Forced Conversions In Gaza?: Never Happened

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Forced Conversions in Gaza?: Never Happened Jul 28, 2012
Just thought I'd pop in to link to the article below.

Facts, not hype: ... at-werent/

I trust everyone's Ramadhan is going well.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Forced Conversions In Gaza?: Never Happened Jul 29, 2012
jackpott wrote:Hamas TV? Reminds of how Shalit was interviewed with armed men in the background, while he said how well he was treated.
It's quite cynical that loonwatch dares to say Hamas guarantees freedom of religion. Everybody knows Hamas' policy towards apostates.

Not only that, but it's interesting the Antisemitic EI doesn't offer any additional information from what we already knew when this story was originally posted. They simply stamped a "didn't really happen" label to the article and now one of the trolls is dutifully reposting the disinformation story.
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Re: Forced Conversions In Gaza?: Never Happened Jul 29, 2012
I don't like to get into politics but I've learned from friends that there is a lot of Propaganda out there, I hear that in Palestine that all the faiths get along and always have. I've also heard forced conversions are not at all common and are not part of Islam.
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Re: Forced Conversions In Gaza?: Never Happened Jul 31, 2012
provpnaccounts wrote:I've also heard forced conversions are not at all common and are not part of Islam.

You heard right - but this case was about a specific allegation and a hype about a protest by a few of Palestinians who claimed they were being held against their will.

You'll note that Haaretz eventually changed it's headline for the story - the original headline is what the resident Islamophobes picked up on and posted in the earlier thread.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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