Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy

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Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by a Hamas-affiliated preacher from Jabalya, Gaza, on June 11, 2010, and aired on Al-Aqsa TV.

Preacher: Whoever believes that our battle with the Jews and the Crusaders has subsided or is dormant is living in delusions. Do you know why, oh distinguished people? Do you know why the conflict continues and will continue until the Day of Judgment? Because the Communist East and the Capitalist West fear nothing as much as they fear the proclamation that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. They fear nothing as much as they fear the words “Allah Akbar.”


The Jews are convinced that their annihilation and the destruction of their state will never be accomplished by secular, reactionary, pan-Arab, or Ba’thist regimes. Their annihilation and the destruction of their state will only be achieved through Islam, by those who bow before Allah.


Russia and the US may have their disagreements, but when the Prophet Muhammad is the enemy, they forget their differences. This is a fact.


And who says that Muslims are fixated on the Crusades ?

(Oh, and thank Allah the crusades happened. Who knows what they would drone on about TODAY without 'em)

event horizon
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 17, 2010

Memri selectively quotes some guys and fanboi laps it up as gospel.

Where's FD asking for the unedited footage now, eh?


I'll see your Memri clips and raise you a full article from an Israeli newspaper about a Rabbi living in occupied Palestine who says it is ok to kill (non-Jewish) babies:

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, wrote in his book "The King's Torah" that even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to the nation.

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
Well, I guess that's the response from someone who can't take on direct quotes provided by Memri head on.

(Oh, and this is a Middle-Eastern forum based in the Arab world, I'm sure an Arabic speaker can confirm if Memri's translation is correct or not)

But it's not like I would exactly be hard pressed to find Muslims supporting genocide or mass slaughter of non-Muslims, now would I?

And I don't even have to search for statements from Muslims in the Muslim world:

(sorry, you can't blame Memri for alleged errors in translation)

The Muslim world even has rabbits with genocidal tendencies: ... re=related
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 17, 2010
What part of 'selective quotes' was confusing you.

As expected though, no comment on the Rabbi who joins you in condoning the killing of babies. If he posted here, he'd be vying with you for 'most extreme religious fanatic', but as he's not, your title is safe for now. ;)

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
This is in line with the Hamas Convenant of Hamas (the gospel of Hamas itself). If you read the convenant, there can only be the conclusion that Hamas is a terrorist Islamofascist anti-semitic organisation who's main goal is to kill jews and fight the crusaders.
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 17, 2010

You guys probably cheered the Israelis when they joined the Boers and denounced Mandela as a terrorist!

In your fantasy world where Hamas' 'main goal is to kill jews and fight the crusaders', do Rabbis who call for the killing of babies exist, or are they just invisible?

In our world, Hamas won an election fairly and squarely and seems to be winning the latest round against the occupying power - given that Israel is loosening the siege. I guess that must explain the restlessness amongst the fanbois. ;)

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
Hamas is refusing new elections, like Fatah btw. The mandate period of the last elections are long past. The PA and Hamas are officially dictatorships now.
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 17, 2010
what's that I read - a nice attempt at a sidestep and avoiding the question about reality and fantasy.

Some fancy footwork there from the flying dutchman, but exposes the fact that Hamas is indeed an elected government and glosses over the hype that the 'main aim' is some loon fantasy of bloodthirsty moooslims waiting to kill jews etc - rather than a government of a people still under medieval siege.

Name calling doesn't change the fact it is Israel's PR has failed spectacularly recently. You fanbois must be seething that Hamas hasn't really put a foot wrong in the fiasco on the high seas, and is emerging from the siege politically much stronger.

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
I agree, the Hamas Convenant is written by lunatics.
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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
^and loved by loons. ;)
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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
What part of 'selective quotes' was confusing you.

Surely you don't mean the selective quote from the rabbi?

The quote from Choudary calling for the killing non-Muslim British civilians and the quotes from the second video (accompanied by actual video footage of children brandishing assault rifles, etc) were complete.

Or do you mean to tell me that the martyrdom video Hamas put out of the mother martyr and her future would-be martyr daughter was really a public service announcement for saving on energy bills?

Here, why don't you watch the video this time around: ... re=related
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 17, 2010
Nope, I linked to the complete Haaretz article. Fail.

Let me know when you get the complete transcripts for the Memri 'greatest hits'. I won't hold my breath.

Please look up the meaning of the word 'Selective' ;)

So do you refuse to condemn the Rabbi, or will you join me in expressing dis-gust and horror at the notion it is ok to kill gentile babies?

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
But you agree you posted snippets.

The video of Choudary is complete - he says that non-Muslim British civilians are 'ok' to kill.

(Oh, and it turns out the people who posted the Choudary video are Qadianis: )

And listen to what Choudary says at the 30 second mark. If you are a non-Muslim, you are *guilty* of not believing in God.
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 17, 2010
Nope, I linked to the whole article and quoted the relevant part. Compare that with your PalTV compilation and Memri.

The clip from Hard Talk is complete (kudos) and the guy is a well known nutter (and as you say real-islam has other clips of Mullahs). But he's not a Gazan preacher - he's a Brit! He, like you, refuses to condemn terrorists based on their religion (in his case he refuses to condemn Muslim terrorists).

Is Choudary an Islamic scholar whose views merit attention or consideration? No. Has he studied under leading Islamic scholars? Nope. Does he have any Islamic qualifications or credentials? None whatsoever. So what gives him the right to pontificate on Islam, British Muslims or 'the hellfire'? Or proclaim himself a 'sharia judge'?..[Choudary is] as unrepresentative of British Muslim opinion, as he is of British anti-war opinion."

I ask you again, do you refuse to condemn the Rabbi, or will you join me in expressing dis-gust and horror at the notion it is ok to kill gentile babies?

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 17, 2010
Too bad the imam quoted in the other thread is a scholar of Islam.
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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 18, 2010
event horizon wrote:Too bad the imam quoted in the other thread is a scholar of Islam.

Nice climb down eh.

So, the only clown you could quote in full turns out to be as credible as you are on Islam, and the others are Memri special productions (i.e. selective quotes).

sigh. What is it I usually say at this point ... ah yes..

All Mouth, No Trousers.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 18, 2010
Well, Abdul Makin is a scholar on Islam. But hey, not everyone gets their degrees from DOT com websites.

As for quotations in full, perhaps you've forgotten what a snippet is. The snippet is what you posted, unlike the quotations in full, including video footage, which was shown in the first and second video.

BTW, what was your favorite part of the second video ?

Kindergarten Jihad, Mother and daughter bombing video or something else?
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 18, 2010
So we're back to 'I believe Memri's and PMW selective quotes and edited footage is gospel'!

I refer you back to my previous comments about producing the unedited footage(s), and also the recurring theme 'All Mouth, No Trousers'.

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Re: Gazan preacher preaches love and mercy Jun 18, 2010
Hey, I was just trying to be helpful.

You don't need to go to the middle east to find religious justification for mass killings and genocide.

You have Muslims who openly support as much in the United Kingdom.

You are from there, right?
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Re: Gazan Preacher Preaches Love And Mercy Jun 18, 2010
The Queen is also from the UK - does that mean I'm an aristocrat in your eyes too? ;)

Anyway, I'm glad we've now established you've run out of arguments in this thread supposedly about what Gazan preachers say according to Memri's greatest hits compilations. (Be sure to let us know when you track down the unedited footage though..)

As for condoning killings and rapes - there's only one poster who on this forum that refuses to condemn these crimes, and he is the current holder of the 'Most Extreme Religious Fanatic' (and - surprise, surprise - he isn't a Muslim):


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