Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt

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Coptic priest murdered in Egypt Feb 23, 2011
With the loon misinformation campaign of Egyptian society at its peak, now is more important than ever to correct the spin by highlight assaults against religious minorities.

See past thread in this installment dubai-politics-talk/coptic-woman-adbucted-egypt-t45568.html

(Also ask yourself: "What would have happened if an Imam was murdered in a religiously inspired killing in the United States or Israel? How would loon bloggers and posters feature that?")

A Coptic Christian priest has been killed in southern Egypt, triggering street demonstrations by several thousand Christians.

The priest was found dead in his home. A fellow clergyman, Danoub Thabet, says his body had several stab wounds. He says neighbours reported seeing several masked men leaving the apartment and shouting "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," suggesting the killing was motivated by the divide between Egypt's Muslims and its minority Coptic community.

About 3,000 protesters scuffled with Muslim shop owners Tuesday night and smashed the windows of a police car in the city, Assiut. ... 19964.html

There was also a recent killing of a Polish Catholic priest in Tunisia:


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Re: Coptic priest murdered in Egypt Feb 23, 2011
Freedom has a different meaning to different kinds of people.
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Re: Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt Feb 24, 2011
wrong interpretation of news... and FREEDOM doesn't has different meanings...
whats going on on the ground has nothing to do with religions at least for now, but the way we spread the news and the way we discuss it might cause real issues in future :s

for example
" a girl was running in a park in USA, got attacked by a dog, a man killed the dog and saved her.
a reporter saw that and said to the man: tomorrow news will be " a brave tourist saves a girl",
the man said :I am not tourist,
the reporter said: a brave American saved a girl
the man: I am not american,
the reporter: where r u from?
the man: middle east
the reporter next day: "a terrorist killed an innocent dog in a park"
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Re: Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt Feb 24, 2011
LOL ! best description yet and sums up very well whats happening in the media.
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Re: Coptic priest murdered in Egypt Feb 24, 2011

A priest has his throat slashed and the report says witnesses hear men shouting allahu akbar during the incident and the spin given to excuse this crime is some story we're supposed to contemplate to better understand that this had nothing to do with religious bigotry (Oh, and I don't suppose this story should be taken in consideration when Muslims are allegedly attacked).

Yeah, ok.

(AINA) -- For the second time in as many days, Egyptian armed force stormed the 5th century old St. Bishoy monastery in Wadi el-Natroun, 110 kilometers from Cairo. Live ammunition was fired, wounding two monks and six Coptic monastery workers. Several sources confirmed the army's use of RPG ammunition. Four people have been arrested including three monks and a Coptic lawyer who was at the monastery investigating yesterday's army attack.

Monk Aksios Ava Bishoy told activist Nader Shoukry of Freecopts the armed forces stormed the main entrance gate to the monastery in the morning using five tanks, armored vehicles and a bulldozer to demolish the fence built by the monastery last month to protect themselves and the monastery from the lawlessness which prevailed in Egypt during the January 25 Uprising.

"When we tried to address them, the army fired live bullets, wounding Father Feltaows in the leg and Father Barnabas in the abdomen," said Monk Ava Bishoy. "Six Coptic workers in the monastery were also injured, some with serious injuries to the chest."

The injured were rushed to the nearby Sadat Hospital, the ones in serious condition were transferred to the Anglo-Egyptian Hospital in Cairo.

Father Hemanot Ava Bishoy said the army fired live ammunition and RPGs continuously for 30 minutes, which hit part of the ancient fence inside the monastery. "The army was shocked to see the monks standing there praying 'Lord have mercy' without running away. This is what really upset them," he said. "As the soldiers were demolishing the gate and the fence they were chanting 'Allahu Akbar' and 'Victory, Victory'".

He also added that the army prevented the monastery's car from taking the injured to hospital.

Egyptians in Tahrir Square were calling for the conquest ('Liberation') of Jerusalem. Who is going to liberate Egypt's Copts from Egyptians?
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Re: Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt Feb 25, 2011
EH, I have noticed you have been bringing all the religions news and following it all in many threads...

now you stated the news your way, and you mentioned what happened in tahrir as u were there, but u didn't mentioned that muslims were praying under the security of Christians or Christians praying on Sunday in tahrir under the security of Muslims.

you didn't mention for example when a christian girl were helping a muslim guy with water for "Wodoo" (in tahrir also) and you didn't mention the Egyptian flag linking between a mosque and a church in Alexandria?

You didn't mention my close Egyptians friends George & Peter? your way of presenting news or even re spreading it is the problem, you don't understand your just wanna wave there is a "problem" in muslims christians relationships...

There is violence everywhere in the world (did you hear about a country called IRAQ? and what American done there?) but when you state the violence as it is a phenomena then this means you have intentions (fishy intentions actually)

But anyway I am sure there will be always out dated ppl who try heat things up...
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Re: Coptic priest murdered in Egypt Feb 28, 2011
Monasteries are target practice: ... Um_ot0MUJI

Btw, what did the sign, which was apparently shot up with bullets, at the end of the video say?
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Re: Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt Feb 28, 2011
Dear EH... you don't know the old Egypt to know the new one :)
let me ask a question, is your point that the army in Egypt is attacking the church? and the army is attacking Christians?
so if it is, what is your proposed solution?
just FYI, thousands or millions of Muslims in Egypt was suffering from the old regime, its a matter of injustice mate..
(there is Christians army officers BTW, and this remind me while I was in the army my bed was a double floor bed, George was on the bed in the 2nd floor, and he is one of my closet since then) anyway

just a clarification (although I don't need to), in the past few weeks, many people used the absence of police and started building walls, buildings, houses (on green lands and country land) without any authority permission ( I wish you were seeing the building materials in this video)...

Anyway, the army and the cabinet sent serious and strict warnings to any body (via public TV, news papers etc) who will use this situation and build or take any piece of the country land...
and there is over 2000 to 3000 or more as I heard buildings been destroyed and the people who built it illegally will be fined and pay the cost of removing their materials..

so it has nothing to do with the church as of a church, if it was a mosque it would have been treated the same way (don't forget the country is in emergency period and this is army not civil police)...

listen EH I don't mind you bring all what you see in ur way up and I don't hesitate to admit any corruption done anywhere or even any biased action... but your comment "The NEW and IMPROVED Egypt!" doesn't sound like you wanna discuss or understand,
its like, pingo, see what this people are doing?

lets agree on one thing you aren't Egyptian, I am Muslim Egyptian, so by default I know little bit more than you do in this matter, so try to make your posts in a questioning way rather than sarcasm way...

good night..
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Re: Coptic priest murdered in Egypt Feb 28, 2011
Ok, you're saying the fence was put up last month, so did the article I posted in this thread.

What I find curious is how in the 'new' Egypt we see soldiers firing at protesters using live rounds. I've checked al-Jazeera just to be sure, and they haven't covered this story yet - I don't think they will since it's not part of their agenda.

I guess it's a bit interesting to see the military is behaving in exactly the same way as when Mubarak was in power. Certainly the decision to invade a monastery with tanks was a provocative action.

As you have said, there have been attacks against Christians that took place during this power vacuum - including the killing of the Egyptian priest, bombing of an empty church, abduction of a Christian girl and killing of two Christian families. So, now the raid against a monastery and use of live ammunition doesn't look good to any outsider and it is certainly reasonable that a Christian monastery - a natural target for a mob - would feel safer with walls and a gate to protect her from attack.
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Re: Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt Feb 28, 2011 ...
watch this :)

I can see your information about the Egyptian community and its levels isn't good enough, I am not blaming you, outsiders will always have a different point of view...

but first Egypt is still not 100% new, we just started, and we need all positive and optimistic views to build up a stronger community and to remove all the negativity we had in the old regime, the regime won't change in weeks or few months...
the interior police did kill 300 + on 28th jan ( i believe this is more than can be killed in a war in one day),
the army soldiers are given orders not to use power ( unless they are kind of forced to) and if you noticed in ur video there was lots of shoot guns (which I don't approve at all) but their intention was to spread the group of people to finish their mission and get back to their positions...if you noticed there were Military police with red hats in the video, and I am not going to explain the whole army system and how they act now, plz i have work in the morning :)

I am not saying the army is right or wrong, but Egypt now:
1- no president 2- no interior police almost 3- no constitution 4- the army law is in place 5- cabinet is just for running daily work 6- there is still protesters in streets 7- many people are protesting at their jobs asking for better wages and benefits 8- the situation in Libya as you know 9- pressure to remove all the corruption (over 3 x-ministers are in jail now)
all the above factors makes the army mission very difficult...

By the way I didn't say "there have been attacks against Christians as of Christians ( this sound like Muslims killing Christians) not true, there is incidents and if we get into details we will find hidden reasons...
or I will say whenever a Muslim die a Christian killed him, I don't do that and don't believe in that at all...

bombing of empty Church, u mean the one in north Sinai (which wasn't bombed like destroyed, and it was later secured by "Salafy Muslims" Salafy Muslims are those who are a bit strict with their daily routines but not terrorist don't worry )

if we will put a camera on 12 million christians and whenever a crime happen we say Christian Christian Christan this won't help us to remove the corruption and the injustice built by the x-regime..

who will feel safer? from what? mate I am sorry but I don't like you talking about Egyptians Christians this way, they are my friends and more...

the situation on ground isn't as you follow it from your keyboard, just calm down and be patient with news, find more sources, investigate more, accept the other opinion... accept the fact that this country has a history over than 7000 years and what is on ground now is a revolution which will have defects for sure, but if I become aggressive with every situation I won't have time to build my country...

real good night now,
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Re: Coptic Priest Murdered In Egypt Feb 28, 2011
Excellent post Mahmoud - I hope people take the time to read it and (more importantly) take in what you are saying.

My best wishes and prayers for you and all other Egyptians.

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