Gazans Smuggle Food Out To The Sinai

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Gazans smuggle food out to the Sinai Feb 04, 2011

With Egypt in crisis, tunnels under Philadelphi corridor now important lifeline of supplies for Sinai residents, report says.

The tunnels under the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt, used in the past to smuggle arms and supplies from Sinai into Gaza, are now an important lifeline of supplies for Sinai residents facing acute shortages because of the turmoil in Egypt, the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported Thursday.

Amazing that after a few days of riots the Sinai is worse off than Gaza. More than that, food from Gaza is send to the Sinai. :bounce:

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Gazans Smuggle Food Out To The Sinai Feb 04, 2011
What will be very interesting to watch is what the new government in Egypt will do in relation to the siege of Gaza.

If they open the borders, then the collective punishment of the Gazans that Israel wants to maintain will effectively be over (for practical purposes of goods, at least - the marine collective punishment against Gazan fishermen will still be in place)

But it is interesting that goods are flowing from Gaza to Sinai - good to see the solidarity where people under siege are willing to share their produce.

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