossible to live with them. In all the countries where they are at present, they are not wanted...because they always arrive to suck the blood of everybody..."
By this time, Zionists had recognized the inevitability of conflict with the Palestinian and other Arabs. David Ben Gurion, who would lead the Yishuv (the Jewish community in Palestine) and go on to be the first Prime Minister of Israel, told a meeting of the governing body of the Jewish Yishuv in 1919 "But not everybody sees that there is no solution to this question...We as a nation, want this country to be ours, the Arabs as a nation, want this country to be theirs."

When referring to "we as a nation" clearly he was referring to the Jews universally as Israel wasn't declared a state until 1948.
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Feb 08, 2009
To those who wondered why Palestinians have been resisting and firing rockets, here is your answer:
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Feb 08, 2009
Humbleman wrote:To those who wondered why Palestinians have been resisting and firing rockets, here is your answer:

Very interesting and enlightening. There was never any secret as to who controlled the news media in the US. And it seems that Israel is no longer a guest at the White House; Bush made them a resident.
Bora Bora
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Feb 16, 2009
Israel has just taken control of a large chunk of land near a prominent West Bank settlement, paving the way for the construction of 2,500 settlement homes.

Has it been reported in the mainstream Media? Of course not, but when Hamas intervened in the aids distribution within Gaza it was a major news story within a minute in almost every news channels – what a double standard

Wondered if Israel is interested in peace at all?
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Feb 17, 2009
Humbleman wrote:Wondered if Israel is interested in peace at all?

peace ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

israel will f*** the whole arab world and impotent arab world will just watch as they get ..................
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Feb 17, 2009
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Feb 17, 2009
I sometime when I go to bed think about the misery and intolerable suffering and deprivation that the Palestinians people have been through, and can’t help it but to wonder and ask myself this:

What would happen if the Palestinians people throughout the world unite as one, and then the Palestinians who live in Palestine take the responsibility to organize:

1: A sense of unity and determination within every Palestinians and responsibility to
take part of long haul demonstrations
2: Invite international journalists and TVs to cover their demonstrations
3: Set up live Internet channels to cover their demonstrations
4: Ask and ignite sense of duties amongst every Palestinians to take to the streets and
march toward the occupied territories regardless of how ruthless those Israeli’s
scumbag soldiers are, and never leave, stay there for as long as it takes until a
lasting solution has been established.
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Feb 17, 2009
it's almost impossible. israel and us were successful dividing palestine into 2 main factions and make them fight funding and providing arms to the faction they are interested in. people in palestine just go with the tide without much thoughts and without looking back.

in short, israel and us are just creating excuses themselves to kill palestinians and seize their lands. mindless palestinians help them to achieve their goals. innocent women and children get killed brutally, which is really painful to see.
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Feb 17, 2009
Humbleman wrote:I sometime when I go to bed think about the misery and intolerable suffering and deprivation that the Palestinians people have been through, and can’t help it but to wonder and ask myself this:

What would happen if the Palestinians people throughout the world unite as one, and then the Palestinians who live in Palestine take the responsibility to organize:

1: A sense of unity and determination within every Palestinians and responsibility to
take part of long haul demonstrations
2: Invite international journalists and TVs to cover their demonstrations
3: Set up live Internet channels to cover their demonstrations
4: Ask and ignite sense of duties amongst every Palestinians to take to the streets and
march toward the occupied territories regardless of how ruthless those Israeli’s
scumbag soldiers are, and never leave, stay there for as long as it takes until a
lasting solution has been established.

Arabs living inside Israel are scared to death that they will ever have to live in an Arab Palestine ruled by Hamas, they rather live in the Jewish state...
Flying Dutchman
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Feb 17, 2009
Flying Dutchman wrote:Arabs living inside Israel are scared to death that they will ever have to live in an Arab Palestine ruled by Hamas, they rather live in the Jewish state...

wow! that's a news for me. can u back it with proof ?!
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Feb 18, 2009
Flying Dutchman wrote:
Humbleman wrote:I sometime when I go to bed think about the misery and intolerable suffering and deprivation that the Palestinians people have been through, and can’t help it but to wonder and ask myself this:

What would happen if the Palestinians people throughout the world unite as one, and then the Palestinians who live in Palestine take the responsibility to organize:

1: A sense of unity and determination within every Palestinians and responsibility to
take part of long haul demonstrations
2: Invite international journalists and TVs to cover their demonstrations
3: Set up live Internet channels to cover their demonstrations
4: Ask and ignite sense of duties amongst every Palestinians to take to the streets and
march toward the occupied territories regardless of how ruthless those Israeli’s
scumbag soldiers are, and never leave, stay there for as long as it takes until a
lasting solution has been established.

Arabs living inside Israel are scared to death that they will ever have to live in an Arab Palestine ruled by Hamas, they rather live in the Jewish state...

That’s just load of lies.

They live there because they’ve refused to leave their houses and ancestors’ houses to the Jewish settlers. They have had two choices:

1: To leave and abandon their heritage and their houses and livelihoods and be
occupied by the rat-bag Jewish settlers. OR
2: leave their houses and go to Gaza and exile and write-off their right of return.

To your knowledge large number of Palestinians have fled and forced to exile, and left their houses which are now being occupied by those unscrupulous Jewish settlers. Not to mention, large number of them forced to flee to Gaza, and that’s why Gaza is the most populated city in the world.

If you were a Palestinian from the occupied territories and live in a miserable condition in Jordan or Syria, you can’t go back because Israel has decided that every Palestinians from occupied territories has no right to return, no right to even visit their ancestors’ graves or see their families’ houses. That’s how brutal and savage the Israeli government is, they have been working to destroy the Palestinians people. This is just one of thousands of the injustices that the Palestinians people are facing every single day.

I wonder what the Palestinians have done to the Jewish to deserve their callous persecutions, depravations and killings. They weren’t involve in the so called “Holocaust” in any way

Last note:
Did you know that, Iranian Jewish are happy to live in Iran rather than Israel. Despite the fact that, Israel has been trying so hard and been offering a large financial incentive to any Jewish person (only Jew) in the world to relocate and live in Israel. So they can expand their settlements on the occupied territories and at the expense of Palestinians farmers. Iranian Jewish emphatically said no.
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Feb 18, 2009
very true humbleman.

those who are fed load of lies by controlled media repeat the same here.
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Feb 19, 2009
European Parliament lawmakers have again appealed to Israel to lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip to let in more humanitarian aid.

Their pleas fell in deaf ears, instead of doing so, they’ve continued their brutal blockade and air strikes on Gaza, and just yesterday they’ve hit few locations in Gaza.

How anyone could blame the Palestinians and the people in Gaza when they react and vent their anger against such tortures and injustices. How many times we’ve heard this news outline from some TV news channels, “Oh my God wow, Hamas fired homemade rockets into the occupied territories – Israel has the right to defend itself”. Retarded, do you have a half brain and therefore intellectually paralyze to analyze the situation properly, and see what has led to such desperate measure. Palestinians people have been under Israel’s occupation, blockades and bombardments constantly. Not to mention, every Palestinians family have lost their either loved one: son, daughter, father, brother, sister, siblings at the hands of the Israeli government and Israeli army.

What is the difference between Hitler and Israeli government? To be honest I see none at all. And here is why:

1: Hitler spread false propagandas about how evil and dangerous the Jews were to German and Europe, so does the Israel government about the Palestinians, they has been spreading false propaganda about the Palestinians and portraying them as, terrorists, belligerents, anti-peace, anti democracy, threat to the world security and so on

2: Hitler used concentration camps, so does the Israel government. They’ve been surrounding Gaza from the air, sea and land to make sure little food if any get through to them, in other words, they want to kill them and torture them slowly and in way that the world wouldn’t take notice of. Unlike Hitler, he killed his victim swiftly and overtly.

3: Israel has large number of Palestinians people in prison inside Israel because they fought against their occupation, but when Israel soldiers commit crime against humanity Israel government offers them immunity against any international justice court.

When the world will ever has the courage to step in and serve justice to those Palestinians people? :roll: :roll: :roll: :(
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Feb 19, 2009
gafoorgk wrote:those who are fed load of lies by controlled media repeat the same here.

Always such a sad argument: "I know the truth and everybody who disagrees with me is a victim of Zionist propaganda". Makes me laugh really...also makes me realize Israel is doing the right thing, with all those anti-semites (while saying they come here with love and peace) around.
Flying Dutchman
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Feb 19, 2009
Flying Dutchman wrote:
gafoorgk wrote:those who are fed load of lies by controlled media repeat the same here.

Always such a sad argument: "I know the truth and everybody who disagrees with me is a victim of Zionist propaganda". Makes me laugh really...also makes me realize Israel is doing the right thing, with all those anti-semites (while saying they come here with love and peace) around.

great that it makes u laugh at least.
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