For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again.

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For FD, my stalker - Answers yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
FD seems to be obsessed with my opinions and has some weird views about what Muslims believe, think and what some posters have written in the past.

I'm losing count of the threads which have my name in the title! :)

But, FD asks about my views about Jewish people (but I note he doesn't ask it in a respectful way).

FD's memory or comprehension skills must be letting him down though. He has tried unsuccessfully in the past to spin what I have actually written to make it appear as if I hate Jews etc. He failed.

There's even a thread which clarifies this and exposes his fantastical theory to the reality of what I have actually written and believe:

I trust FD will read, understand and stop asking the same questions again and again. :roll:


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: For FD, my stalker - Answers yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Thanks for the update. You don't hate Jews...because you say so. We'll ignore your actual views on Jews posted on the forum.

Which is why you won't compare statements on Jews you agree with to any quote on Muslims or Islam by a person you brand an "Islamophobe".


But here is FD's question in case you felt like addressing an actual point of discussion for a change:

Shaf, since you are unwilling to react to numerous calls from your fellow Muslims to kill Jews in the love thread: do you feel you have more in common with your fellow Muslims who want to kill all the jews or wish them dead, or with non-muslim Brits who are disgusted by this kind of genocidal language?


Good question.
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Umm, FD asked me what my views about Jews were and I answered him. If he had actually any real posts of mind saying I wanted Jewish people killed, he would have posted them. It seems you are also imagining posts where I might have said this! Is this therefore a shared delusion and obsession??

eh, it appears that you really, really, really want to believe these fantasies about phantom posts of mine don't you?

I prefer to stay firmly in the reality where the only anti-Semitic posts on DF are cuts and pastes you guys produce and try to make out that all Muslims believe these selective quotes.


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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
shafique wrote:I prefer to stay firmly in the reality where the only anti-Semitic posts on DF are cuts and pastes you guys produce and try to make out that all Muslims believe these selective quotes.

The Nazi doesn't see any Anti-Semitism.

What a shock.

the Jews are a curse on this planet... They are like a disease. They infest and spread like vermin.
I curse the evil Jew. And as far as I am concerned. Hitler was a BIG LOSER because he couldn't finish what he started...

the Israelis/Jews all over the world don't deserve to be wiped off the planet. True... They deserve much worse

Millions.... Who says millions? The Jews and the victors.... Whatever... Anyways, the point here is that Islam is more important than HUMANITY... So billions can die today but the greater injustice lies with blasphemising Islam.

Kill them all, and let the world rest for good.
Egyptions, Aramaens, Assyrians, Romans, Arabs, Spaniards, Iranians, Europeans/Germans, it seems all nations took part in smashing those Jews. They all hated Jews for valid reasons, just like our reasons today.

I can't help not expressing my unsatisfaction with Hitler for failing to accomplish his mission

you still wonder why all nations took turn in slaughtering the filthy apes the Jews are??
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Still failing, I see.

No links, and none of them my words - just an obsession with trying to make me out to be something I'm not. Fail.

If you think that I have posted anti-semitic posts, quote me. I dare you. ;)


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Re: For FD, my stalker - Answers yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Still waiting for those "anti-Muslim" posts of Raymond Ibrahim you claim are posted on the forum.

When you dig up any anti-Muslim posts then I'll provide the quotes (again) from the Anti-Semitic Muslim author you're in agreement with and defended on this forum for comparison.

Btw, feel like answering FD's question instead of starting an attention seeking thread to claim you're answering FD but are actually avoiding?

Shaf, since you are unwilling to react to numerous calls from your fellow Muslims to kill Jews in the love thread: do you feel you have more in common with your fellow Muslims who want to kill all the jews or wish them dead, or with non-muslim Brits who are disgusted by this kind of genocidal language?

"Answer yet Again."?

When did you answer FD's question the first time, O Reading Impaired One?
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Shaf, you and the other zombies are a big disgrace. Look how your hero Galloway is praising the human rights of Assad, all coming from the same sewer. You are genocidal maniacs and a big disgrace!
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Why the smoke and mirrors eh?

This thread is about FD's memory problems and obsession with what I think. I am quite clear about what I've posted, and am most explicit about my views of Judaism and Jewish people in general.

Your obsession with trying to show I hold different views from what I've posted is failing spectacularly. Why don't you produce one of these imagined posts of mine?

FD - did you read the answers I gave in the link I gave. Are you still confused? :roll:


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Re: For FD, my stalker - Answers yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Fascinating spin.

But when are you going to answer FD's question:

Shaf, since you are unwilling to react to numerous calls from your fellow Muslims to kill Jews in the love thread: do you feel you have more in common with your fellow Muslims who want to kill all the jews or wish them dead, or with non-muslim Brits who are disgusted by this kind of genocidal language?

Or are you still claiming there have been no Anti-Semitic posts made by Muslims on the forum?

I guess a Nazi finding Antisemitism in comments dripping with Jew hatred is like the farmer putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

Btw, I see you're still running from any comparison to "anti-Muslim" statements from Raymond Ibrahim to your Anti-Semitic Muslim author's posts.
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Just post one of these imagined anti-Semitic posts you guys imagine I've written? Stop with the smoke and mirrors - FD already has his answer about what I think of Judaism, Jews etc.


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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Just post one of these imagined anti-Muslim posts you've imagined I've endorsed and we can compare it to the anti-Semitic Muslim author's comments you agree with.
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 25, 2012
Very poor attempt at smoke and mirrors eh, you should be ashamed.

You're effectively admitting that you cannot produce one of your imagined anti-Semitic posts that I have allegedly written.

To quote FD: 'I thought so'


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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 26, 2012
Did you say you can't find any "anti-Muslim" Raymond Ibrahim posts posted on the forum *AFTER* you started a recent thread claiming you had read "anti-Muslim" Raymond Ibrahim posts on the forum?

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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 26, 2012
You seem to be posting in the wrong thread yet again eh - trolling seems to be a preoccupation of yours.

This thread is about FD's memory problems and fantasies. ;)


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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 26, 2012
Shaf, since you are unwilling to react to numerous calls from your fellow Muslims to kill Jews in the love thread: do you feel you have more in common with your fellow Muslims who want to kill all the jews or wish them dead, or with non-muslim Brits who are ed by this kind of genocidal language?

In case you forgot about FD's question you never asnwered.
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Re: For FD, My Stalker - Answers Yet Again. Feb 26, 2012
You really are having major problems with comprehension aren't you eh?

FD's questions have all been answered before - but yet he keeps embarrassing himself by repeating his questions about my views over and over again. It is a strange obsession he has with me - and one that you seem to be sharing.

I don't share his weird conspiracy theory about Muslim plots - this nazi-like paranioa about Muslims is another worrying trait that you share with FD, and who herve is at least very explicit about (but herve loves his conspiracy theories).

This thread is so that FD is under no future confusion over my views about Judaism, Jews or even Israel. I think even you by now can understand that there is a difference between opposing the Israeli Military Occupation of land captured in 1967 and anti-Semitism.


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