Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symbols!

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Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symbols! Oct 03, 2010
I don't know if the designer had that in mind or not. Look at the photos of the proposed mosque structure in the following Daily Mail article.

What do you think?? ... entre.html

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Tom Jones
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
Its just Islamic art, which is basically mostly geometric. But hey its suppose to be a multi center so why not.




But to be really honest I don't see the star of david ? Making I'm not looking hard enough.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
They're right you know - if you squint, stand on one leg and tilt your head slightly to the left and stare intently, you can see a 3D representation of the Israeli flag... or perhaps I just need my first cup of coffee??! :)

DD - is the Iranian dome the original mosque or the Ibn Battuta copy with Starbucks and Heddiard sitting just out of shot? ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
The bottom picture clearly represents the star of david and is not a shape used in Islamic art, of which I am quite fond of believe it or not.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:The bottom picture clearly represents the star of david and is not a shape used in Islamic art, of which I am quite fond of believe it or not.

Do you think it was put there intentionally??? And Why???

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Tom Jones
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
Its hard to miss. Even if the architect didnt do it on purpose s/he surely would have noticed when the drawings were finished. Can go either way. It can be seen as a gesture of goodwill, or as a provocation. Considering the sensitivty of it all, there should have been a clear explanation imo. Now, people are not inclined to give the benefit of the doubt, including me. On the other hand, it can also be pay back time for the cross on burj al arab. Although the timing is extremely bad.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
Perhaps I'm just being thick - but where abouts is the obvious Star of David - I see a lot of partial ones (squashed ones etc).

This resembles a Star of David

And the Seal of Solomon (i.e. Star of David) is used explicitly in historical mosques around the world - eg this one from Egypt:

But that said, the controversy (justified/manufactured or not) should have been avoided. However, remember the old saying 'never attribute to conspiracy that which can be adequately explained by ' up'!' ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
Its not just one star of david. The building is full of them. I havent noticed before, but the building seems to be in the shape of two buildings coming together. The designer should have used more common sense!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
The designer should have used more common sense!

Not necessarily..
According to this web site
islamic art too has its developing periods like early, medieval and later periods..
Its quite likely that during the early period it was influenced by jewish, christian and other arts and their effect.... Since the mosque(cultural centre) is bing built in a multi cultural/religious city, it could be that they especially chose a particular art period to be most accomadating/encompassing all citizens regardless of their background.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 04, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:I havent noticed before, but the building seems to be in the shape of two buildings coming together.

I'm sure it was made on purpose. Dance on bones is exactly what that mosque was ab origin.
Red Chief
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
RC - wow, I thought the Mooslims had hidden their 'real intentions' really well. But don't tell them about the plans to drink the blood of children! :shock:

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
Sir Shafique, you can feel that I am absolutely neutral to any religion (although "24/7" is a little bit irritating), but I don't like disrespect especialy to deads regardless of whwther it happens with Ground Zero in NYC or with shifting Bronze Soldier from centre to remoted suburb of Tallinn in Estonia, which ignited DoS attack on government servers, which so made FD blood boil.

I agree with FD that the architect should have avoided any allusion on that sensitive matter. You can rant infinite time but the attack on twin-towers was made by Islamists.
Red Chief
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
You're free to object to the cultural centre that is a few blocks away from ground zero - I was just surprised that you stated the objective was to 'Dance on the bones'. (Perhaps you were confusing Park 51 with the strip joint that is as close to Ground Zero - now there they are indeed dancing!?)

But, having respect for the dead is a good thing - and I too would object if that was indeed the objective. To my knowledge, no one involved with the cultural centre was involved in 9/11. If you know differently, let me know.

On the subject of respecting the dead: ... -cemetery/

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
Shafique, one more time I don't bash Muzlim religion here but express my view on the owner of the land and the architect who in my view followed the will of the owner no more no less.
Red Chief
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
Well, I presume you clicked on the link and read what the main developer said:

'We want to have a marriage between Islamic architecture and New York City. We want to do something that is green and cool,' El Gamal said.

Both the centre's programming and business plan were modeled largely after the Jewish Community Centre in Manhattan, a popular facility on the Upper West Side where El-Gamal is a member.

El Gamal said he hoped the prayer space would serve a congregation of around 2,000 people, most of whom would probably be Muslims who work downtown. Around 500 to 600 worshippers are already attending services at the site, a former discount clothing store.

I couldn't see where 'dancing on bones' is given as a motive. You didn't read this on 'Jihadwatch' by any chance? :)

Do you think a strip joint is less disrespectful than a cultural centre? They are dancing there, after all.

(But then again, perhaps you are correct and the intention was to 'dance on bones' - this would indeed be shocking and I would immediately join you in opposing this. There's just a small matter of discovering what this 'belief' is based on.)

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
Shafique, I'm sorry but I don't read Jihadwatch, Loonwatch and don't watch Fox News and CNN. I have enough water in my tap but life is so short. I'd better use that time for fitness. Girls like a muscle body. 8) 8) 8)
Red Chief
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
Be careful RC, our resident young loon likes posting photos of bare chested American men and has fantasies about Aghan boys! Talk of your muscular body at your own peril! :lol: :mrgreen:

But good to hear that you aren't a reader of those comedy sites (loonwatch is intentionally funny, I'm not sure the rest are though).

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
shafique wrote:Be careful RC, our resident young loon likes posting photos of bare chested American men and has fantasies about Aghan boys! Talk of your muscular body at your own peril! :lol: :mrgreen:

He-he Shafique, I don't know what I care less the things around me or opinion of people (especialy guys) around me.
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Red Chief
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
A strip club disrespectful? Nothing wrong with people worshipping me! :D
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 05, 2010
:lol: :lol:
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 09, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:I don't know if the designer had that in mind or not. Look at the photos of the proposed mosque structure in the following Daily Mail article.

What do you think?? ... entre.html

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the Israeli pulled the 9/11 ,,,the facts and the proof.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque to Be Covered With Star of David Symb Oct 09, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:A strip club disrespectful? Nothing wrong with people worshipping me! :D

You're not alone:
A new survey from the Democratic-affiliated firm Public Policy Polling finds that more Republicans support constructing a strip club than a mosque near Ground Zero. ... 56259.html


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque To Be Covered With Star Of David Symb Oct 09, 2010
I would support the construction of a Memorial
for the people who died there with the name of
each victim jewish name would appear.
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