Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead

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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 25, 2011
One of his political views was that he despised Pakistan-like circumstances, where everyone not considered a Muslim is prosecuted.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 25, 2011
Well I firmly believe the arresting officers on Utoya should have shot the sick ba$tard and dropped him in the fjord like the Americans did OBL, denying him the platform he desires, which I've no doubt he will eventually get, for even sicker attempts to justify his actions.

Bring back Capital Punishment for crimes such as this and dispatch the perpetrator without any further ado.

I would vote for it's return in any referendum.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 25, 2011
I think nobody doubts that this guy shouldnot be part of society anymore for the rest of his life. However, he will be out well in time for his state pension.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 26, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:I think nobody doubts that this guy shouldnot be part of society anymore for the rest of his life. However, he will be out well in time for his state pension.

Well I sincerley hope not FD! I know Norway is liberal but I think this act may have shaken them to the core.
He is now banged up in solitary. if he'd been in the UK we would have been ensuring he had access to a playstation, Sky TV and a counsellor.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 26, 2011
I missed this quote from FD from earlier on in this thread.

Flying Dutchman wrote:Whereas poster Shafique and others call Hamas suicide children bombers resistance fighters. Thats also psycho!

Sir, you are telling a bare-faced lie and I expect an apology.

I have never called a suicide bomber targetting civilians (let alone children) anything other than a terrorist. Certainly not resistance fighters.

Please, please, please leave me out of fantasies about Muslims - please take back this lie or produce your evidence. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 26, 2011
shafique wrote:I missed this quote from FD from earlier on in this thread.

Flying Dutchman wrote:Whereas poster Shafique and others call Hamas suicide children bombers resistance fighters. Thats also psycho!

Sir, you are telling a bare-faced lie and I expect an apology.

I have never called a suicide bomber targetting civilians (let alone children) anything other than a terrorist. Certainly not resistance fighters.

Please, please, please leave me out of fantasies about Muslims - please take back this lie or produce your evidence. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Yes, you call Hamas resitance fighters. And those resistance fighters celebrate suicide bombers.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 26, 2011
Produce your evidence that I said Hamas suicide bombers killing civilians were resistance fighters and not terrorist criminals.

Shame on you.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 26, 2011
I have not used the word civilian. A word by the way that means very diferent things to different people.

A 16 year old boy blowing himself up in an Israeli army post...terrorist criminal or resistance fighter? I have read statement of yours that every Israeli military target is legit. Also that suicide is unislamic, but thats not the issue now.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 26, 2011
You could have just said you have NO evidence for your claim. Produce the post if you can.

Shame on you.

You should especially be ashamed as I've agreed with you in the past about the involvement of children in warfare being a crime. International law and guidelines specify that armed resistance against a Military Occupation is legitimate (and not terrorism).

That you should twist two different things to paint me as a supporter of terrorsim is just down-right low and nasty. Shame on you again.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 26, 2011
Your inability to answer a simple question says enough
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 26, 2011
Ok, now we've established FD's evidence (or lack of it), back to the subject at hand.

His lawyer is claiming he's insane - he's apparently full of hatred for anyone who isn't an extremist, and believes we are at war! :shock:

I'm still waiting to hear from eh which of this terrorist's political views he disagrees with! Perhaps this is one of them??

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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 26, 2011
shafique wrote: International law and guidelines specify that armed resistance against a Military Occupation is legitimate (and not terrorism).

That you should twist two different things to paint me as a supporter of terrorsim is just down-right low and nasty. Shame on you again.


You clearly support HAMAS, you never admitted it is a terrorist organization, hence you are a supporter of islamic terrorism. And your are not duping anyone with your crocodile tears on the Norway attack.
When directly asked if HAMAS is a terrorist organization, you response is that you condemn all terrorist acts.
Non sense, irrelevant and dodging the bullet
1) you dont respond to the question, you hide your true nature
2)according to your post, they are not terrorist acts anyways but armed resistance
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 26, 2011
AND.....what has any of that got to do with the op which is "Double Bombings In Norway"
Looks like you're going to join you're loony brethren and talk about everything on this planet except what the thread is about.

I can see you already came back in this thread with an over dose of what aboutery as it is.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 26, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:AND.....what has any of that got to do with the op which is "Double Bombings In Norway"
Looks like you're going to join you're loony brethren and talk about everything on this planet except what the thread is about.

I can see you already came back in this thread with an over dose of what aboutery as it is.

Your contributions to this thread are only of the trolling nature.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 27, 2011
Yeah and I've seen your "valueable inputs" aswell. Hamas has alot to do with the Norway attacks :roll:
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 27, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Yeah and I've seen your "valueable inputs" aswell. Hamas has alot to do with the Norway attacks :roll:

It is about al shafique's post , who, because he is a HAMAS supporter , has no say here, no credibility what so ever, to post any opinion on terrorism.
Hamas is a terrorist organization and al shafique never admitted it, never condemned Hamas, hence he is a supporter of a terrorist organization, so how in the world is he entitled to express an opinion on domestic terrorism in foreign countries, and has the arrogance to use it as a platform to claim islamic terrorism is barely existent .
So let me ask you too, do you admit that Hamas is a terrorist organization?
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 27, 2011
^funny herve is still banging on about Hamas???? :shock:

He was the first to respond to eh's OP and all he had to say was:

herve wrote:Al shafique the hamas supporter will probably tell you it is the irish boys

What a coward.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 27, 2011
Not about Hamas.....about you.
You busted al shafique, and now you resort to insults because you have nothing else.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 27, 2011
herve - I'm not the one who brought Hamas and the Irish into this thread - that's all on you, mon ami. Yet another case of barking up totally the wrong tree.

But, on the positive side, we at least agree that this guy was a terrorist.

Do you have more courage than event horizon - can you tell us with which of the terrorist's political views you disagreed with? It appears he and you share the same hatred of Islam, for example.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 27, 2011
al shafique , you have something in common with Hamas and Adolph Hitler.
And if anybody has something in common with this nutbag, it is you, with terrorism, since you support a terrorist organization yourself, Hamas.
There are a lot of people who dont like muslims on earth, islam is not a very likeable cult , but that does make them close to the oslo killer.
on this base, I certainly don't agree with you on anything, I don't have to.
In the end you are just a nobody, a hateful and angry avatar, ranting against israel, misinforming about your cult, on this forum, and the others, it so obvious I can follow your trail. The funny part is that you actually beleive you have credibility.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 28, 2011
Shafique is more than entitled to start a separate thread and post directly from Anders' manifesto to see which of his political views I disagree with.

In the meantime, perhaps shafique will share with us which of Hamas' political views he is in disagreement with???
event horizon
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 28, 2011
Someone with so much hate towards Islam, Arabs and Muslims, put a military backgroud in the mix. Now that is one dangerous individual and much more likely to go apeshit and do some serious damage than any so called verbal supporter of any terrorist organisation.

Herve, wheter you like it or not you're more like the loon Anders than all the posters combined on this forum !
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 29, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Someone with so much hate towards Islam, Arabs and Muslims, put a military backgroud in the mix. Now that is one dangerous individual and much more likely to go apeshit and do some serious damage than any so called verbal supporter of any terrorist organisation.

Herve, wheter you like it or not you're more like the loon Anders than all the posters combined on this forum !

Well I would disagree with that munchkin! It's the people who simmer underneath, while try to portray themselves as mainstream, that are the people to watch.
Just look at Shafique. He'd be the one to watch on the London Underground.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 29, 2011
Yeah, we can see how much Anders was simmering with all the shyte he posted online.
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