FBI Entrapment Tactic Backfires

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FBI entrapment tactic backfires Dec 07, 2010
A piece from the Washington post about FBI entrapment techniques and how in one particular case the guy they put undercover is now suing the FBI (after earning over $170k in 15 months).

Contrary to perceptions that Muslims don't do enough to counter extremists in general, and Muslim jihadists preaching in mosques - the Muslims in the mosque where the informer was trying to entrap numpties reported him to the authorities and got a restraining order against him! :shock:

But the FBI’s approach has come under fire from some Muslims, criticism that surfaced again late last month after agents arrested an Oregon man they said tried to detonate a bomb at a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. FBI technicians had supplied the device.

In the Irvine case, Monteilh’s mission as an informant backfired. Muslims were so alarmed by his talk of violent jihad that they obtained a restraining order against him.

His law suit against the FBI states that he was trained to entrap Muslims:
Compounding the damage, Monteilh has gone public, revealing secret FBI methods and charging that his “handlers” trained him to entrap Muslims as he infiltrated their mosques, homes and businesses. He is now suing the FBI.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 10_pf.html


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: FBI Entrapment Tactic Backfires Dec 07, 2010
Why am I not surprised at all about this ?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: FBI Entrapment Tactic Backfires Dec 08, 2010
It would be interesting to Herve's take on this.

Presumably the French would not approve? (But didn't they sink a Greenpeace ship a while back... hmm)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: FBI entrapment tactic backfires Dec 09, 2010
I say it is better to catch these criminals before they kill people, not after. It seems to me here that the FBi mishandled this informant, or that the informant was not well trained to infiltrate the mosque and got his cover blown off, then turned against his handlers, these screw ups happen time to time. Let s see how it unfolds. Of course Shafique wants to believe him, and not the judge or the FBI. Bottom line is The FBI are the good guys, they want to catch bombers before they strike, they dont want to entrap people for the sake of it, and let other bombers go, it is counter productive, period.
If it was just entrapment, why would not they try with the local churches, Are Krishna, Scientology, the KKK.
Damn! why is it always the Muslims willing to wear the explosive garb.
They just arrested Mohamed Osman Mohamud yesterday , I guess I can safely say he is Muslim, another one, he tried to blow up an army center, at least this one will not kill anyone , ever. So this method does work.
But for shafique , he is a poor innocent fellow victim of entrapment.
The greenpeace ops turned out to be a fiasco not because of us, operatives, but at the political level. Wrong orders, wrong MO, and eventually betrayal, I can tell you that our underwater black ops were otherwise 100% succesful and totally unknown. They always are. I did my last one in Dubai.
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Re: FBI entrapment tactic backfires Dec 09, 2010
herve wrote:I say it is better to catch these criminals before they kill people, not after.

But how many people like Tim McVeigh could be entrapped, but aren't?

I think that there is a very good reason why entrapment is not grounds for prosecution in most legal jurisdictions.

By all means - get people that are going to commit terrorist acts off the streets - but don't recruit people artificially and then make out that you've uncovered a Muslim plot. The reality is that this 'informer' was being paid to uncover a reality that wasn't there and the Muslims ended up getting an injunction against him.

If it was just entrapment, why would not they try with the local churches, Are Krishna, Scientology, the KKK.
Damn! why is it always the Muslims willing to wear the explosive garb.

Good question - why don't they target the militias and other wackos who do indeed horde explosives.

The largest ever cache of explosives uncovered in the USA was just last month - and it was a Serbian, not a Muslim!!

The largest cache of the homemade explosives PETN and HMTD ever found in the United States was discovered on Thanksgiving Day by San Diego police. PETN happens to be the type of explosive favored by Al-Qaeda militants. Now, I know what many people out there are thinking. All terrorists are Muslim and, therefore, this bomb-maker must be a Muslim too. Only Muslim terrorists use PETN. Correct?

Not correct. This very big batch of PETN belongs to one George Djura Jakubec, a Serbian national and 54 year-old computer software consultant who happens to hoard all sorts of dangerous chemicals including sulfuric acid. George is considered a bank robber but he is now under investigation for links to terrorist organizations. The stockpile of explosives was so dangerous that authorities had the entire block near Escondido, California evacuated. These types of explosives are very sensitive and could be detonated with a slight shock, making law enforcement’s task all the more difficult and dangerous.

http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.acti ... 4978728601
(via loonwatch)

I rest my case.

Evidence, not hype.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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