Coptic Woman Adbucted In Egypt

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Coptic Woman adbucted in Egypt Feb 22, 2011
With the loon misinformation campaign of Egyptian society at its greatest, now is it more important than ever to highlight assaults against religious minorities, to correct the spin.

The family of a contractor who built St. Mary's and St. Michael's church in Egypt is being targeted. The churches themselves have been attacked in the past. Now, the daughter of the contractor has been kidnapped.

All in all, just another quiet day for Copts in Egypt.

Muslims broke into the home of a Coptic family this afternoon and abducted their 18-year-old daughter Nesma Sarwat. The home belongs to the building contractor who built the controversial St. Mary and St. Michael church in Talbiya, within the Omraniya neig

hborhood of Giza. The abductors wrote messages on the home's wall, the messages said "Islam is the solution" and "The Church has to be demolished." The abductors also wrote the names of the other family members on the wall.

Neighbors heard voices, but no one saw the abductors as the whole operation took less than ten minutes and blood was found on the stairs and in the flat, reported Coptic activist Mariam Ragy of Free Coptic Voice advocacy. "I believe writing the names of the rest of the family might mean that their turn is coming," said the neighbor.

The Family of the abducted woman called the security forces to the scene.

St. Mary and St. Michael church was the scene on November 24, 2010 of severe clashes between State Security forces and Copts protesting over the closure of their church, during which the forces used tear gas and live ammunition against the protesters, resulting in the killing of three Copts, hundreds of injuries and the arrest of 176 Copts


February 16 - "No to Christians in Muslim Land"

Video of the attack on the church:

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