Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic

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Grooming in the UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
From a year ago, we find this article about a scheme to tackle s.ex grooming:

80% of Operation Engage offenders white

OPERATION Engage was set up by police in 2006 after the problem of predominantly-Asian gangs preying on vulnerable white girls.

But since 2008 Engage has grown to investigate, and protect, those vulnerable to all kinds of s.ex grooming.

This is borne out by the fact that as many as 80per cent of all offenders dealt with under Engage are now white.

Last year it was revealed that 385 local young women had been offered protection under the scheme in two years, while 63 charges against suspected offenders had been secured.

Engage is now a respected nationwide authority on child sexual exploitation and operates a group approach, which includes Blackburn with Darwen Council social workers, police officers, the NHS and charities Lifeline, Barnardo’s and the Coalition for the Removal of Pimping.

Engage uses its members’ expertise to track down offenders who groom children for s.ex, while offering support and protection to young victims, and their families. ... ers_white/

It is also worth repeating that the favourite troll statistic that the 50 convictions out of 53 for grooming were Asian Brits is not a national figure, but only from the North of England, and also was over a period of 15 years. When examining the evidence, as seen above, we can clearly distinguish hype from reality.

In two years the article states that charges were brought against 63 offenders in the area in question (so not nationally) - and 80% of these were white. 80% of 63 is 50. In two years (not 15), in one part of the country.

Facts vs hype. Facts win every time.


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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
Thanks for posting!
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
Let it go !
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
It is good, it shows stereotypes vs reality.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
We all know that from th emany previous discussions we have had on this subject here and ofcourse majority know how the sin binners like to twist and bend reality to fit inot their own bias, so no one really gives a hoot what they have to say in such matters.

I was just saying not flare it up, giving the trolls fodder once again.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
Nucleus wrote:It is good, it shows stereotypes vs reality.

What is your reality Nuts?

So you agree five year olds are acceptable?

--- Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:21 pm ---

desertdudeshj wrote:We all know that from th emany previous discussions we have had on this subject here and ofcourse majority know how the sin binners like to twist and bend reality to fit inot their own bias, so no one really gives a hoot what they have to say in such matters.

I was just saying not flare it up, giving the trolls fodder once again.

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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
desertdudeshj wrote:I was just saying not flare it up, giving the trolls fodder once again.

I don't think so - the trolls can't handle facts and statistics. I predict we'll only read silly remarks and perhaps some lame attempts at insults - and there will be absolutely no need to respond to those.

Trolls are in a tail spin and aliases are speaking to themselves. Very funny to observe.. but they'll troll themselves out quite quickly.

The number of grooming cases highlighted in the OP is quite concerning. The skin colour of the perpetrators is incidental - but for those who are obsessed with this, 80% were white.


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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 11, 2012
shafique wrote:but for those who are obsessed with this, 80% were white.
It makes sense, it is correlated to the proportion in population. Just shows race has nothing to do with it.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
Nucleus wrote:
shafique wrote:but for those who are obsessed with this, 80% were white.
It makes sense, it is correlated to the proportion in population. Just shows race has nothing to do with it.

Lol. Lmfao. Heading towards 2000 posts at warp factor 5.

It is correlated? Absolute troll trash once more. Give the real forumers a break please.

Post some common sense statements Miss Nuts.

--- Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:06 am ---

shafique wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I was just saying not flare it up, giving the trolls fodder once again.

I don't think so - the trolls can't handle facts and statistics. I predict we'll only read silly remarks and perhaps some lame attempts at insults - and there will be absolutely no need to respond to those.

Trolls are in a tail spin and aliases are speaking to themselves. Very funny to observe.. but they'll troll themselves out quite quickly.

The number of grooming cases highlighted in the OP is quite concerning. The skin colour of the perpetrators is incidental - but for those who are obsessed with this, 80% were white.



A tail spin lol. Lol. Lol. Dunce and Nuts look to be still trolling along very welll so I don't think their tails are spinning Miss Chuff.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
Nucleus wrote:It makes sense, it is correlated to the proportion in population. Just shows race has nothing to do with it.

You can only support a troll until it makes you look as foolish as him.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
Rumplestiliskin wrote:
Nucleus wrote:It makes sense, it is correlated to the proportion in population. Just shows race has nothing to do with it.

You can only support a troll until it makes you look as foolish as him.

Great job your doing muppet Nuts. Lol. Lol. Lol.

Rumps, just ignore the trolls on here.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
Nucleus wrote:It makes sense, it is correlated to the proportion in population. Just shows race has nothing to do with it.

At least you were able to read and undestand the article in the OP. You're right, it shows that race has nothing to do with why these guys commit the crimes.

In this case, the 50 out of 63 charged for the crime of s.exual grooming (which is what the project Engage is tackling) happened to be white.

For me, the fact that there were this many cases over just 2 years, in just one part of the country is of greater concern than the hype over 50 cases of Asians over 15 years.


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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012 ... _624gr.gif

30% of whites; 28% asian; 3% black; 0,16% chinese; 38% unknown.

Even if all the unknowns were white, that would mean only 68% of traffickers/groomers were white, compared with 87% of the general population; and 28% are asian, compared to 5% of the population; but, needless to say, many of the unknowns will be asian too. So, asians account for more than 30% of street groomers which is more than 6 times their percentage of the general population.

The victims are also disproportionately white compared to the offenders: 61% of victims are known white compared to 30% of known white offenders.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
it's still incredible how 5% of the population account for at least 28% (and probably more than 40% when unknowns become knowns) of a crime particularly serious in nature.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
Yet another fail.

It is no surprise that Shade didn't provide a link to the BBC story where the graphic came from.

Here it is:

Now, let's see whether the facts support the hype that Shade desperately wants to believe:
However, the report's authors have previously said they were surprised their research had been cited in support of claims that such offences were widespread.

Statistics about child exploitation and race are difficult to verify.

Research conducted by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) on "localised grooming" - where children have been groomed and sexually exploited by an offender having first met in a public place - looked at 1,217 offenders.

The findings, published last year, found 30% of offenders - 367 - were white. Some 28% were Asian, of whom 11 were Bangladeshi, 45 were Pakistani and 290 were described as "Asian Other".

Of the victims, 61% of the 2,083 victims were white, while just 3% were Asian. Some 33% were of referred to as "other".

But the report stresses national conclusions about ethnicity cannot be drawn from the data available because it relies on limited nationwide information, with much of the data coming from a limited number of areas.

But what is clear, is that where the crime statistics exist, the majority of those committing this crime happen to be white.

The statistics are local, the report stresses, and therefore the ethnic make up of the local population where these criminals are from is what is relevant. It seems pretty clear that it is not a crime limited to one race. Facts vs Hype, facts win again.

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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
pappidopoulos wrote:u r surprised?

No, I'm really not surprised that the statistics we do have show that "asians" are more than five times more likely than their general population to be involved in sex grooming/trafficking.

I am a little surprised someone who uses statistics to change the subject doesn't know the difference between a majority and plurality.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
I forgot to add this quote from the article Shade took the graphic from.

Prof Malcolm Cowburn, a criminologist based at Sheffield Hallam University, who has studied issues related to sexual violence over the last 15 years, said he "had not seen any empirical evidence to say that one group of people has a greater proclivity to sexual violence than any other".

"The larger issue is of problematic masculinity and how certain men view women, children and their sexual rights. I don't think it lies within ethnicity but within gender," said Prof Cowburn, whose work has been published in the Journal of Sexual Aggression and the British Journal of Community Justice.

"It's a failure of empathy. Certain men and s.ex offenders don't show any empathy to the people that they harm."

Many thanks to Shade for providing very convincing evidence for why his theory is wrong.

Statistics don't seem to agree with racist and Islamophobic myths. Schoolboy errors comparing local crime statistics with national population do not make your case for you. But don't take it from me - read the article you post from and listen to the experts who know what they are talking about. ;)

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Re: Grooming in the UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
The statistics are additive in case you didn't know; but even if you ignore the most complete set of statistics, your argument falls apart when you ignore that the majority of victims are white.
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Re: Grooming In The UK: Interesting Statistic Jun 12, 2012
^I just happen to agree with the expert quoted in your article. If you can convince him to change his mind about the statistics and what that means, then we can take this further. His job is studying criminal statistics and his conclusions are in line with the statistics being quoted.

Let me agree with you that the majority of the victims are indeed white. The Asian and other victims are indeed a minority.

The majority of offenders are white too.

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