Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!!

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Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 26, 2011
As reported by Haaretz:

Glenn Beck compares victims of Norway attack to Hitler Youth

Former Norway press secretary calls Beck's comments 'a new low', saying the political camp where at least 85 were killed stands for 'the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about'.
By Haaretz

Glenn Beck, the American right-wing talk-show host, compared the victims of a shooting at a Norwegian summer camp to Hitler Youth in his radio program on Monday, according to a Daily Telegraph report. ... h-1.375388

I mean, c'mon - how low can this right-wing hero of some people here stoop!!!



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 26, 2011
Glenn Beck still around ? I thought he was a flash in the pan and way past his sell by date.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 26, 2011
I'd say you have stooped even lower than I would have expected to continue to start topics banging on about nearly 100 dead young people.

Have you no shame?
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 26, 2011
And have you no brains, apprently not !
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:And have you no brains, apprently not !

Well at least I can spell apparently :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Wow - I guess those were crocodile tears after all.

A right-wing hero says a horrible thing about the victims, and BM can't quite bring herself to condemn that person. Speaks volumes that. As does the silence of young eh.

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
shafique wrote:Wow - I guess those were crocodile tears after all.

A right-wing hero says a horrible thing about the victims, and BM can't quite bring herself to condemn that person. Speaks volumes that. As does the silence of young eh.


You must be very rotten inside.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
I'm not the one who idolises Glen Beck or any of those who refuse to condemn his horrible words.

The fact the right-wingers attack the messenger when one of their own does unspeakable things speaks volumes.

Normal people are just abhored by rants such as these. Your hatred of those who disagree with your views must be so intense. I am happy to concede others have the right to hold other views - even the bizare ones. But Glen Beck has stepped over the line and you guys are silent.

In the past, when Memri makes things up about people you hate, you jump up and down and insist it is gospel truth and criticise me if I don't agree with Memri's spin. Now, when the tables are turned and a right-winger is quoted - there is no criticism of him. By your own logic, what are we to conclude by this silence?

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
You are condemning his words but repost them on an internet forum and then critisize a few for refusing to condemn him? How bizarre!!

I do wonder how your tiny mind works Shafique. You are twisted.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
How is that any different from the Islamophobes posting invented quotes by Memri about Hamas, Hezbollah etc.

Did you object to them posting what turned out to be nothing more than spin? No, you didn't.

In those cases, I was criticised for pointing out what Hamas and Hezbollah actually said.

In this case, Glen Beck did say these heinous things. He's right wing and some guys here support his views. Should they not be exposed to the words of their idol? They have an opportunity to distance themselves from him, but instead we have either silence or attacks against me. :roll:

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
You are the one who is spamming this forum with stories about the deaths of nearly 100 young people. This is obviously how you get your kicks, you sad little man.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Why do you guys hate so much?

This story is about a right winger who said hateful things about the victims, and you can't bring yourself to condemn him, but rather want to vent your hatred towards me.


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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
I don't hate you, you sad bastard. You don't raise enough feeling in me. I don't hate anyone, except my son in law.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Shafique is deperately looking for recognition and a sense of belonging. Since he is an Ahmady, he is considered an apostate by mainstream Islam. He is an outcast, that has to lie in order to go Hajj. Next to that his severe insecurity is showing all the time. It almost seems a matter of life and death that people agree with him and confirm his ideas.

FWIW I think Glenn Beck is way out of line and I condemn his words.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
BM - well, your posts do come across as full of hatred and irrational fear of Islam.

As for FD's psychological analysis - it is just another fancy way of shooting the messenger. A sadly frequent technique in threads which contain facts these days. Shame that.

Why are you guys allergic to actually just saying you disagree with Glen Beck's comments. I'm sure you do - is it because you don't want to condemn an idol of event horizon??

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Well if I'm full of hatred, God help you. I don't fear Islam, I'm just sick of my country being over run with people like you. You come in, claim the passport and then give us all a hard time. You make me sick, to be honest, but I don't hate you.
You just repost the same thing over and over again, as if trying to convince yourself aswell as others.
You have tried to put words into my mouth aswell. I was critisizing you over these topics and you said I was critisizing Muslims. I never mentioned Muslims! I was talking to you.
What are you without your cloak of religion?
Are you capable of living a normal life and moving around others without preaching your rubbish all day?
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
You seem to be the ones with issue with my religion.

In this case, my religion had nothing to do with Glen Beck mouthing off against the victims.

My religion has nothing to do with my political opposition to the Military Occupation of Israel, for example, or my views on economics, demography, politics, technology and the rise and fall of civilisations.

The fact that you consider me 'preaching' is what I would cite as an example of an irrational fear of Islam. Imagine someone called Fred Bloggs wrote what I wrote - go back and read them - and then tell me how you would have reacted to the words written (not imagined, but actually written).

Let me ask again, why the reluctance to denounce Glen Beck? Is it solely because it is a Muslim poster who brought your attention to his words?

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Do you think I even read his words? I don't bother myself with stuff like that. It's all sick as far as I'm concerned and you are the sickest for reposting it!

If I'm going to read about what the Norwegian terrorist did, I read facts, not someone's distorted opinion.

You are just revelling in this vile act Shafique and it's making you look more unsavioury by the day. Now I see you're banging on about the Christian threat in the USA.

To use the death of so many young people to further your cause is sick.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Again, excuses for not condemning a right wing person who says something wrong.

You didn't make any weasly excuses when you posted in threads about Anti-Semitic statements wrongly attributed to Arabs. You just condemned the speaker (even though they didn't actually, in the end, say those things).

You didn't say it was vile or sick for eh etc to post these anti-semitic comments, but you condemned the person they reported said them.

Your denials of being an Islamophobe are looking extremely shaky.

In this case, a hero of eh says distasteful things - and I'm the on that is sick. :roll: (You did notice that eh hasn't responded, haven't you?)

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:as if trying to convince yourself aswell as others.

Exactly, convincing himself is a major part IMO. I remember threads where he posted 3 or 4 posts in a row just replying to himself. Also, one or two really weird episodes where he replied and argued against his own posts and then argue back again.

Bethsmum wrote:You have tried to put words into my mouth aswell.

As event horizon pointed out, he creates his own enemies and then projects his fears and hatred onto them.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
I think that you are more comfortable performing armchair psychology on me rather than address the topic of this thread.

Do you guys have special training on how to spam threads? ;)

eh, I guess, is busy trying to dig up old quotes to divert attention away from what his idol has said here.

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
shafique wrote:address the topic of this thread.

Everybody agrees with you.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
^What, that eh's silence is down to him digging up old quotes?

Anyway, I was sure that most (if not all) would be appalled at what this right wing guy said. Was I wrong to point out that this hero of eh said this?

I think it is newsworthy - as an example of how uncomfortable some on the right wing are feeling given that one of their own has carried out this attack. This just happened to be one of the most extreme statements (and I hope he's retracted them - out of common decency).

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
shafique wrote:^What, that eh's silence is down to him digging up old quotes?

Anyway, I was sure that most (if not all) would be appalled at what this right wing guy said. Was I wrong to point out that this hero of eh said this?

I think it is newsworthy - as an example of how uncomfortable some on the right wing are feeling given that one of their own has carried out this attack. This just happened to be one of the most extreme statements (and I hope he's retracted them - out of common decency).


Flying Dutchman wrote:he creates his own enemies
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
What, that eh's silence is down to him digging up old quotes?

Funnily enough I was wondering about your silence on my topic about Hamas re-arming itself during the Arab Spring.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
^Well, wonder away. This thread is about eh's idol Glen Beck.

There's probably a lot of things that the elected government in Gaza is doing that I'm not commenting on. Are you commenting on their re-building work and other social work...oh, sorry - you're not interested in facts are you? ;)

But by the same token, I haven't commented on the rearming of the Military Occupation Force either - so I can't really be accused of being biased on comments on elected governments getting arms.

Now, back to Glen Beck and his hateful comments. Do you think eh will ever get round to condemning his idol?

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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Shafique is deperately looking for recognition and a sense of belonging. Since he is an Ahmady, he is considered an apostate by mainstream Islam. He is an outcast, that has to lie in order to go Hajj. Next to that his severe insecurity is showing all the time. It almost seems a matter of life and death that people agree with him and confirm his ideas.

Bravo Sir, once again you excel at your art. Although very typical in politics, dig up dirt and discredit the person and you take away his/her credibility. Nice try.

Hmm....some was recently talking about trolling. But I'll give you credit for atleast you speak out against Beck

And Shaf, give it up with windbag and ignore her. It'll be a cold day in hell before you get anything usefull or anything that remotely makes sense from her, but if you like dramatics, carry on, some of her performaces have been quite amusing to say the least.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
And Shaf, give it up with windbag and ignore her. It'll be a cold day in hell before you get anything usefull or anything that remotely makes sense from her, but if you like dramatics, carry on, some of her performaces have been quite amusing to say the least.

I expect your support is greatly appreciated munchkin. Keep up the good work! Meanwhile I'll carry on amusing you. It appears I'm good for something anyway :D

BTW, it's spelt useful :lol: :lol: :lol: You'll have SPG on your case at this rate :D
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:discredit the person and you take away his/her credibility.

There is already nothing left of Shafique's credibility for a long time.

desertdudeshj wrote:Hmm....some was recently talking about trolling.

Yes, like in this thread calling another poster without brains.

You both are toxic trolls, ruining about every thread.
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Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!! Jul 27, 2011
LOL - I love the desperation of the guys who can only stoop to smear tactics.

What is fascinating though, is that whilst smearing, they blame others for trolling behaviour! Wow.

DDS - I guess you're right about getting any sense out of BM. She gullibly accepts fabricated Memri specials, but has a go at people posting accurate quotes by eh's idols.

FD is just in a tailspin - funny to seem him lashing out.

(I'm just waiting for some numpty Muslim pseudo-cleric to say something stupid and have eh/herve/caps post it here - they must all be biting their tongues or have come to their senses!)

Until then, it is the far-right fools like Becks here who are making idiots of themselves and eh is hiding from this thread! :D

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