David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End

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David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
More and more are beginning to wake up from their self-made hell.

But will this be enough?

Interesting how the reactionaries would deny that Britain has a problem in this regard. We've had a few on these forums who would claim otherwise. Smoke screens, deflection, poisoning the well, denial.

But, as I said, they and their ilk do not represent the vast majority of British citizens.

Now, finally, we have the highest politician in the land to finally acknowledge what has been obvious to most for the past decade or more. He'll also join the ranks with Angela Merkel to admit that multiculturalism is a bankrupt belief system. Instead of assimilating, it has allowed religious minorities to radicalize and segregate even further from mainstream society.

After all, if you don't openly challenge backwards belief systems, there's no reason to expect these communities will challenge them. We have educated people here who want to take society back to the seventh century.

The difference between France and Britain in this respect is astounding. In spite of urban crowding, unemployment and poverty, France's religious minority community is light years more progressive than Britain's.

The French treated their immigrants like they were Westerners. To me, that's the opposite of the ethnocentric multiculturalist view that non-Westerners are too fragile to be treated equally.

Entering the debate on national identity and religious tolerance, the Prime Minister declared an end to “passive tolerance” of divided communities, and say that members of all faiths must integrate into wider society and accept core values.

To be British is to believe in freedom of speech and religion, democracy and equal rights regardless of race, sex or sexuality, he will say. Proclaiming a doctrine of “muscular liberalism”, he said that everyone, from ministers to ordinary voters, should actively confront those who hold extremist views.

He warned that groups that fail to promote British values will no longer receive public money or be able to engage with the state.

His speech, to an international security conference in Munich, comes after The Daily Telegraph disclosed the extent to which the British intelligence community fears the “unique threat” of terrorist attacks by radicalised British Muslims.

Mr Cameron promised a new willingness to argue against and “defeat” extremist ideologies that lead some to engage in terrorism.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... -says.html

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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
The politicians are finally coming to terms with what the majority of the true Brits are thinking, and not before time. We are sick of being told we are a multicultural society when the immigrants are plotting against us in the background.
Dave has had a wake up call and realises that the masses are rebelling against the Muslims in Britain.
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011 ... icised-edl

Timing is suspect - but the Tories have had a kicking of late, what with the NHS reforms and the silly policy of selling off our national forests.. so a speech on multi-culturalism a few hours of an EDL rally is bound to make the headlines.

But let's see what lies beyond the rhetoric and what is actually done (apart from boost the egos of EDL bigots and their supporters/sympathisers). I suspect nothing concrete will actually come from this.. just a lot of talk.

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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
shafique wrote:But let's see what lies beyond the rhetoric and what is actually done (apart from boost the egos of EDL bigots and their supporters/sympathisers). I suspect nothing concrete will actually come from this.. just a lot of talk.

I see nothing bigoted in the EDL Mission Statement found here; http://englishdefenceleague.org/content.php?136 and I’ve copied below some of the content for those not wishing to read the full document. I think someone here should evaluate the labels he insists on hanging on individuals and organisations alike.

And let’s not forget “The English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation that was founded in the wake of the shocking actions of a small group of Muslim extremists who, at a homecoming parade in Luton, openly mocked the sacrifices of our service personnel without any fear of censure”. Without the actions of those Muslim extremists, the EDL would not exist, and without the liberal democracy we so freely enjoy in the UK, they would have probably been shot and killed.

The EDL promotes the understanding of Islam and the implications for non-Muslims forced to live alongside it. Islam is not just a religious system, but a political and social ideology that seeks to dominate all non-believers and impose a harsh legal system that rejects democratic accountability and human rights. It runs counter to all that we hold dear within our British liberal democracy, and it must be prepared to change, to conform to secular, liberal ideals and laws, and to contribute to social harmony, rather than causing divisions.

The EDL calls upon the Government to repeal legislation that prevents effective freedom of speech, for freedom of speech is essential if the human rights abuses that sometimes manifest themselves around Islam are to be stopped.

The European Court of Human Rights has declared that “sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy”. Despite this, there are still those who are more than willing to accommodate sharia norms, and who believe that sharia can operate in partnership with our existing traditions and customs. In reality, sharia cannot operate fully as anything other than a complete alternative to our existing legal, political, and social systems. It is a revolution that this country does not want, and one that it must resist. Sharia is most definitely a threat to our democracy.

The public must be provided with a more realistic and less sanitised view of Islam that allows it to ensure that decision-makers are held to account for their policy-making choices, choices that affect the harmony and security of the nation.

The EDL promotes the understanding of Islam and the implications for non-Muslims forced to live alongside it. Islam is not just a religious system, but a political and social ideology that seeks to dominate all non-believers and impose a harsh legal system that rejects democratic accountability and human rights. It runs counter to all that we hold dear within our British liberal democracy, and it must be prepared to change, to conform to secular, liberal ideals and laws, and to contribute to social harmony, rather than causing divisions.

Our armed forces stand up and risk their lives every day in order to protect our culture and democratic way of life. They are also reflective of England’s diversity, and are a shining example of what a people can achieve when united together. The EDL is therefore committed to opposing any and all abuse that our men and women in uniform are subjected to, and will campaign for legal remedies to ensure that those working within these important institutions are not exposed to abuse or aggression from within our country.

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
So is it safe to assume you support the EDL and share its ideology then ?
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:So is it safe to assume you support the EDL and share its ideology then ?

You are free to assume anything you wish, as long as it fits in with your handler's policies I don't think you'll get into too much trouble?

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
A simple yes or no would have sufficed, so once again.

Yes or No ?
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:A simple yes or no would have sufficed, so once again.

Yes or No ?

DDS, Dillon is far too clever for you. You aren't dealing with me now. You pulled this one on me remember. BM do you support the BNP or EDL? What's it got to do with you who anyone does or doesn't support in their own country? You aren't British so why the concern? Trying to pull another witch hunt with Shafique?
Go and focus on your own country where you have a say and leave us Brits to sort our own mess out.

PS please don't start hammering on about people not answering simple questions either. Some while back you made a reference to my 'chum'. I repeatedly asked you who you were refering to. You would never answer with a direct name but continued to dodge the question.
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Is your name Dillion ?
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:What's it got to do with you who anyone does or doesn't support in their own country?

Of all people, you would think DDS would restrain from pushing personal info out of posters.

Bethsmum wrote:Trying to pull another witch hunt with Shafique.

You will be hunted down by little ankle biting Chihuahuas with rabbies.

The strongest opposers to the idea that multi-culti is dead in W-Europe, are the strongest supporters of that everybodu in the UAE should live by UAE values. The irony is just flying straight over their head.
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: Exactly right FD, Whooosh :lol:
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Is your name Dillion ?

Gosh, you're not that bright are you? No my name is BM. Hello?

your question was on a public forum and I chose to address it.
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Since you don't deny it dillion ...... ;)

Anywoo I or anyone sane would strongly deny if I was alleged falsely to be associated with any unfavourable organisation specially a gang with consists mostly of football hooligans and have rumbled and managed to injure the police and destroy their vehicles.

Here is an intresting quote by David Cameron on the EDL
The EDL are terrible people, we would always keep these groups under review and if we needed to ban them, we would ban them or any groups which incite hatred.
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011

The Jewish community has always been at the forefront of anti-fascism.

From Cable Street to defeating the BNP at the ballot box, we have been unafraid to speak out against those who seek to spread fear and hatred in our communities.

Now our community faces a new threat. The English Defence League claim to be our allies in the fight against extremism. In reality, they are violent racists with BNP members and Nazi sympathisers amongst their ranks.
It is time for the Jewish community to come together as one to expose the EDL as the racist thugs they are.
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011

(Link for the 'Not in our Name - Jews against the EDL' website).
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Since you don't deny it dillion ...... ;)

Anywoo I or anyone sane would strongly deny if I was alleged falsely to be associated with any unfavourable organisation specially a gang with consists mostly of football hooligans and have rumbled and managed to injure the police and destroy their vehicles.

Here is an intresting quote by David Cameron on the EDL
The EDL are terrible people, we would always keep these groups under review and if we needed to ban them, we would ban them or any groups which incite hatred.

Have you been on wikipedia again?

-- Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:27 pm --

Muslim Protesters Burn Giant Poppy at Remembrance Day 2010

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
So, the EDL are as ugly as some extremist Muslim nutters.

No argument there.

But as the Jewish group says clearly:
It is time for the Jewish community to come together as one to expose the EDL as the racist thugs they are.

I'd put both groups in a closed warehouse and let them fight it out - failing that, arrest both groups and throw the book at them for their hatred.

However, let's be clear - I don't support these protestors and the Muslim council and other British Muslims denounced them at the time and continue to denounce them. It would be good to see whether you and others denounce the EDL or sympathise with them.

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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Commentary for above vid - which features some of the 400 Muslim in the British Military, including the first Muslim chaplain (Imam). Note that it was posted to counter the EDL's view of Muslims.

I hate Islamo-Fascist extremism and I oppose the concept and practice of Sharia Law, but the BNP, NF and EDL supporters have the cheek to lecture British people about Islam, about patriotism and British traditions, when Islam has been a part of British society for alot longer than their brand of nationalism. The first British mosque was founded 43 years before the founding of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists, 78 years before the formation of the NF, 93 years before the founding of the BNP, and 120 years before the founding of the EDL.

Hindu, Sikh and Muslim soldiers fought in the British Army against German imperialism decades before white nationalist leaders like Oswald Mosley were jailed by Winston Churchill for being traitors...
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
Luton Muslim Army Protests.
I dare you to watch and listen to the whole thing!

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm5oTpJ4 ... re=related

Includes the fact that a Muslim soldier was the first Indian to earn the Victoria Cross. The VC is not given out for normal acts of heroism - but reserved for extra-ordinary acts of gallantry.

So much for the EDL and other Islamophobe's view of Muslims and the British Army etc, as the poster of the video rightly points out:
BNP, NF and EDL supporters often pretend there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, and pretend that all Muslims support Jihadi terrorism, but this video features extracts from a TV documentary that describes the little-known story of the thousands of Muslim, Sikh and Hindu soldiers that fought in the British Army.

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Islam4UK which was responsible for protesting the returning british soilders was rightly banned and the people involved in the Rememberance day parade poppy burning incident calling themselves Muslims Against Crusades( MAC ) are also linked to Anjum Choudary and the now defunct Islam4UK formerly know as Al Muhajiroun

Islam4UK was banned and rightly so and personally I think that idot Anjum Choudary along with the MAC, EDL and the BNP should also be banned from any public activities or at the very least denied all media attention and air time.

And I do too agree with shaf and BM that yes the MAC and EDL are both nothing but racist extremist hooligans and thugs, isn't that right now ?
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
Numpties like Choudary are indeed no better than the EDL:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... on-bassett

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Islam4UK which was responsible for protesting the returning british soilders was rightly banned and the people involved in the Rememberance day parade poppy burning incident calling themselves Muslims Against Crusades( MAC ) are also linked to Anjum Choudary and the now defunct Islam4UK formerly know as Al Muhajiroun

Islam4UK was banned and rightly so and personally I think that idot Anjum Choudary along with the MAC, EDL and the BNP should also be banned from any public activities or at the very least denied all media attention and air time.

And I do too agree with shaf and BM that yes the MAC and EDL are both nothing but racist extremist hooligans and thugs, isn't that right now ?

How would you know that? You aren't even British.

-- Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:40 pm --

shafique wrote:Numpties like Choudary are indeed no better than the EDL:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... on-bassett


LOL I think you protest too much LOL

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Well, DDS and I both have condemned the EDL and the MAC etc.

I'm sure most British people when they've watched the vids above about the EDL/Muslims in the army and the Muslim extremists will join us in condemning both groups of extremists.

EDL supporters will be the ones coming up with excuses though. ;)

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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
Another prime example of multiculti of so many:

Moroccan mob attacking young girls.

Just look into their eyes.
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
Isn't it interesting that our loons will only selectively quote the views of Britain's Jewish community but will ignore the community on most other matters?


As for the EDL - two things.

1) EDL demonstrations are almost always met with violence by counter protesters. I remember reading a year ago that a female was run over by 'Asian youth' and it is EDL members who are the injured.

2) EDL's official position of its stance on the issue of Islam and Muslims was posted in this forum by Dillon. It would be revealing to ignore the EDL's official stance when they have quoted a newspaper editorial by a Hamas propagandist on the subject of the Holocaust, ignoring statements by Hamas officials in Gaza, bans on the teaching of the Holocaust in Gaza and 'documentaries' run on Hamas' official television channel which deny the Holocaust.
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
Hell’s flames, I turn my back to enjoy my beans on toast for my tea and all hell breaks loose, I reckon Andyba is regretting his decision to host UTube videos by now LOL, well I’ve said it before, anybody can find and post random video’s in attempts to get over their point of view, no matter how extreme those views may be, there’s enough dross out there to choose from.

Interestingly though, in it’s absence, there is still no comment from the usual suspects on the alleged “EDL bigots and their supporters/sympathisers” comment I cannot find in the EDL mission statement? Found here, http://englishdefenceleague.org/content.php?136 .

The truth is that I cannot understand how any law abiding rational thinking adult could disagree with any of the statements within, but I can see why the Radical Islamic Extremists would, and their ankle biting Chihuahua’s.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
Jewish bodies say 'not in our name' and state that the EDL are 'racist thugs'.

In response, we get a link to a story not about the EDL and some excuses why the Jewish groups(and David Cameron, given the quote above) are wrong about the EDL! :shock:

So, we've had young bible-bashers presenting themselves as experts on Islam and the Quran, and now they pretend to know more about the EDL than the British Jewish groups who point out they are indeed fascist, racist thugs.

sigh. :roll:

Anyway, given the BNP and EDL share the same Islamophobic fantasies about British Muslims - here's a UK military man giving his views on their simplistic (and wrong) views:

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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
Canada's Jewish Defense League has come out to support the EDL:

Far too often Islamists and the left have attacked EDL demonstrators with bricks, rocks, bottles, knives, bats, metal bars, and Molotov cocktails. On some occasions, British police caged the EDL demonstrators – trapping them like animals – and turned a blind eye when Islamists/leftists attacked them with a variety of flying objects.

When the EDL attended a demonstration in Holland supporting Geert Wilders, Dutch police set them up to be attacked. EDL buses were directed towards a gauntlet with weapon carrying Islamists and leftists on both sides of the buses. Bus windows were broken, and people were attacked while inside the buses. Then the police ordered EDL demonstrators off the buses, and forced them to walk through the gauntlet, unprotected and unarmed, while being viciously attacked on both sides. Dutch police did absolutely nothing to stop the attacks. Some members of the British police force accompanied the EDL to this demo, and witnessed the attacks. It was shocking that Dutch police would deliberately compromise the safety of EDL demonstrators, and painfully apparent that Dutch authorities wanted to send a violent message to supporters of Geert Wilders.

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