Hackers Vs Christian Extremists

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Hackers vs Christian Extremists Feb 22, 2011
Hacker group is targetting an infamous American Christian Extremist church group - and the extremists have said 'bring it on'.

This should be interesting to watch. I think Bob Spencer and Pam Geller will also be watching this closely - in case the Hackers turn their attention to their hate-filled web sites too! :shock:

Westboro Baptist Church targeted by Anonymous

Hacker group Anonymous appears to have singled out its next target - the controvesial anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in the US.

An open letter, purporting to be from Anonymous, accused the church of bigotry and fanaticism.

It warned that Westboro's websites would be attacked if the congregation did not stop its public protests.

In a defiant response, the church said it would not be silenced, and urged Anonymous to "bring it".

Westboro Baptist Church has been widely condemned for its aggressive anti-gay campaigning.

A number of US states have passed legislation, banning Westboro's members from protesting close to military funerals.

The church's leader, pastor Fred Phelps, was banned from entering the UK by the Home Office in 2009.

Activist hackers

Anonymous is known for its "hacktivism", targeting individuals, companies and governments whose behavior it objects to.

The group recently crashed a number of Egyptian government websites, in support of the country's pro-democracy protests.

It also attacked several online companies that it believed had helped clamp down on Wikileaks' activity, including Paypal and Amazon.

Pastor Fred Phelps was banned from travelling to the UK in 2009. Laying out its case against Westboro Baptist Church, the letter said: "We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion".

Despite being posted on an Anonymous news site, there was some uncertainty surrounding the provenance of the letter.

Further messages on the same website questioned its authenticity.

The confusion is understandable, according to Graham Cluley from security firm Sophos.

"Anonymous is a headless organisation," he said.

Mr Cluley warned that its followers could potentially be led into mounting a major hack under false pretenses.

"There are dangers in future that someone may pose as Anonymous and say that they want an attack".

The Westboro Baptist Church issued a statement, branding Anonymous "a puddle of pimple-faced nerds".

It called the threat a "bad miscalculation", and appeared to goad Anonymous to action, with the phrase "bring it!".

The church's website, godhatesfags.com was unavailable.


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Re: Hackers vs Christian Extremists Feb 22, 2011
People resort to terrorism when they feel threatened by free speech.

Nothing new, Muslims have attempted, numerous times, to assassinate and truck bomb cartoonists and their publishers in Europe over the Mo-toon fiasco.

Though this is several orders of magnitude less severe (if even comparable at all, since no violence is involved), the end goal is the same, to railroad contested beliefs or speech.
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Re: Hackers Vs Christian Extremists Feb 22, 2011
l0ng l1v3 7h3 r3v0lu710n !!!!
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