Clashes Break Out Over Re-opening Of Synagogue

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 21, 2010
Perhaps FD and eh missed this reference above. No comments?

shafique wrote:Well, back to the subject of East Jerusalem protests.

The Israeli regime has been caught out in a lie: ... -protests/

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 21, 2010
shafique wrote:Perhaps FD and eh missed this reference above. No comments?

Can´t be arsed that much anymore to react to blatant propaganda.

But since you ask. I love this:

five minutes later the police brutally attacked

Please specify where in the video the evil Israeli police scum attacked brutally:
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 21, 2010
How is exposing a blatant lie by the Israelis 'blatant propaganda'?

The lie exposed by the Yediot article is what I linked to:
Fortuitously, also on Sunday, Yediot published photographic evidence of blatant lying by the police regarding another incident East Jerusalem incident on Friday: The running over of a teenage Palestinian protester in Ras Al-Amud by a police vehicle. Below is a full translation of the article, with the photos at bottom.

You seem to be quoting from a blog of the protestors and referring to the video of the protest (which I agree, doesn't show police brutality - but it also doesn't show the arrests either). However, I wasn't referring to the blog or the protest (in fact I only clicked on those links just now). I wouldn't trust the bloggers any more than I would trust the IDF official statements - hence why I only linked to the translation of Yediot's piece.

I understand why you would want to call the Israeli police as 'scum' given the Yediot article states that the boy they run over was arrested and interrogated in the way he was, whilst he was injured. But I didn't read that word used in the Yediot article or in the blog of the protestors

We've agreed in the past that East Jerusalem's annexation is illegal - hence why I asked:
shafique wrote:You may disagree with me that Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem is immoral, but you've never challenged the fact that it is illegal. In fact you haven't supported the annexation at all, have you FD.

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 21, 2010
what was the approval rating of the Operation Cast Lead which killed many, many children? (And in any case it doesn't address the statement I made in regards to international law - at all.)

Nice false analogy - when will you learn?
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 22, 2010
Still avoiding the inconvenient facts, eh 'eh'?

You apparently haven't read the surveys in 'Israel unappolgetically racially profiles' - put those results in your pipe... ;)

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 22, 2010
Fascinating. Perhaps the Israelis are also aware that Muslims often speak out of both corners of their mouths?

On one hand, we have a Muslim who loves to condemn 'injustices' and says Islam is tolerant, but on the other he supports the forceful annexation of holy sites for Islam and the blanket prohibition of people from other faiths from visiting/worshiping in their former places of worship - which was in fact taken from them by the Muslims.

Koran 9:17 - It is not for the idolaters to inhabit God's places of worship, witnessing against themselves unbelief; those -- their works have failed them, and in the Fire they shall dwell forever.

9:18 - Only he shall inhabit God's places of worship who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs the prayer, and pays the alms, and fears none but God alone; it may be that those will be among the guided.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 23, 2010
event horizon wrote:Fascinating. Perhaps the Israelis are also aware that Muslims often speak out of both corners of their mouths?

If that IS what they think - perhaps that would explain why they are the ones who have been caught out in a lie. Notably, you don't address the fact that the Israelis have been caught out in a lie!

Interesting how you feel the need to quote the Quran and your 'quaint belief' whenever the Israelis are caught out! We'll just chalk up the fact that Palestinian Christians are also part of the protests and opposition to Israeli oppression as yet another 'inconvenient fact' you wish didn't actually exist. ;)

But then again, you haven't told us whether you are proud to be more extreme in your religious fanaticism than Al Qaeda, or whether it is only massacres and enslavements carried out by Israelites that you condone?

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 23, 2010
As I said, thank you for confirming that you're more extreme than the most extremist zionists. They have never annexed the al-Aqsa mosque compound and converted it into a Synagogue where only Jews could enter.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 23, 2010
Interesting that you don't deny that you're a more extreme religious fanatic than Al Qaeda for condoning slaughter of innocents and the enslavement of virgins.

But what's with the new fantasy now about what zionists haven't done?

Do all religious fanatics have these strange logical traits? ;)

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 23, 2010
Interesting that you condone the actions of the Muslims when they forcefully confiscate (holy) land from people of another religion - because their sky-god told them so.

In this sense, you are more extreme than the Israeli government - ever.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 24, 2010
Hey, I'm not the one who says it is ok for 32,000 virgins to be enslaved after their families have been slaughtered - that's you my friend.

You haven't answered my question - are you proud that you are more extreme a religious fanatic than Al Qaeda?

Are you too ashamed to answer?

Back in the 21st century though, it is the IDF that have been caught out in a lie and it is funny that you have to invent 1500 year old crimes to try and deflect attention away. Do all religious extremists use this tactic?

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 24, 2010
Thank you for admitting that you condone the theft of land if the victims are non-Muslims.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 24, 2010
You and your fantasies again. :roll:
shafique wrote:You haven't answered my question - are you proud that you are more extreme a religious fanatic than Al Qaeda?

Are you too ashamed to answer?

I'm guessing that most other posters here will agree with me in condemning all attacks against civilians - regardless of who carries them out and whether they think 'God told them' to do it or not. You're the outlier here - the only one here who condones the war crime discussed. In fact, even chev-the-chav hasn't come out in support of your view - and that's saying something! :mrgreen:

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 24, 2010
No - I condemn the theft of holy sites that is recorded in the Koran.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 24, 2010
Yes, you have told us of the imagined crimes that you condemn.

That's not surprising - what is surprising is that you give this as an answer to the question whether you are proud to be more extreme a religious fanatic than Al Qaeda.

You don't challenge the fact that you're the only one here condoning enslavement of virgins and the cold blooded slaughter of their families. You just evade the question about whether you are proud of this fact.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 24, 2010
Thank you for admitting that you consider the theft of land to be an alleged crime. As long as Muslims are the thieves.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 25, 2010
Thank you for admitting you have to invent 1500 crimes to divert attention from real 21st century Israeli crimes.

I guess you also condemn the Europeans who stole lands in America, or the Normans who stole Celtic lands in England? (These all took place after the Muslim conquests) Oh, but you don't apparently condemn white people stealing land, do you? ;)

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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 25, 2010
No - I do not condone the hostile takeover of a holy site because allah gave the green light for Muslims to take (with force) over a Pagan house of worship.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 25, 2010
shafique wrote:Oh, but you don't apparently condemn white people stealing land, do you?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 25, 2010
I condemn the Muslims for stealing land, yes.
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Re: Clashes break out over re-opening of Synagogue Mar 25, 2010
Tali-tubby logic says I will ignore the European stealing of land, but will repeatedly go back to imagined crimes of the evil Muslims.

And this is in a thread about protests in illegally annexed Jerusalem.

Is tinkywinky really racist? :alien:

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