Coptic Wives - Seek Refuge In Islam

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Coptic Wives - Seek refuge in Islam Dec 29, 2010
A bizare and sad story from Egypt - two wives of Coptic priests who abused them and for whom divorce is not an option, tried to convert to Islam to escape from their abusive husbands. Their plans were discovered and they were handed back to the Coptic church and are now missing: :shock:

It is sad that to escape domestic violence the option these women chose was conversion to Islam. This puts into perspective the distorted view of Islam that some have of it allowing Muslim men to be abusive of their women (note that Egyptians understand Arabic and therefore know full well what Islam does and does not teach, and Egyptian women are very good at correcting misogynistic men who try to distort the Quranic instructions... memri, for once, has some good videos on the topic)

Two missing Coptic women had been abused by priest husbands(StlToday)

CAIRO, Egypt • The wives of two Egyptian Coptic priests, forbidden by the church from divorcing their abusive husbands, desperately sought another way out by converting to Islam. When their intentions were discovered, police handed them over to the church, and their whereabouts since have been unknown.

The cases caused a furor at home that spilled over the borders and turned deadly when al-Qaida in Iraq cited the women as the reason behind the worst attack ever on Christians in Iraq — a siege of a church in October that left 68 people dead.

It was a stark example of the schism between Christians and Muslims that runs through the Middle East and periodically erupts into violence.

“Amid the current sectarian discord, the timing is perfect for al-Qaida to show it is defending Islam and to exploit the situation to rally extremists against the churches,” said Ammar Ali Hassan, an expert in Islamic movements.

Both Wafaa Constantine, 53, and Camilla Shehata, 25, lived in remote rural towns and enjoyed prestige as devoted and pious wives of conservative Coptic priests. But behind that veneer, a lawyer and a church official said, the women were trapped in abusive relationships.

Both tried to seek a divorce through church channels but hit a dead end because the Coptic Orthodox Church forbids divorce — a rule enforced even more strictly against the wives of priests. And they decided to rebel, not only against their husbands but against the whole religion.

They sought to convert to Islam, something viewed as a disgrace in their community. The Coptic Church considers those who convert to other religions dead, making the marriage contract invalid.

Though Egyptian religious authorities say the women never succeeded in converting, the controversy in both cases escalated with protests by Egyptian Christians, who accused Muslims of abducting the women and forcing them to convert.

That riled Muslim extremists in Egypt who protested and accused the church of holding them against their will and forcing them to convert back to Christianity.

Al-Qaida in Iraq turned it into a cause celebre when it cited the women as the reason behind the Baghdad church siege. The group followed with more threats against Iraq’s Christian minority, generating such fear that most Christmas celebrations in the country were canceled. ... 34fd8.html

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Coptic Wives - Seek refuge in Islam Dec 29, 2010
There is no way back though:

In June 2009, an Egyptian court declined a request by al-Gohary to register his current religion in his identity documents. The verdict said that "conversion from Islam is unacceptable since it contradicts the prevailing order and because society has a Muslim majority," adding that "conversion is at odds with Article 2 of the Constitution which says that Islam is the primary source of legislation."

Islam prohibits conversion to Christianity, even for Muslim coverts originally belonging to the Christian faith.

Al-Gohary’s request to be recognized as a Christian is the second to be turned down. In January 2008, the administrative court dismissed another request by Mohamed Haggay, who later named himself Bishoy.

Would that apply to all countries who's primary source of legislation is Islam?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Coptic Wives - Seek Refuge In Islam Dec 29, 2010
^A few Muslim countries have this innovation when it comes to apostacy (the Quran doesn't give this punishment, and even refers to people joining and leaving Islam to cause trouble - and no punishment for these guys) - and the Quran clearly states there's no compulsion in religion too!

The conversions of these Coptic wives is even more remarkable given that Egypt has this law though - so thanks for pointing this out.

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