Gaddafi's Last Moments.

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Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
I have just watched footage on Sky News of the Colonel's last moments.

How very disturbing! I don't like to see any human being being dragged and then executed while I'm having my porridge :shock:

Maybe I would feel differently if I'd had to live under his dictatorship? Those last few minutes must have been the worst of his life, most definitely.

Is it just me or does anyone else think that the execution was a bit barbaric?

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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
The world will be better without him.yes it was ugly :?
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
Probably just as ugly as the thousands of people that were killed under his orders. Just as ugly as the Lockerbie disaster. I think he got off easy with a bullet to the head.

They found him in a hole. He crawled into a hole just like a rat. Isn't that what he referred to his own people as being? Yup, brave men Saddam and Mummar were.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
I'm not sure it was a bullet to the head Bora. Yes, there was a lot of blood but there didn't seem to be any exit wound.
(I sky+d it and watched it back, .....just for educational value). They say he was shot in the stomach, although the French, German and UK governments are saying he was caught in cross fire. I think that must make us look better.

Sky says that little campaign has cost the UK taxpayer £300 million. Meanwhile we have more austerity measures up and coming. We can always find a few quid for a war though :blackeye:
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
I haven't watched it, don't think I want to. In the end, he's dead, and the world is less another tyrant.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
The soundtrack wasn't very hopefull.

Saddam ~ check
OBL ~ check
K-Daffy ~ check

Who next? Assad? Ahmadinezjad?
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I'm not sure it was a bullet to the head Bora. Yes, there was a lot of blood but there didn't seem to be any exit wound.
(I sky+d it and watched it back, .....just for educational value). They say he was shot in the stomach, although the French, German and UK governments are saying he was caught in cross fire. I think that must make us look better.

Sky says that little campaign has cost the UK taxpayer £300 million. Meanwhile we have more austerity measures up and coming. We can always find a few quid for a war though :blackeye:

Nope. Shot in the head. Apparently there was no exit wound. Something about him being thick. :drunken:

Stop whinging about the 300 million pounds. Give it 1 year and it will be repaid. I believe the UK was given oil rights. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Nope. Shot in the head. Apparently there was no exit wound. Something about him being thick. :drunken:

Wow so much joy over a brutal and painful death. Some world we live in!!!

You know at times you Americans do sound like a bunch of sadists. ... l#comments
Misery Called Life
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
Misery Called Life wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
Nope. Shot in the head. Apparently there was no exit wound. Something about him being thick. :drunken:

Wow so much joy over a brutal and painful death. Some world we live in!!!

You know at times you Americans do sound like a bunch of sadists. ... l#comments

Oh please. Tell that to the Libyans. Are you Indians mourning his death??? Do Indians ask for mercy for Pakistani terrorists caught committing acts of terrorism in India??
Bora Bora
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
Nope. Shot in the head. Apparently there was no exit wound. Something about him being thick. :drunken:

Wow so much joy over a brutal and painful death. Some world we live in!!!

You know at times you Americans do sound like a bunch of sadists. ... l#comments

Oh please. Tell that to the Libyans. Are you Indians mourning his death??? Do Indians ask for mercy for Pakistani terrorists caught committing acts of terrorism in India??

Sure,The lone terrorist caught RED HANDED (note the emphasis) was given a trial. Nonetheless his life or death was and remains to be insignificant for a vast majority of people. All that's requested is calm reflection and hopefully closure for the victims families.
You see that's what civilized democratic countries do. Something your banana republic of sadists would do well to learn from. :-)
Misery Called Life
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 21, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Is it just me or does anyone else think that the execution was a bit barbaric?

Given that he was surrounded by a few hundred gun wielding cowards, there was bound to be at least one loose cannon amongst them.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
I do agree that every dictator should be punished for every thing he has done to his nation but whatever happened to Qaddafy Is just not right… I think they could have punished him in a more civilized way even if he’s gonna be killed just let the decision come from the court not in such a Barbaric way because killing him in such way won’t bring the history back and clean all what he have done isn’t it ?
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
I like the way you are posting in a different colour! I shall copy you the way you have copied someone's avatar :bounce: Cool 8)

-- Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:15 am --

ICOOL wrote:I do agree that every dictator should be punished for every thing he has done to his nation but whatever happened to Qaddafy Is just not right… I think they could have punished him in a more civilized way even if he’s gonna be killed just let the decision come from the court not in such a Barbaric way because killing him in such way won’t bring the history back and clean all what he have done isn’t it ?

If he was in the UK he would be banged up in Belmarsh with his cell pointing in the right direction, Sky+ and his copy of the Human rights Act 2011.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
Misery Called Life wrote:Sure,The lone terrorist caught RED HANDED (note the emphasis) was given a trial. Nonetheless his life or death was and remains to be insignificant for a vast majority of people. All that's requested is calm reflection and hopefully closure for the victims families.
You see that's what civilized democratic countries do. Something your banana republic of sadists would do well to learn from. :-)

I have nothing to reflect on. The civilized democratic country you refer to didn't kill him. :roll: I have more sympathy for the cat that gets run over by a car. Or should I say the cow pulling the cart that gets hit by a car on Main Street? :D

In a civilized democratic country the cultural practice of throwing acid for revenge in a woman's face isn't practiced. Sadistic I would say. Another thing that isn't practiced is young children being sold off to marriage for a goat. Sick I would say when a goat is more valuable than your own child. Neither practice, which appears to be "acceptable" in Indian society, takes place in the banana republic, as you refer to the US. And let's not forget that India is number 2 on the list with AIDS infected people. :drunken:

And be nice to the banana republic that created your economy or we will take back all those outsourced jobs that we gave you!!! :wink:
Bora Bora
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
If he was in the UK he would be banged up in Belmarsh with his cell pointing in the right direction, Sky+ and his copy of the Human rights Act 2011.[/quote]

i think if he saw ur comment before his death then he'd have said to him self "i wish i rulled UK instead of Libya because they gave me a blackeye" :blackeye:
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
It's all very bizarre in Misrat at the moment.

The have the Colonel's body and that of his son on show in a fridge in the local shopping centre.

Organised tours are available for families and single men. Dignitaries can have their own private viewing :shock:

I was amazed at the amount of women milling about waiting to view the body. How disgusting!

I wouldn't dream of wanting to view a dead body unless I absolutely was forced to do it. The only time I've seen a dead body was at the scene of a traffic accident.

Is this a middle eastern thing or what?

The family is calling for the return of the bodies so that they can be buried. I can't imagine the graves will be left alone unless they are unmarked.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
They can always be buried next to Obama. :lol: But then there might be a problem with too many glass bottom boats milling about in the high seas. :mrgreen:

Amnesty International wants an investigation into Gaddafi's death. Now the UN is call for one as well.

Where were they when all the people were being slaughtered at the orders of Gaddafi? I guess they thought the right thing was to put him on trial in front of the international tribunal. With him screaming "Zinga Zinga, I am the King of Kings", it would take 15 years until they can be convinced that he actually was accountable for all those deaths in his country, then put him in jail for the rest of his life.

It's amazing how international organizations see what they want to see. I guess they don't see what's going on in Syria at the moment, unless they have two positions that they will take, one of which will be decided on the outcome of Syria's revolution.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 22, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:It's all very bizarre in Misrat at the moment.

The have the Colonel's body and that of his son on show in a fridge in the local shopping centre.

Organised tours are available for families and single men. Dignitaries can have their own private viewing :shock:

I was amazed at the amount of women milling about waiting to view the body. How disgusting!

Is this a middle eastern thing or what?

Viewing a dead person for one's own pleasure displays no respect for human life.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 23, 2011
I didn't even want to look at my mother when she died. I never cried either. She was dead. She was best out of it.
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 26, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:I have nothing to reflect on. The civilized democratic country you refer to didn't kill him. :roll: I have more sympathy for the cat that gets run over by a car. Or should I say the cow pulling the cart that gets hit by a car on Main Street? :D

What have you to reflect on? He didn't attack good ol USA did he? Infact his gov. even discarded their pursuit of WMD's. Post this latest venture the lot of you have just made the world a much more dangerous place. Every country will now actively begin the pursuit for nuclear arsenal? Why? To safeguard themselves from the west's supposed moral policing. ( see this is how you think out of the box, don't expect your media to spell this out for you)

Bora Bora wrote:In a civilized democratic country the cultural practice of throwing acid for revenge in a woman's face isn't practiced. Sadistic I would say. Another thing that isn't practiced is young children being sold off to marriage for a goat. Sick I would say when a goat is more valuable than your own child. Neither practice, which appears to be "acceptable" in Indian society, takes place in the banana republic, as you refer to the US. And let's not forget that India is number 2 on the list with AIDS infected people. :drunken:

Add to that, women get married off to trees, to ward off bad luck (it's true, but post the tree ceremony they marry the guy). You see all of it is merely ceremonial BB. These ceremonies have no real implications.
But since when was throwing acid on women's faces a cultural practice? :lol I'd accept if you said that merely to score a brownie point, but if you actually believed that statement, then it's really speaks volumes about your own abilities of perception. Which while at times are debatable, I still haven't lost my faith in you just yet :lol

Bora Bora wrote:And be nice to the banana republic that created your economy or we will take back all those outsourced jobs that we gave you!!! :wink:

This coming from a country where even their flags are made in China? Hohoho I'm soo trembling in my boots :lol
Misery Called Life
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 26, 2011
["Misery Called Life"]What have you to reflect on? He didn't attack good ol USA did he? Infact his gov. even discarded their pursuit of WMD's. Post this latest venture the lot of you have just made the world a much more dangerous place. Every country will now actively begin the pursuit for nuclear arsenal? Why? To safeguard themselves from the west's supposed moral policing. ( see this is how you think out of the box, don't expect your media to spell this out for you)

Please point me in the direction where I said anything about the US and Libya? Or was that you thinking outside the box and looking in another one? The man was brutal. He had no value for the lives of his own people.

Bora Bora wrote:In a civilized democratic country the cultural practice of throwing acid for revenge in a woman's face isn't practiced. Sadistic I would say. Another thing that isn't practiced is young children being sold off to marriage for a goat. Sick I would say when a goat is more valuable than your own child. Neither practice, which appears to be "acceptable" in Indian society, takes place in the banana republic, as you refer to the US. And let's not forget that India is number 2 on the list with AIDS infected people. :drunken:

Add to that, women get married off to trees, to ward off bad luck (it's true, but post the tree ceremony they marry the guy). You see all of it is merely ceremonial BB. These ceremonies have no real implications.
But since when was throwing acid on women's faces a cultural practice? :lol I'd accept if you said that merely to score a brownie point, but if you actually believed that statement, then it's really speaks volumes about your own abilities of perception. Which while at times are debatable, I still haven't lost my faith in you just yet :lol

Hey, married to a tree, a goat, an elephant - if it works for them, good. It seems more to be superstition that comes from a mind set, or a cultural practice. Pretty much like in the US an American superstition is that if a black cat walks in front of you, you will have bad luck.

So, if acid throwing isn't cultural, then exactly what is it? Is marrying a tree cultural or religious? Is acid throwing religious? How many countries practice marrying trees or throwing acid? You live in a society where acid throwing was/is generally accepted, so I would say it is cultural as it is in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Cambodia, the countries where it is most common. So yeah, I would say it is "cultural". But if you can tell me how I'm wrong and what it actually is, I'm listening.

Bora Bora wrote:And be nice to the banana republic that created your economy or we will take back all those outsourced jobs that we gave you!!! :wink:

This coming from a country where even their flags are made in China? Hohoho I'm soo trembling in my boots :lol

The US is very generous in taking care of third world countries and making them economically strong, while sucking the life out of itself to do it. Yes, we import/export big time to China, including jobs. So in return, we get to buy the products, while all we get from India is a man in customer service named Arun who has been trained to speak with an American accent (which has failed miserably) and has to be asked to speak one word at a time or on occasion one must request another customer service agent in the hope that communication is possible. But apparently that's changing as the Philippines is a hot area for outsourcing. Even Indian companies are outsourcing to the Philippines. (Tata for one) :D Apparently Filipinos are more proficient at solving problems and excel in their communication skills. :shock:
Bora Bora
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 26, 2011
No matter how despotic he was still Libya was debt free, had one of best living standards and growing economies in Africa. This was just another NATO backed regieme change. The NTC itself consists of people who served for decades under Ghaddafi, city of Misrata of 10,000 inhabitants bombed to ruins. Many reports of abuses by these so called "rebels" ever since the revolution.

Another lesson to any one not really willing to share their oil wealth. Just a while back, Obama, Cliton, Cameron were all praises for him, Blair even getting a million pound salary for being a consultant for the libyan sovereign wealth fund. Invites from the west to buy their weapons. The US itself stopped France and the UK from assinating him in the past.

Be nice and play by the rules and your so called "allies" will stab you in the back the first chance they get. Sends out a great message to all the dictators and tyrants of the world.

Hopefully these NTC clowns who are merely nothing than ex ghaddafi nato backed puppets dont come into power, but unfortunately I see another civil war brewing between the NTC and the real freedom fighters of Libya
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Re: Gaddafi's Last Moments. Oct 28, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:So, if acid throwing isn't cultural, then exactly what is it? Is marrying a tree cultural or religious? Is acid throwing religious? How many countries practice marrying trees or throwing acid? You live in a society where acid throwing was/is generally accepted, so I would say it is cultural as it is in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Cambodia, the countries where it is most common. So yeah, I would say it is "cultural". But if you can tell me how I'm wrong and what it actually is, I'm listening.

Acid throwing has now become cultural? That's your argument? And who gives a damn what goes on in Pakiland or Bangladesh? That's not my problem.
I can assure you throwing acid in India is treated with the same severity as it would have been in America. The accused would face the complete wrath of law and society, no doubt about that. I hope that puts to rest your argument. To take a one off incident perpetrated by a few deranged individuals and to term it a cultural practice of a billion people is at best folly let me rephrase, it's plain retarded!!!

Bora Bora wrote:The US is very generous in taking care of third world countries and making them economically strong, while sucking the life out of itself to do it. Yes, we import/export big time to China, including jobs. So in return, we get to buy the products, while all we get from India is a man in customer service named Arun who has been trained to speak with an American accent (which has failed miserably) and has to be asked to speak one word at a time or on occasion one must request another customer service agent in the hope that communication is possible. But apparently that's changing as the Philippines is a hot area for outsourcing. Even Indian companies are outsourcing to the Philippines. (Tata for one) :D Apparently Filipinos are more proficient at solving problems and excel in their communication skills. :shock:

The USA is generous?

The reason US corporations go around to other countries is because certain Asian countries have invested in infrastructure, value education and have created an environment conducive for good business, and lest we forget a good work ethic. Not because you'll were generous!! Corporations go around elsewhere looking to outsource probably because you Americans have forgotten how to work. Probably because of the culture of entitlement that's seeped into America where everyone believes the gov. owes them something, while they sit around doing nothing. Probably because ur unions are a pain in the back side. Probably because you'll are way to pampered to notice that while you'll are actually losing jobs some of you think it's USA being generous (lollllllll)! And Arun can very well loose his job to Jose from Filipines. He'll be fine cos India has come a long way and will continue to grow, can't say the same for you'll though. Which is why your troops are in every country somehow trying to secure resources for Uncle Sam (thinking out of the box here)

Bora Bora wrote:Please point me in the direction where I said anything about the US and Libya? Or was that you thinking outside the box and looking in another one? The man was brutal. He had no value for the lives of his own people.

Aren't you bright!
Misery Called Life
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