UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid

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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010
Jody McIntyre - "Well of course I accept the risks [of being treated like other protesters] and the evidence of that is that I was present at the protest. However, I think we are living in a very strange society if we should be scared that our police might hit us with batons when we are exercising our democratic right to peacefully protest." ( ... r_embedded)

-- Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:27 am --

Now, wasn't this thread about the 12 arrested in an anti-terror raid?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UK: 12 detained in anti-terror raid Dec 23, 2010
He's a twat K. not a student.

-- Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:32 am --

kanelli wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:k. I take it that you don't know anything at all about our student protests. I always think it best not to comment on something you know absolutely nothing about. :D

Wrong ASSumption. :alien:

C'mon then K. Explain it to me
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010
BM, start a new thread if you have a burning desire to talk about the student protests. If you check the subject of this thread it says "UK:12 Detained in Anti-terror Raid" - as you can see, we are all off topic at the moment.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010
shafique wrote:LOL

I agree benjw - the guy with Cerebral palsy does really look threatening in his wheelchair and has a mean look in his eye. Why let the fact he doesn't have control over his arms and legs get in the way of the fantasy he was a threat? :roll:

10/10 for creativity. Lower score for credibility. (Did you even watch the video?)


You are agreeing with yourself then, because your the only one saying that he was a threat.
I have never said that he was a threat or ever will be. He is just an un-co-operative person, who had enough control over his arms and legs to climb to the top of one of the buildings druing a previous protest.
Making him out to be more handicapped than he actually is is not creditable either.
I've got a bit more respect for him than that :)
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010

That'll be the sarcasm whooshing over your head. :)

Anyway - as kanelli is trying to get this thread back on track again, let's agree to disagree that a disabled guy with CP can justifiably be dragged from his wheelchair for being 'un-co-operative'.

My point was that this episode was a PR disaster for the Police and I was speculating whether the broo-haha over the 12 arrests was in part to distract us from this disaster. Time will tell.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010
kanelli wrote:BM, start a new thread if you have a burning desire to talk about the student protests. If you check the subject of this thread it says "UK:12 Detained in Anti-terror Raid" - as you can see, we are all off topic at the moment.

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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010
BM, I hope you are laughing on-topic ;D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 23, 2010
benwj wrote:
shafique wrote:LOL

I agree benjw - blah blah blah

You are agreeing with yourself then, because your the only one saying that he was a threat.
I have never said that he was a threat or ever will be. He is just an un-co-operative person, who had enough control over his arms and legs to climb to the top of one of the buildings druing a previous protest.
Making him out to be more handicapped than he actually is is not creditable either.
I've got a bit more respect for him than that :)

Hi benwj, I'd hate to say I told you so, but...well, you know what I"m going to say.

Anyone who disagrees with him notices that he's very far from rational or capable of understanding the position of his opponents, often deliberately taking their arguments out of context and saying, 'I'm glad you agree with me, blah blah blah'.


Now benwj, and you don't have to be honest, but was I right or was I right?

Back on topic, it looks like the authorities are saying the Jihadists (or were they perhaps Buddhist holy warriors???) were planning attacks on holiday shoppers and famous landmarks.

Well, I never. ... -held.html
event horizon
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 24, 2010
kanelli wrote:BM, I hope you are laughing on-topic ;D

Of course K!

-- Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:10 am --

@EH Yes you are right, the 12 detained Bangladeshis are reported as planning attacks on Christmas shoppers and English landmarks. We extend the hand of friendship to these people and allow them to come and live freely amongst us, pay them benefits and this is how they repay us. It makes my blood boil. Please let me be Prime Minister for just one day. I would run out of rope.
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 24, 2010
^Well, I hope for plods sake that the 12 are all charged and eventually convicted.

We'll see.

It will also be interesting to eventually read how many of the 12 are Bangladeshi too. ;)

(But of course plod's PR is going to big-up the arrests and the threat... but the proof of the pudding is in the eating - let's see if this time the reality matches the PR hype - and we'll have a taste of this when charges are levelled and then we'll find out more when/if they go to trial.)

One fact already released is:
Our correspondent said the officers who arrested the men were unarmed, suggesting the police felt there was no serious threat against them.

[BM - god help us if you are in a position to hang people! I mean, imagine all the hindus, sikhs etc that would be hanged for the crime of 'looking Muslim'!! :shock: :mrgreen:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: UK: 12 detained in anti-terror raid Dec 24, 2010
Shaf! Wharever! BM is not that daft! She can tell a sikh from a muslim, they wear those turban thingys. Listen, I work for the British Government, I've done courses in all this sh1t, I know, you know!

Anyways the detained lot may not turn out to be Bangladeshi as reported but they definately weren't English because I've seen their pictures!
Have no fear for them tho' Shaf, we will be looking after them over the holidays and are probably spending ££££ at the moment, making sure their cells point in the right direction, or whatever else they need.

I don't have a problem with muslims in general as long as they behave themselves. Enjoy the beach :santa:
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Re: UK: 12 Detained In Anti-terror Raid Dec 24, 2010
^Phew, what a relief for Sikhs! :)

Well, I have no new info - so we'll just have to see about the nationalities/backgrounds and guilt etc. I hope we don't end up paying them for their stay in the clink (I'm still fuming that as a taxpayer we paid out the Guantanamo detainees millions in total - whilst some of our troops are going without. But if we are going to have courts and a concept of justice, I guess we have to pay the price when guys are wrongly banged up..)

Enjoy the festive weather and good cheers!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: UK: 12 detained in anti-terror raid Dec 27, 2010
Breaking news Shaf! 9 of the 12 of those foreigners have been charged by the CPS with conspiracy to cause explosions in Britain and with plotting terrorism ...The other 3 have been released without charge.
They will appear before Magistrates at Westminster this morning. Well done to the West Midlands Police for arresting them before they had chance to cause more carnage of the streets of Britain. The CPS have said that there is more than enough evidence to reasonably expect a conviction. If convicted, it will cost the British taxpayer millions to bang them up along side Abu in Belmarsh. If it were up to me I'd just look for the nearest sturdy tree.
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Re: UK: 12 detained in anti-terror raid Dec 27, 2010
^Excellent news BM - a 75% charge rate is a good start.

Let's hope the convictions (and evidence) are just as good.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: UK: 12 detained in anti-terror raid Dec 27, 2010
Fingers crossed Shaf,
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