Hamas Bombs Again

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Feb 20, 2009
Sorry, why can't Palestinians unite?

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 22, 2009
Kanelli, my dear, you are absolutely right, those idiot Palestinians leaders have to rise above their differences and unite as one.

Just a quick note, the main cause of the division is this,

Hamas won the January 2006 election fair and square. On the eve of its victory, it had already observed a one-year unilateral truce with Israel. According to the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem, Israel killed almost 700 Palestinians in 2006, of whom half were unarmed civilians, and 141 were children. By contrast, Palestinians killed 23 Israelis.

Despite Hamas’s democratic victory, the European Union and the United States have shunned and discredited its legitimacy, and worked tirelessly to undermine its ability to govern by given funds and full support to the unelected Mahmoud Abbas's so-called "emergency government" who’s the leader of the Fatah party.

These short-sighted policies have paved and created a split among Palestinians parties, and give Israel a free hand to continue its violent colonization of illegally occupied lands.

However, the Palestinians leaders should know better. Palestinians people are sick and tired of Hamas and Fatah. They’ve elected Fatah party numerous times, but Fatah has done nothing good for them, so they resorted to Hamas in the hope that they’d change the status quo, but to their misery, the powerful governments decided not to accept their democratically elected government.

I wonder whether the European Union and the United States will do the same boycott with the Israeli’s right-wing party who has just won the Israeli’s election. Its stance has been anti-peace, anti-Palestinians, anti two state-solutions, and yes to settlements expansion. :?: :?: :?:
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Feb 22, 2009
“A Palestinian woman Wafa'a Bakri speaks about her suffering in an Israeli prison.
Could you describe the conditions of the detainees in Israeli prisons?
It's very bad. Female detainees are deprived of seeing their families. The prison cells are two floors beneath the ground which makes the atmosphere extremely humid. Also, during cold winter nights, there are not enough blankets to go around.
Prisoners are often denied medicine and treatment for their illnesses. My prison mate had demanded nine times for medical treatment with no avail. She is very sick.
How did you end up in prison?
The Israelis have not brought charges against me. At first they held me for 15 days and then turned me over to the administrative jail where I was questioned. They found nothing, but yet I spend the next four and a half months behind bars. I am politically active. Perhaps that was my crime.
Did you receive help from the Red Cross?
The Red Cross provides signficant assistance, although I believe it does not do all that it can sometimes.
For example, I asked them to help me when I was sick. I asked them to speak to the Israelis about my condition. I waited for 10 days before I got a reply. Often workers and lawyers come to the prisons, but rarely visit the cells. They are not allowed because Israel thinks its a violation of security. It helps these girls sometimes to know that someone is asking about them. To feel communication with the outside world. My two eldest children, who are in university, were not allowed to visit me, while my youngest two were allowed. My parents who live in Jordan were also barred from visiting me, as well as my husband who was previously detained by Israel.
Describe your most difficult experience during the length of your stay?
One girl that was there was barely 16 years old. I tried to comfort her, but she really needed the love of her mother. I don't understand why these little girls are here. I ask Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate the release of these little girls. A mother also had her 10-month-old son with her. He had fever and the Israelis refused to treat him. I still remember the sound of her desperate cries. “

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