Epic Fail By Pseudo-scholar

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Epic Fail by Pseudo-scholar Feb 28, 2011
Yet another pseudo-scholar blogger has been exposed by the guys over at Loonwatch.

This time, an American blogger claiming to expose the veracity of the usual conspiracy theories about Mooslims/Islam etc by providing translations of Arabic literature/web sites etc - has been shown to be no better than Memri, Bob Spencer and Pam Geller etc.

The blog is called 'translating jihad' and the evidence is that it is as reliable as Jihadwatch and Atlas Shrugs etc:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/02/transl ... nslations/

What is strange, though, is that these extreme Islamophobes run away from reasoned discussion over the real issues - extremism, misuse of religion, exploring the reality of historical events - and just resort to peddling lies and exaggerations which are reasonably easy to expose. I suspect that their audience is not those who would wish to weigh up the evidence, but those who already 'believe' that Mooslims are out to get them.

Anyway, just be careful about any quotations/citations/translations that may come from 'Translating Jihad', and treat like MEMRI specials - only believe to be true if you can independently verify that they aren't misleading you.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Epic Fail by Pseudo-scholar Feb 28, 2011
May I request a small summary of the discussion of a fail next time and not just a link, instead of the normal rambling about memri and spencer etc etc around it?

I see now this is about nikah again. LoL. My Arabic prof. from university still maintains nikah in the meaning of marriage is derived from "to fukc". For most Arabs this is supposed to be embarassing and try to hide this fact or just deny it.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Epic Fail By Pseudo-scholar Feb 28, 2011
It was too long a post for me to paste it here.

The summary is that 'Translating Jihad' has been shown to be guilty of Completely Fraudulent Translations.

The evidence in the article is comprehensive and the blogger is free to counter the specific examples given (not just minor mistakes, mind you).

Indeed, an earlier major mistake by the blogger was acknowledged by him and corrected:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/02/epic-a ... %E2%80%9D/
Where this blogger Epically failed to translate the word 'translator' - a mistake he acknowledged and corrected.

And, if more was needed, the blogger gives his reasons for his anti-Islamic stance - and it is his Christian Fundamentalist beliefs:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/02/transl ... ant-bigot/
the Holy Spirit inspires me to be an intolerant bigot (the loonwatch title of the article)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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