Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
shafique wrote:RC - as DDS pointed out, just look up EDL and who attend their ralllies and you'll see what they are about.

But specifically on the fascist bit:

But having spent time with them, there is evidence that this movement has a more disturbing side. There is talk of the need for a 'street army', and there are links with football hooligans and evidence that violent neo-Nazi groups including Combat 18, Blood and Honour and the British Freedom Fighters have been attending demos.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive ... eague.html


If someone attends demos, organized by EDL, doesn't mean that EDL thinks and acts the same way. So it was pretty weak attempt of yours (facts and fantasies) but what you should been even less happy, that the article was not about arrest of EDL supporters but about the brutal attack of Muslim youth on the couch. It's in the head-line. This point you prefered to omit entirely. MCL is absolutely right about totally closed Ethnic areas in London for visiting generational Englishmen.

After that your accusation of FD in doing the same are worth absolutely nothing. You are nothing better bigot than him.

P.S. I cannot read any post of DDS.

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
Is everyone who attended the 'Anti-fascist demonstration' against the EDL a bigot for opposing fascism?

http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/0 ... onstration

(Oh, and I have no problem with the fact I'm strongly opposed to the views of the EDL, Jihadwatch and Anders Brievik - all have the same views. If that makes me an anti-loon bigot, so be it.)

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
From the BBC article I learnt only about Muslim violent youth, who attacked the couch with EDL supporters in the capital of UK (not bantustan Swaziland).In my view anti-facsists are something different. It's what the article is about.

You can be in opposition to anybody but please invent some new word for that. Anti-fascist and hater of Jews in one bottle sounds a lil bit weird, doesn't it?
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
Red Chief wrote:From the BBC article I learnt only about Muslim violent youth

Which BBC article was that RC?

The one Eh and I referred to only says 'local youth'. You're not inventing things again to suit your views are you? It does not contain the word 'Muslim'.

I note that you're also avoiding the fact that the opposition march was 'Anti-fascist'. And what is weird about Anti-fascists being against Israel's military occupation? Where's the contradiction?

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
About 100 Asian teenagers then pelted it with bricks and stones, according to a BBC reporter at the scene.

Asian teenagers in the area with vast majority of Bangla people. Who might they be? Christians or Budhists? What do you think?

Shafique, we discuss your own topic. You do forget, what article the topic is about, don't you?
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
RC - so you made an assumption that the Asian youth were likely to be Muslim - even though the article didn't mention their religion. Seems a fair assumption to me - but, the anti-fascists protesting against the EDL weren't exclusively Muslim were they.

As for your assumption, how is that any different from my assumption that the EDL thugs that got arrested were fascists?

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
You are right. They were Asian violent teenagers. Being them kind Muslims is only my assumption but my biased nature, YOUR interest to the article and wikipedia tell me that at least 89% of them are.

I repeat one more time there is no mentioning the word "fascist" in the article regardless of how many times you offer to make context search. Nada.

And last but not least the article doesn't tell us about anti-fa demonstrations. If you want to speak about them please start another topic.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
I agree, there is no mention in the article that the drunken EDL criminals that were arrested had fascist political views, just like there is no mention that the local youths were Muslim.

Are you certain that they WEREN'T fascists? Is my assumption that the right-wing drunken criminals were fascist unreasonable? Or are you just arguing with me for the fun of it? ;)

I note that none of the local youths were arrested for throwing stones at the coach full of the drunken louts.

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Not local, but Asian in the area with predominant Bangla population.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
The article clearly states local - but hey, why quibble over the details. None of the local, Asian teenagers who threw stuff at the coach carrying the drunken EDL louts were arrested, were they?

I pity the cleaners who would have had to clean up the coach after the EDL drunks soiled themselves! :D

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
shafique wrote:The article clearly states local - but hey, why quibble over the details. None of the local, Asian teenagers who threw stuff at the coach carrying the drunken EDL louts were arrested, were they?

I pity the cleaners who would have had to clean up the coach after the EDL drunks soiled themselves! :D


Once more the article clearly states following:

About 100 Asian teenagers then pelted it with bricks and stones, according to a BBC reporter at the scene.

As for those arrests, in my view, after problems with minority in the Tottenham, who became majority in some devastated areas of the UK, the police is afraid of own shadow. That's why they prefer not to touch them "in vein". It's easier to pick up people, who locked in the brocken bus, than run after violent teenagers. It's only my assumption of cause.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Thanks for your opinion RC.

My view is that a coach full of racist EDL thugs breaking down where it did is just 'poetic justice'. The fact that the police could round them up and arrest them all for the crimes of earlier on in the day was just 'icing on the cake'.

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Shafique, the previous crimes of anybody are outside the topic of the article. Back to the article.

What point would you like to express?

1) You support those violent Asian teenagers in throwing stones to the bus from the bridge.

2) You don't believe to the correspondent of BBC, who was on the scene, because no Asians were arrested.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
RC - this thread IS about fascist, drunken thugs being arrested. The clue is in the title. :roll:

I didn't say I supported any violence, and just made the point that those arrested were the racists on the coach.


-- Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:56 am --

Here's how the Morning Star reported on it:

East End 2 Fascists 0

Sunday 04 September 2011

Victory. Victory for the anti-fascist movement, victory for the labour movement and above all victory for the East End in all its vibrant array of races, religions, languages and communities.

That's the only conclusion to draw from a day when the fascists were not only stopped but sent packing in humiliation from the streets of east London - again.

There was no repeat of the pitched battles that erupted in Cable Street when Oswald Mosley's blackshirts were halted in their tracks in 1936. But it was still a humbling defeat for the drunken rabble of the EDL and their attempt to terrorise the East End.

This was unity in action, from the RMT members who refused to let the fascists use Liverpool Street or King's Cross stations to the business owners who denied them a venue to protest in Tower Hamlets to the Euston landlords who heeded Unite Against Fascism's call not to let EDL members get tanked up in their pubs.

And, of course, the East Enders themselves who massively outnumbered the fascists with a peaceful counter-protest which brought together locals and campaigners from all across Britain and of all races and religions.

This was not two invading armies warring over neutral territory. It was one invading army, a rag-tag mob of racist thugs, against an opposing force with roots deep in the community it was defending.

Painstaking grass-roots work by Unite Against Fascism and local trade union and community activists meant the EDL was met not by campaigners parachuted in from elsewhere but by an alliance which put the lie to the EDL's scaremongering over immigration and Islam.

So much for "Islamisation." So much for the fascists' grubby little attempt to whip up race hatred where none existed before.

And, on a day when the EDL suffered defeat after defeat after defeat, when scores of members reportedly including the leader were arrested amid scenes of drunken brawling, when it was put to shame by the dignity and determination of the East End - so much for the EDL itself.

We have the fascists on the run. Saturday's famous victory shows we can beat them wherever and whenever they raise their ugly heads.

http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/news ... ull/109082

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Excuse me, Sir, my English needs some improvement but the head-line of the article is following:

English Defence League coach attacked in east London

A coach full of English Defence League supporters was pelted with missiles after it broke down in east London.

and your refrase is very far from it. Is it the the sort of inconvinient questions you'd like to ignore in FD's style? :wink:
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Sir, this thread's title is :
"Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested"

The article in my post above is entitled 'East End 2, Fascists 0'

I thank you. ;)

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Shafique, your propaganda is even more boring than Communist's one, you so like to make reference on. I hope you age is not around of any member of politbureau.

8) 8) 8)
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Facts RC, only the facts. :D

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
The only fact, I can find in this thread, is the statement of the BBC correspondent, who was on the scene and saw everything by own eyes. It's the fact you'd like to avoid. :wink:
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Really? the only fact? :D

Are you saying that the arrests of the drunken thugs is something I dreamt up? Wow - I must have a great imagination then. :D :D

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Wow... I get it. The only facts, you take into accout, is the police report. Are you a retired officer? Colonel Blimp? No?
8) 8) 8)
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
:D So you admit there ARE other facts! Excellent - glad we agree.

As for which facts I choose to start threads on - I guess EDL thugs getting arrested after a failing in East London is one piece of news/facts is one of them.

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
I get it again. Selective set of facts is a powerfull method of propaganda. Thank you teacher but the ground, you found in the EH's article had been a little bit tricky. That's why you then tried to add water of Communist's propaganda to keep your caultdron boiling.
8) 8) 8)
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
:D From a Russian, I'll take that as a compliment. :D

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
I appreciate that you took it as a compliment. Unfortunately a kiss of secretary general is not possible nowadays.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Now, now - recall what I said about facts vs fantasies! :D

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Red Chief wrote:Excuse me, Sir, my English needs some improvement but the head-line of the article is following:

English Defence League coach attacked in east London

A coach full of English Defence League supporters was pelted with missiles after it broke down in east London.

Yes thats because you did'nt scroll further down and read the rest. You just read, EDL attack and Muslim and assumed the rest.

And yes you are right, your English does need improvement from the looks of it because you were not able to read what was actually written in the article.
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
Apparently violently attacking police officers and people with differing viewpoints than you is 'poetic justice' to shafique.

Shafique is exhibit A for why there aren't any true moderates in the Muslim world.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Here's the abridged version for those in the cheaper seats:

shafique wrote:
I didn't say I supported any violence, and just made the point that those arrested were the racists on the coach.


-- Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:56 am --

Here's how the Morning Star reported on it:

East End 2 Fascists 0
That's the only conclusion to draw from a day when the fascists were not only stopped but sent packing in humiliation from the streets of east London - again.
And, of course, the East Enders themselves who massively outnumbered the fascists with a peaceful counter-protest which brought together locals and campaigners from all across Britain and of all races and religions.

This was not two invading armies warring over neutral territory. It was one invading army, a rag-tag mob of racist thugs, against an opposing force with roots deep in the community it was defending.

Painstaking grass-roots work by Unite Against Fascism and local trade union and community activists meant the EDL was met not by campaigners parachuted in from elsewhere but by an alliance which put the lie to the EDL's scaremongering over immigration and Islam.

So much for "Islamisation." So much for the fascists' grubby little attempt to whip up race hatred where none existed before.

http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/news ... ull/109082


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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Shafique, you should publish a little red book of your main frases and then give only number as a reference. It will save a lot of time and space on monitors.

Mr. Mao will eat his heart out. :wink:
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