Fidel Castro (83) Claims Obama Lives In Fantasy World

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Fidel Castro (83) Claims Obama Lives in Fantasy World Jun 05, 2010
Fidel Castro claims Obama lives in fantasy world
By WILL WEISSERT (AP) – 2 days ago

HAVANA — Fidel Castro speculated Wednesday that a nuclear strike on Iran might help President Barack Obama win a second term in the White House and also suggested the United States could attack North Korea.
The former leader of Cuba, who has not been seen in public for nearly four years, also portrayed the U.S. president as a victim of fantasies planted in his mind by sinister advisers.

The column published by Cuban state media floated the idea that a nuclear attack on Iran — perhaps even without U.S. authorization — might help Obama win re-election in 2012.

"Could Obama enjoy the emotions of a second presidential election without having the Pentagon or the State of Israel, whose conduct does not in the least obey the decisions of the United States, use nuclear weapons against Iran?" he asked. "How would life on our planet be after that?"
It's a question he did not answer, nor did he elaborate.

Castro also referred to "the current danger North Korea could be attacked by the United States" because of "the recent incident that happened in that country's waters" — apparently a reference to allegations that North Korea attacked and sank a South Korean warship, killing 46 sailors.

Castro, 83, said China might be able to block such an attack by using its veto in the U.N. Security Council, implying that Washington was likely to seek that body's authorization before a move against North Korea.
The government of North Korea has denied involvement in the torpedo attack near the countries' sea border in March. During a visit to Seoul last month, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the North should face international consequences for the sinking.

Castro often has praised Obama in recent years, but painted him as a pawn of the global capitalist machine on Wednesday.

"President Obama can give hundreds of speeches, trying to reconcile contradictions that are irreconcilable ... dreaming of the magic of his well-articulated phrases," he wrote.

But Castro said Obama "makes concessions to personalities and groups totally lacking in ethics and draws fantasy worlds that only fit in his head and that unscrupulous advisers, knowing his tendencies, plant in his mind."

The good ol' communist still has a proper set of brains. I agree with him. Obama is just a puppet talking his teleprompter. I wish Ronnie was still with us... sigh 8)


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Re: Fidel Castro (83) Claims Obama Lives In Fantasy World Jun 06, 2010
Well, I have to hand it to Castro. If he wasn't in charge (and if he didn't send Che to his death), that guy with his picture plastered on every T-shirt at an anarchist demonstration (lol) would have nuked Miami if he had the power to.
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Re: Fidel Castro (83) Claims Obama Lives In Fantasy World Jun 06, 2010
Well, Castro shows how effective medieval sieges are at changing those in power ;)

One of the side-effects of the boycott/embargo and a direct result of the communist policies, is the great progress they have made in healthcare. They even give scholarships to Americans to study medicine there and have a world class primary medical scheme, free at point of entry and with medicines at a fraction of the price in Miami.

Of course, the embargo has indeed caused the Cubans a lot of hardships - but healthwise (both in terms of staying healthy and treatment when ill) they are the envy of most nations in the world. Ironically, when the embargo is lifted and market forces are let loose, health outcomes is expected to fall (from adoption of more 'western' diets and practices - including making it uneconomical to have doctors giving the primary care they enjoy right now).

But speaking of Cuba - I'm reminded that the CIA have had their 'Comedy Central' moments as well - bay of pigs and exploding cigars to name but two! ;)

As for the Cuba missile crisis - how times have changed, then it was down to US missiles in Turkey pointing at Russia and Kruschev winning that battle in private, but letting JFK spin it to appear they faced down the Russkies - today we have Comedy Central sending Pirates against a Turkish ship, and Turkey stepping out of line with other vassal states by listening to their people and refusing to let the US use it's territory to invade Iraq (a few years back now, but US still hasn't forgiven them).

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