EDL - Caught Failing, Again

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EDL - caught failing, again Jun 15, 2012
In the latest of a string of failures, the EDL have been caught out spreading a nazi-like, 'blood libel'-like lie about Muslims abducting young girls:

EDL invents ‘child abduction’ story to boost attendance at Dewsbury demonstration

In a disgu.sting attempt at recruiting assorted racists and fascists to attend their forthcoming Dewsbury protest, it seems the English Defence League have stooped to an all time low when it comes to making up a story.

The EDL’s Dewsbury division started a rumour about Muslim men attempting to abduct two young girls from the local area of Kirklees. The EDL said that they had “clear evidence” regarding the attempted abductions and claimed that they would have street patrols due to police inactivity. The EDL also claimed that local residents had been forced to keep quiet regarding the abductions.

The truth, however, is somewhat different.

DCI Paul Jeffrey of West Yorkshire Police denied the abduction attempts and said that a 10 year old girl had contacted the police after a van driver had tried to talk to her. The girl could not describe the driver and did not say he was of Asian appearance.

The EDL also claimed a similar incident occured in the Heckmondwike area, however the police said they have no record of the event, so it either did not happen or was not reported to police.

DCI Jeffrey said “We can categorically state no such series of crimes along the lines of what has be alleged have been brought tothe police’s attention”.

Hope Not Hate, 14 June 2012

http://www.loonwatch.com/2012/06/edl-in ... nstration/

Fortunately, most British people are more sensible than these racist haters. I doubt whether anyone here will admit to supporting them (the few that did in the past all have been banned)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: EDL - Caught Failing, Again Jun 15, 2012
Same as many ex posters here who invent facts to back up their biases, because their lies don't a leg to stand on.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: EDL - Caught Failing, Again Jun 16, 2012
European, you should direct your questions about why people get banned to the admin of the forum - Andyba. He is the only person in charge of banning.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: EDL - Caught Failing, Again Jun 16, 2012
European wrote: I could interprut that to meaning that anyone supporting the EDL on this forum would be banned.

I guess you meant 'interpret'.

As kanelli said, Andy is the one to ask about bans.

However, you should not confuse correlation with causality. The EDL supporters have been banned indeed, but I didn't say (and it is highly unlikely) that this was why they were banned.

I've said it before in the numerous 'EDL failure' threads that the EDL supporters seem to come from the less intellectual segments of society ('Muslamic rayguns' for example) and by definition have bought into an Islamophobic myth that has no basis in reality.

It is perfectly possible for one to be critical of religions in general or Islam in particular and post civily and intelligently on this forum. Indeed, the majority of posters are not Muslim and do express views critical of some teachings of Islam, and indeed many muslims.

So, no, your political inclinations per se doesn't affect whether you can post, but how you post does.

Those that were banned generally couldn't restrain themselves when presented with counter arguments to their views, and generally resorted to personal insults and trolling. This, I suspect, is what got them (or should I say 'you and your friends'* ;) ) banned.


*I'll be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you and a few others are aliases for the banned few.I don't really care if you are or not, but if you engage according to the rules of the forum, you'll be ok with me. :albino:
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: EDL - Caught Failing, Again Jun 18, 2012
kanelli , Andy boy doesn't seem to answer why he bans people.

It's a wonder why he hasn't banned an admitted info-mining troll like yourself.
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