however, the quote I gave showed Kung agrees with all of us who disagree with you.
That's one perspective.
I was citing his conclusion from the article as it related to whether Islam condones violence.
He said that one shouldn't fault Islam for suicide bombings, etc. He didn't mention whether or not Islam calls for warfare against unbelievers and spreading Islamic law by force.
I quoted a review from his book to address your point about Kung's views about Islam being relevant in post-modern times.
I agreed with the good professor that Islam is incapable of conforming to the values and ethics of the modern world.
I guess the quote shows that Kung agrees with me and disagrees with you.
They thankfully don't follow what I call the 'orientalist' view of Islam
I can't help but detect a little bit of changing the subject on your part. This thread is about determining whether or not the verses I quoted on another thread were taken out of context.
I maintain that they were not and that the Koran has more verses talking about hell for unbelievers, fighting unprovoked battles against unbelievers and passages which speak negatively about unbelievers (calling non-Muslims 'the most vile of created beings') than the other way around.
I guess the only way to settle this, is to post all of the verses which talk about warfare against unbelievers and then post all the verses which prohibit unprovoked battles. But then again, that is not my job. I'm only pointing out the numerous violent passages in the Koran.
or indeed if you read all the verses of the Quran relating to relations with non-Muslims
Happy to look at *all* of the passages and not just the ones Muslims in the West will post in order to falsely portray Islam as a 'peaceful' religion.
Great - I'll take you up on that.
Done. We can also compare the number of unbelievers the early Christians killed with the number of unbelievers the early Muslims murdered (tens of thousands).
Perhaps you'll claim this is an unfair comparison because the early Christians did not hold any political power. Well, last I checked, Muslims these days (thankfully) do not hold that much political power themselves. But hey, why should we let consistency get in the way of a good argument?
We can keep a running total of those killed or maimed by terrorist attacks carried out by those calling themselves Muslims
You'll have to take that up with Rudeboy, who said that just because someone's name is Muhammad, that does not mean they are devout Muslims (or something to that extent).
I am careful to distinguish between the actions of secular governments, such as Turkey and Saddam Hussein's Iraq, from the actions of religious fanatics in Al Qaeda in Iraq.
It's interesting that you want to conflate the US government with a Christian theocracy. I would say that speaks of your lack of knowledge of the United States, but my guess is that you would simply have a hard time finding attacks from genuine Christian fanatic groups unlike what you would have with Islamic terror groups (who are influenced by the texts and teachings of Islam).
I'd call the shooting down of an Iranian airliner to be an act of terrorism
Unfortunately, we are talking of religious terrorism. I am impressed with your ability to shamelessly move your own goal posts.
We can then compare the numbers of victims of Terrorist attacks - distinguishing the numbers killed by 'Muslim converts' with those killed/plotted by 'non-Muslims'.
As I said, done. I am not aware of converts to other religions who have carried out terror attacks, so I'll leave the (extremely) heavy lifting for you.
Cool - start the count - but let me know if you are going to count 'suspects' as well as actual terrorist attacks
For this, I don't necessarily believe in innocent until proven guilty. When you have confessions of Muslim converts who say they wanted to kill thousands of Australian civilians, I'll take their word for it even if they have not been sentenced yet.
What proportion of those who become Muslim each year end up carrying out terrorist attacks - and lets say compare that with the numbers of new colonialists in occupied Palestine (aka 'settlers')
Impressive! You've managed to yet again move your own goal posts. Sorry, I don't think settlers are converts. But I'm happy to document attacks against unbelievers in the Philippines and Thailand (just two regions where Islamic insurgencies are fighting). We can also see if the non Muslims killed in Thailand and the Philippines by Islamist terrorists receive the same amount of media coverage as Palestinians (or Israelis) do around the world (or even this forum).