For The Looney Bin - Ahmadinezjad

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For the looney bin - Ahmadinezjad May 20, 2011
Since this forum doesnot have a looney bin, I'll post it here. Another true gem from Ahmadinezjad:

In Europe, there is a lot of rain – an average rainfall of over 1,500 millimeters. They do not need [watering] systems because they have natural irrigation, but they used equipment at their disposal to empty the clouds

As you know, clouds move from west to east. They are formed over the ocean, and then move over the Mediterranean, where the air undergoes changes. Then they pass over Iran, moving eastward. The clouds were emptied of most of their content.

As you saw on the news, there was an unusual amount of rainfall and snow in Europe, while [Iran] was dry during the fall. A certain politician, who is not an expert on water or construction, wrote an article, 7 or 8 months ago, about a water crisis in the next 30 years, in which he included a map of the world, with an area that he claimed would be arid, stretching from Turkey to us, and then further east. This is precisely the area that they are afraid of, due to the creation of [our] civilization and culture. These were the arid areas.

I was at a meeting where someone said that there was a water crisis, and that someone had written an article about it. I told him that this guy does not work in this field, and that he is not an expert on water, meteorology, or hydrology. How did he reach this conclusion? We had reports that they are doing this in Europe. They are emptying the clouds, so that they will not move our way.

Then we conducted studies and became convinced that what this gentleman had written was not a scientific forecast. Rather, this is a premeditated event. We will deal with this through legal channels. We will not permit such a disgraceful thing to take place.

It is clear that when rain becomes scarce, more conflicts develop over water in border areas.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: For the looney bin - Ahmadinezjad May 21, 2011
As hilarious as it might be ( and it is very ! ) and old I'm in need of a dinner jacket has been know to comeout with such gems.
But memri TV ! Seriously ! If they put out a video saying the sun rises from the east. I'd know the world has started to spin the wrong way round.
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