Gay Anti-EDL Activist Harassed By Muslim 'co-protesters'

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Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
Reminds me of the story from a few years ago in Britain where two Queers for Palestine activists were surrounded and threatened by Muslim anti-Israel protesters.

I guess there's a reason why these people are called useful idiots.


Peter Tatchell suffered homophobic hostility from Muslims at anti-EDL demo
Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell experienced homophobic hostility from some members of East London's Muslim community, while heading an anti-EDL protest, last weekend.

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell experienced homophobic hostility from some members of East London's Muslim community, while heading an anti-EDL protest, last weekend.

As reported on, Tatchell had planned Saturday's counter-protest in response to a static demonstration held by the English Defense League which drew more than 1,000 supporters, despite a ban by Home Secretary Theresa May.

He said he was there to: “defend the Muslim community against EDL thuggery” and because he “wanted to stand in solidarity with Muslims who oppose far right Islamists."

But, while holding placards which read 'Stop EDL & far right Islamists. No to ALL hate' and 'Gays & Muslims UNITE! Stop the EDL', Tatchell was subjected to anti-gay hostility from a minority of homophobic Muslims who, ironically, were part of the anti-EDL demonstration.

According to the veteran equality activist, the group attempted to destroy the placards and were intimidating. At one point he feared the threat of violence.

Speaking to, Tatchell said: “I was surrounded several times throughout the day by angry Muslim youths who ordered me: ‘You must remove this placard...You can’t walk here with these words...We don’t allow gays in this area...Gays are not permitted here...We don’t have gays in Tower Hamlets’. When I suggested that LGBT Muslims must also be defended against the EDL, I was told: "Gays can't be Muslims...We will never accept them (LGBT Muslims)...They can't come around here...We won't allow it."

He added: "My response was to engage with these Muslims hotheads and argue against them. The discussions got very heated; at times even menacing and scary. There were moments when I thought I was going to be physically attacked."

Despite this, Tatchell said the moment passed without incident – partly because of police presence and also because other members of the Muslim community intervened and offered their support.

He described the latter as being "significant" in diffusing the situation.

Yet it was not just Muslims who opposed Tatchell's presence at the demonstration.

In a statement released earlier today, he claims he also suffered: "dirty looks from a small number of left-wing and LGBT anti-EDL protesters, some of whom said explicitly that our placards were 'insensitive...provocative...inappropriate...divisive'."

They also claimed he was "racist...fascist...anti-Muslim".

Sixty people were arrested at the demonstrations for violent disorder. ... -demo.aspx

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Re: Gay Anti-EDL Activist Harassed By Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
????? Any paticular reason you have to dig up such an old event to discuss. I'm sure if you googled it, you'd find much more recent events where gays were harrased by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs or almost any body.

Lemme give you a head start on a much more recent event than the one you posted, look up the scout leader who was kicked out of her job because she was a lesbian.

Or you can stay close to home and look up some of Westboro's stuff, once again I'll help ya.

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Re: Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
5 September 2011

Old news story

I guess what needs to explained to our confused poster is that the WBC people aren't referred to as 'anti-fascists', let alone that gays aren't out there protesting for the WBC, etc., etc.

You know, the concept that seems to be lost on you regarding this story is 'irony'.
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Re: Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
DDS - time to eat some humble pie, the story is indeed about the anti-fascist protest over the weekend.

Credit where credit is due - thanks to eh for showing the broad range of support against the fascist.

I guess if there were more of the EDL and if they didn't get drunk and assault police, they'd be more of a worry. But at least it is clear that British opposition to their views is both vocal, widespread and visible.

'Useful idiots' :D oh, the irony.

But DDS, you're right to highlight anti-Gay views within Christianity. There's the fellow American Christian homophobes you've pointed out, but the Ugandan Christian homophobes are grosser (and funnier):

(Don't click if you're easily grossed out)

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Re: Gay Anti-EDL Activist Harassed By Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
Touche and humble pie indeed, I just read the first few lines "from a few years ago" and assumed eh was back to gigging up ancient stuff. And not like I really could be arsed about the reading his cut n paste anyways.

-- Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:29 am --

Now after having my fill of humble pie, I thought waste a few more minutes of my life reading it, and looks like I wasn't wrong that Eh is back up to his tactics, while the story does indeed says he was harrased, quite in detail I might add, the other and not so controvesial and other side of the story gets a few lines at the bottom of the report.

Despite this, Tatchell said the moment passed without incident – partly because of police presence and also because other members of the Muslim community intervened and offered their support.

Also another intresting bit buried deep down in the report with just a small paragraph, that he was also harrasses by members of his own LGBT community

Yet it was not just Muslims who opposed Tatchell's presence at the demonstration.In a statement released earlier today, he claims he also suffered: "dirty looks from a small number of left-wing and LGBT anti-EDL protesters, some of whom said explicitly that our placards were 'insensitive...provocative...inappropriate...divisive'."

Just hammers in the point square in the coffin of what I said in my post in the other EDL thread. The media will force its view on you, giving you all sorts of pointers as to what they want you think without actually saying it.

Gay supporter, Anti EDL, Harassed by Muslims, Homophobic Hostility. Just the word homophobic hostility is flashed three times just in the opening paragraphs of the report shortly following the word Muslims in bold in the headline. Grain of salt, not really more like a big rock of salt.
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Re: Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
EDL members who do not heckle gays for being gay = 'fascists'

Muslims who heckle gays for being gay = 'anti-fascists'

So is the logic of the loon posters above.
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Re: Gay Anti-EDL Activist Harassed By Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
LOL - EDL members chose to get drunk and assault the police, then they got themselves arrested after their coach broke down!

As the article in the other thread put it:

East End 2, Facists 0 :D
And, on a day when the EDL suffered defeat after defeat after defeat, when scores of members reportedly including the leader were arrested amid scenes of drunken brawling, when it was put to shame by the dignity and determination of the East End - so much for the EDL itself.

We have the fascists on the run. Saturday's famous victory shows we can beat them wherever and whenever they raise their ugly heads. ... ull/109082

'defeat after defeat' - no wonder you support them, young one! :D

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Re: Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
And I thought Gay bashing was usually associated with fascism.

Who knew it's actually the exact opposite?
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Re: Gay Anti-EDL Activist Harassed By Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 06, 2011
Your spin is failing you young one - the fascists were the ones arrested. Try and keep up.

As your own link showed, Muslims came to the defence of Tatchell (and others also thought his placards inappropriate). But I know you won't a little thing like facts get in the way of you fantasies. ;)

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Re: Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 07, 2011
What are the qualitative differences between 'fascists' and Muslim homophobes who attack people with different view than them?

As your own link showed, Muslims came to the defence of Tatchell

As opposed to the EDL members who didn't attack the homosexual protesters because of their sexuality in the first place?

Good grief. Gays came out to defend Muslims and they were threatened by them and this is your response?

Then again, EDL populated areas of England aren't 'no-go' zones for gays especially and infidels in general.

So why isn't anyone protesting against the Islamo-fascists in Tower Hamlets on behalf of gays and non-Muslims?*

* Besides the EDL, of course ... ondon.aspx
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Re: Gay Anti-EDL Activist Harassed By Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 07, 2011
What part of 'the fascists were the ones arrested' confused you, eh?

Or was it the part about Muslims coming to the defence of Tatchell?

I know you are very unhappy that the drunken louts you support failed miserably at the weekend and were arrested, but c'mon - this was a very, very weak spin.

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Re: Gay anti-EDL activist harassed by Muslim 'co-protesters' Sep 07, 2011
Or was it the part about Muslims coming to the defence of Tatchell?

From whom were the gay activists in need of defending?

Btw, which 'EDL' friendly areas are 'no-go' zones for gays and infidels?

Do you agree there are 'no go' areas of England hostile to openly gay people?

Do you agree that some/all of these are in Muslim populated regions?

When are people going to protest for openly gay members of society to live without fear from Muslim fascists?
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