Guru Bob: Damage Control

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Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Guru Bob (Robert Spencer) of the hate-site 'Jihad Watch' is in a tail-spin. As we've seen with his disciple here, young eh, he has a problem. The Norwegian Terrorist Breivik is a right-wing nut who shares their political views and has apparently targetted 'leftists' who are regularly denounced by Guru Bob and his disciples as 'jihad-enablers' and those in favour of multi-culturalism.

Here's Guru Bob's conspiracy theory of a Leftist/Jihadist connection:

But in the end, as this article points out:

When you preach bigotry and fear on a daily basis, don’t be surprised when one of your followers takes the next logical step.
This certainly seems to be right-wing anti-Muslim terrorism inspired by the king of Islamophobia himself, Robert Spencer.

Robert Spencer in Damage Control After Terror Attack in Norway
Posted on 24 July 2011 by Rousseau

Spencer is working hard to disassociate himself from one of his fans

The anti-Muslim loons of the world are in a major bind right now. Their intolerant anti-Muslim attitude and constant fear-mongering is responsible for the horrible terrorist attack that occurred in Norway at the hands of self-professed Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller supporter Anders Behring Breivik. Recent reports suggest that Breivik was inspired by the writings of anti-Muslim bigots like Spencer and Geller, as well as others in the anti-Muslim circle such as Bat Ye’or and Fjordman.

Spencer himself has come out and attempted to dismiss the connection between Breivik’s violence and his own anti-Muslim bigotry, saying “no one has explained or can explain how this guy’s supposed anti-jihad views have anything to do with his murdering children.” A fair question in light of the tragic violence that Breivik was responsible for. Did the anti-Muslim hatred inspire the violence in Oslo?
Spencer lays out his version of the logic this way, saying:

1. Freedom fighters preach free speech, freedom of conscience and equality of rights for all people, against Sharia and Islamic supremacism that denies those rights, advocating only legal means of protest and dissent.
2. Some nutcase who allegedly expressed allegiance with the freedom fighters kills people, none of whom are preaching Sharia or Islamic supremacism.
3. Media assumes that #1 caused #2 and blames freedom fighters.

The obvious problem with Spencer’s logic is that it does not include his and other anti-Muslim loons’ consistent denunciations of “leftists” as jihad-enablers. This is a key tenant of the so-called anti-jihadist movement. They hate the left, or more specifically, anyone who treats Muslims with a smidgen of fairness and tolerance. Spencer and Geller consistently and constantly portray the left as those who would sell out the West to the scary Mooslems. Spencer’s hate site Jihad Watch is filled with posts denouncing the “Leftist/Jihadist alliance,” warning his readers of how the left will happily allow the Mooslem hordes to overthrow the West and “dhimmify” its population.

Breivik adopted this view of the left. Paul Woodward notes that Breivik argued “that cultural conservatives should not identify their main opponents as Jihadists, but instead should focus their attention on those he regards as the ‘facilitators’ of Jihadists, namely, the proponents of multiculturalism.” It was these liberals and “multi-culturalists” that were the target of his rampage.

Therefore, a more logical set-up would be as follows:
1. Anti-Muslim bigots vilify Muslims as a threat to Western culture and civilization, and argue that the left is most responsible for allowing Muslims to undermine Western civilization. In fact, the left is more the enemy than the anti-jihadists themselves!
2. A right-wing self-proclaimed anti-jihadist chooses the capital of a famously liberal, leftist, and socialist country as the target for his attack.
3. Media is perfectly justified in establishing a link between #1 and #2.

When you preach bigotry and fear on a daily basis, don’t be surprised when one of your followers takes the next logical step. But Robert Spencer has a reason to feign surprise and indignation over what his hatred has incited, as the link between his hate-writing and this act of terrorism becomes clear: Richard Silverstein notes that the right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik cited Robert Spencer 46 times in his manifesto. He was clearly quite the fan. This certainly seems to be right-wing anti-Muslim terrorism inspired by the king of Islamophobia himself, Robert Spencer. ... in-norway/


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Interesting 'rebuttal'. Strange that it didn't appear to address Spencer's first scenario:

Scenario #1:

1. Islamic preachers and texts preach violence and hate.
2. Islamic jihadists kill people.
3. Media and Islamic spokesmen say that only Islamophobes think #1 is even happening, or if it is, that it has anything to do with #2.

So the person reporting on those who carry out acts of violence (where these terrorists openly cite the Koran and hadith) is blamed for acts of violence.

Did you get that?

But I can't disagree with what Spencer is observing, if wingnuts want to blame him for acts of violence for his reporting on acts of violence, then shouldn't the Koran be blamed for Muslims who believe they are carrying out its instructions?

It's also interesting that the terrorist cites Spencer 46 times in his 1500 page manifesto. So, how many times did OBL in 1996 quote the Koran or a saying of prophet Muhammad in his 4 page declaration of war against the United States, her allies and world Jewry?

I couldn't resist:

1) They believe that taking part in fighting will not bring their day nearer; and staying behind will not postpone their day either. Exalted be to Allah who said: {And a soul will not die but with the permission of Allah, the term is fixed} (Aal Imraan; 3:145)

2) (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him): "O boy, I teach a few words; guard (guard the cause of, keep the commandments of) Allah, then He guards you, guard (the cause of ) Allah, then He will be with you; if you ask (for your need) ask Allah, if you seek assistance, seek Allah's; and know definitely that if the Whole World gathered to (bestow) profit on you they will not profit you except with what was determined for you by Allah, and if they gathered to harm you they will not harm you except with what has been determined for you by Allah; Pen lifted, papers dried, it is fixed nothing in these truths can be changed"

3) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish. He will guide them and improve their condition. and cause them to enter the garden -paradise- which He has made known to them}. (Muhammad; 47:4-6)

4) and do not speak of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead; nay -they are- alive, but you do not perceive} (Bagarah; 2:154)

5) His messenger (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him) said: "for those who strive in His cause Allah prepared hundred degrees (levels) in paradise; in-between two degrees as the in-between heaven and earth". Saheeh Al-Jame' As-Sagheer.

6) also said: "the best of the martyrs are those who do NOT turn their faces away from the battle till they are killed. They are in the high level of Jannah (paradise). Their Lord laughs to them ( in pleasure) and when your Lord laughs to a slave of His, He will not hold him to an account"

7) And : "a martyr will not feel the pain of death except like how you feel when you are pinched".

8) He also said : "a martyr privileges are guaranteed by Allah; forgiveness with the first gush of his blood, he will be shown his seat in paradise, he will be decorated with the jewels of belief (Imaan), married off to the beautiful ones, protected from the test in the grave, assured security in the day of judgement, crowned with the crown of dignity, a ruby of which is better than this whole world (Duniah) and its' entire content, wedded to seventy two of the pure Houries (beautiful ones of Paradise) and his intercession on the behalf of seventy of his relatives will be accepted"

9) fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the heart of a believing people} (At-Taubah; 9:14

10) the words of the prophet (ALLAH'S BLESSING AND SALUTATIONS ON HIM): "I swear by Him, who has my soul in His hand, that no man get killed fighting them today, patiently attacking and not retreating ,surely Allah will let him into paradise"

11) And his (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him) saying to them: "get up to a paradise as wide as heaven and earth".

12) {so when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks........} (Muhammad; 47:19).

13) {so when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters where ever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush} (At-Tauba; 9:5)

14) "are you putting your sword aside? by Allah the angels haven't dropped their arms yet; march with your companions to Bani Quraydah, I am (going) ahead of you to throw fears in their hearts and to shake their fortresses on them."

15) { and if they ask your support, because they are oppressed in their faith, then support them!} (Anfaal; 8:72)
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Guru Bob's disciple tries a bit of smoke and mirrors. :roll:

What has your post got to do with the right-wing Norwegian terrorist who shares your and Guru Bob's views?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
I can't disagree with Spencer's point; if he is to blame for reporting acts of violence, then surely the Koran is to blame for the acts of violence it inspires Muslims to carry out.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Of course the young disciple won't disagree with the Guru. That's what makes this damage control so much the funnier.


Christian Fundamentalist Terrorist kills many, loons revert to attacks on Islam. :roll:

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Am I the only person here that finds Shafique spamming this forum, revelling in the fact that nearly 100 families have been devastated by murders carried out by a white man, obsene?

Has Shafique no shame?
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
This thread is about Guru Bob's damage control, not the underlying Terrorist act - which you will note that I was among the first to express sympathy for the victims. Your friends chose to launch attacks against Muslims instead - they are the ones who should be ashamed for jumping to conclusions. THAT was obscene.

Guru Bob and young eh are just desperate and funny. (Not that you'd know, as I guess you haven't actuall read the fist post above)

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
shafique wrote:This thread is about Guru Bob's damage control, not the underlying Terrorist act - which you will note that I was among the first to express sympathy for the victims. Your friends chose to launch attacks against Muslims instead - they are the ones who should be ashamed for jumping to conclusions. THAT was obscene.

Guru Bob and young eh are just desperate and funny. (Not that you'd know, as I guess you haven't actuall read the fist post above)


You are damn right I haven't read it because I find it all distasteful. I wasn't around DF in 2001, did people spam the forum with tales of the 9/11 bombers? I would have found that obsene too.

You are obviously taking great delight in the murder of those unfortunate people at the hands of a white man.
Why else would you constantly repeat it?
And to think I was banned for having an Israeli flag as my avator! At least I wasn't creasing my sides at anyones death!
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
I'm surprised that you're taking exception at a thread where you haven't read the OP.

What a strange woman.

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
shafique wrote:I'm surprised that you're taking exception at a thread where you haven't read the OP.

What a strange woman.


Listen sunshine, it's not me that's strange. I'm not banging on about the deaths of 100 young people at the hands of a blonde white man.
Take a look in the mirror, why don't you?
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
^How do you know what I'm 'banging on about' if you're not reading my posts? :roll:

Let me say this s l o w l y - this thread is about Guru Bob and his damage control. If you don't have anything to say about the subject luv, I suggest you save yourself some grief and stop clicking on the link, not reading the posts and commenting about nothing in particular.

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
As long as you keep repeating yourself, then so will I. I'll say this S L O W L Y should I? I didn't say I wasn't reading your posts, I said I didn't read the OP.

To revel in the deaths of 100 young people is plainly disgusting, how ever you flower it up. Stop trying to blame others for your posts, you gutless wonder.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Sigh. Can you please try and keep me out of your fantasies about Mooslims revelling in the Terrorist act carried out by Brievik.

This thread is about Guru Bob. If you have anything to say on the subject, let's hear it. Otherwise pick a thread where your fantasies/comments are relevant.

Have a go at herve for bringing in the Irish into the topic, for example. :roll:

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
You total tosser. Who mentioned Muslims? I'm talking about YOU! I don't care what you are and which rock you crawled out from under. Stop changing my words. There is no mention of Muslims in my post.

-- Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:20 pm --

And I'll comment where ever I wish, and I wish to comment on you revelling in the death of nearly 100 people in an attack carried out by a white man.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
I find your fantasy that I'm revelling in the deaths at the hands of the Terrorist most disturbing. Why are you filled with so much hatred that you imagine things that aren't written?

You have admited to being a racist, do you really think others have the same prejudices as you?

This thread is about Guru Bob - please try and avoid making it into something it is not.

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
shafique wrote:^How do you know what I'm 'banging on about' if you're not reading my posts? :roll:

Let me say this s l o w l y - this thread is about Guru Bob and his damage control. If you don't have anything to say about the subject luv, I suggest you save yourself some grief and stop clicking on the link, not reading the posts and commenting about nothing in particular.


Some good advice, similar to what windbags been telling others. Take it.

The old bag is pretty good at dramatics though. All of a sudden the phobe brigade become overtly sensitive and touchy when its one of their own, rest of the time its fair game to push you're propaganda over the sad plight of others.

Try harder next time, then maybe some might believe that the crocodile tears you shed might be real, until then stop you're melodramatics.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
shafique wrote:I find your fantasy that I'm revelling in the deaths at the hands of the Terrorist most disturbing. Why are you filled with so much hatred that you imagine things that aren't written?

You have admited to being a racist, do you really think others have the same prejudices as you?

This thread is about Guru Bob - please try and avoid making it into something it is not.


I'm not filled with hatred of anyone. It isn't me who's revelling in the deaths of anyone.
Stop trying to divert attention by calling me a racist. Are you finding it uncomfortable dealing with my respones to your posts?
This thread is about your obvious joy at their being a terrorist attack by a blonde white man.

-- Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:36 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:Some good advice, similar to what windbags been telling others. Take it.

The old bag is pretty good at dramatics though. All of a sudden the phobe brigade become overtly sensitive and touchy when its one of their own, rest of the time its fair game to push you're propaganda over the sad plight of others.

Try harder next time, then maybe some might believe that the crocodile tears you shed might be real, until then stop you're melodramatics.

I think Shafique could do with some back up, even if it is from DF's twat in a hat.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
More fantasies and melodramatics. If you haven't read the OP, at least read the thread title.

Now, do you have anything to say about the topic, or are you just going to continue spamming?

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Did you call for reinforcements via PM?
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
More fantasies? :roll:

(no - why would I need any help in pointing out you're spamming?)

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
shafique wrote:More fantasies? :roll:

(no - why would I need any help in pointing out you're spamming?)


I'm particular who I fantasise about and believe me, it ain't you are your little friend.
If you can spam, so can I.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:All of a sudden the phobe brigade become overtly sensitive and touchy when its one of their own, rest of the time its fair game to push you're propaganda over the sad plight of others.

If you can tell me one name responsible for the Itamar slaughter without googling I'll give some credence to your remark. Notice, that not one time the hair colour was mentioned on DF and nobody opened multiple threads about it.

Baruch Goldstein and Breivik, everybody knows their name.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Why is FD spamming this thread too? Did BM PM FD, WTF? :D

Guru Bob and his damage control has brought out the usual suspects.

And it is a bit rich blaming me for starting threads about terrorist attack. It was young eh that started the first thread about this terrorist attack, and funny herve etc replied to that - showing no sympathy for the victims and railing about Mooslims etc. :roll:

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Forums, blogs, news sites and networks around the world are discussing this as its the "top story" I think there is hardly anyplace in the media or the web where you will not run into it. Why should DF be any different ?

And FD I'm not even going get drawn into your what about-ery here. I've already laid down my hat to you in that regards as you are the king and it would be futile for me to escape that web of what aboutery once its spun by you. So I'm not even going to attempt it.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:And FD I'm not even going get drawn into your what about-ery here. I've already laid down my hat to you in that regards as you are the king and it would be futile for me to escape that web of what aboutery once its spun by you. So I'm not even going to attempt it.

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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Forums, blogs, news sites and networks around the world are discussing this as its the "top story" I think there is hardly anyplace in the media or the web where you will not run into it. Why should DF be any different ?

And FD I'm not even going get drawn into your what about-ery here. I've already laid down my hat to you in that regards as you are the king and it would be futile for me to escape that web of what aboutery once its spun by you. So I'm not even going to attempt it.

There's talking and revelling. Shafique is ecstatic. I can see now how he get's his kicks. Horrible little man.

-- Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:31 pm --

shafique wrote:Why is FD spamming this thread too? Did BM PM FD, WTF? :D


I can say for sure I've never pm'd FD in my life. I wonder if you can say the same about that twat in a hat?
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
shafique wrote:Of course the young disciple won't disagree with the Guru. That's what makes this damage control so much the funnier.


Christian Fundamentalist Terrorist kills many, loons revert to attacks on Islam. :roll:


I think my point is based on something called logic.

If Spencer can be blamed for the attacks, then why can't the Koran be blamed by Muslims who cite its texts as cause for their violent actions?
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 25, 2011
Chalk one more up for weasly excuses.
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Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control Jul 26, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Chalk one more up for weasly excuses.

Spoken by a weasel. (do they have weasels in Pakiland?)
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