Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 09, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Anyway reminds me of a story of when I got cosy with a nice english bird, she had a great body and I was very turned on but as we undressed I noticed she had a mole near one of her breasts with a hair pretruding from it. That really turned me off. Ultimately I couldn't perform nearly as well.

Mr BB worked with a young lady who had a mole on her face with one hair coming out of it. Apparently she wasn't too keen on trimming it back very often and it would get out of hand. He had two options: stare at it because it was always there, or try to look away. It seems that the stare always won over the look away. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 09, 2011
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 09, 2011
MCL, this is why I wrote what I did - it was posted in this thread.

gertrude wrote:The point is that ALL muslims are evil...
When was the last time you heard Christians burned a Mosque.
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 10, 2011
did anyone heard about latest news? there is news, please update us EH....
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 10, 2011
kanelli wrote:
event horizon wrote:
kanelli wrote:Parts of Indonesia and Nigeria are still seeing conflicts between Christians and Muslims in 2011.

eh, you are clearly an Islamophobe. Neither Christianity or Islam or superior to one another, so you or anyone else here can try to argue which religion and its followers are more moral etc., but ultimately you'll fail.

Actually, I think many would argue otherwise. Would you call anyone who believes Islam is superior to Christianity a 'Christianophobe'? Seriously, let's hope you're consistent with this. (Although I'm sure you won't be once you start asking Muslims to compare Christianity to their religion and hear their responses)

I'm a critic and I'll remain one. I'll leave the name calling and adjective dropping to others, but if you fail to condemn any Muslim who believes Islam is superior to Christianity, then that would make you a ....?

eh, please let me clarify. What makes you an Islamophobe is the constant posting of anti-Islam propaganda that others have shown to be incorrect. It is hyping up negatives of a religion, constantly, for the purpose of instigating others to dislike or even hate that religion.

I don't recall posting anything that is anti-Islamic, but if I have, please let me know which of it is incorrect. The last thing I would want to do is spread incorrect information on Islam, especially when I have confronted another member in this forum who was caught lifting inaccurate information of Christianity from an Ahmadi missionary website. I'll be happy to even provide you with a link if you agree to condemn that poster as a Christianophobe.
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 10, 2011
The last thing I would want to do is spread incorrect information on Islam

did someone hack into ur account EH, or is there something!!! :shock:

but u still didn't update us with the latest news about the church? u started the topic, i am curios to know the details....
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 10, 2011

EH so let me get this right, you actually think, I mean in your own mind what you do here is post articles that don't have an agenda or are up for serious debate or even remotely accurate or reflect reality ?!

And that by posting all of that you have somekind of credibilty as a poster who has an opinion to share, just recently you called yourself, what was it.....a "critic".

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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 10, 2011
event horizon wrote:I don't recall posting anything that is anti-Islamic, but if I have, please let me know which of it is incorrect. The last thing I would want to do is spread incorrect information on Islam

EVERYTHING you post regarding Islam is anti-Islamic!!!! and you DO spread incorrection information via your "opinions". You try to justify your views as "educating" people: all 6 people who read the Dubai Politics Talk Forum. You're an imbecile!!!!
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 10, 2011
Anyone who wants to condemn Muslims (on this forum!) who 1) believe Islam is superior to Christianity and 2) have spread negativet and false information on Christianity as Christophobes?


I hold Muslims up to the same standards as everyone else. To me, if one is an Islamophobe for the above two reasons, then we whould also condemn the Muslims, including on this forum, who have done the same.
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
in general, when someone says to me, if u agree that u r wrong then i will agree that i am wrong...

this is clear enough that he is wrong and trying to blame it on someone else, regardless of its right or wrong...

anyway not my point, isn't there any news about the mentioned church attacks in Egypt? reasons! current situation! update us EH...
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
Hi Mahmoud, all I know at this point is that Christians Egyptians are forming militias to protect themselves from further attacks.

I'm worried that this will be seen as violating their terms of the dhimmah and incite further attacks.

Here's an insightful post by a professor that was posted on JihadWatch several months ago:

John C. Lamoreaux | January 10, 2011 8:12 AM | Reply
For Egypt today, think Germany in early 1933. Would you wish to blame the Jews in Germany at that time for not speaking their minds?

Try to imagine what it must be like to try to shepherd a church in an environment like Egypt. Pope Shenouda can be disappeared, imprisoned, or worse, at any time. More likely, an NGO “proxy” would be used. Nor would the righteous indignation of the believers spare the mostly poor and mostly powerless members of his church.

A few Coptic clerics have been more outspoken. We know what happens.

Father Zakaria Boutros now has the honor of a 60 million dollar bounty on his head. And for what? He did what New Testament scholars do every day in a college classroom in the U.S.

Don’t even think about what happens if you preach the Gospel.

“Botros: I am a Copt. In my early 20s, I became a priest. Of course, in predominantly Muslim Egypt, Christians—priests or otherwise—do not talk about religion with Muslims. My older brother, a passionate Christian learned that lesson too late: after preaching to Muslims, he was eventually ambushed by Muslims who cut out his tongue and murdered him. Far from being deterred or hating Muslims, I eventually felt more compelled to share the Good News with them. Naturally, this created many problems: I was constantly harassed, threatened, and eventually imprisoned and tortured for one year, simply for preaching to Muslims. Egyptian officials charged me with abetting “apostasy,” that is, for being responsible for the conversion of Muslims to Christianity. Another time I was arrested while boarding a plane out of Egypt. Eventually, however, I managed to flee my native country and resided for a time in Australia and England. Anyway, my life-story with Christianity and Islam is very long and complicated. In fact, an entire book about it was recently published.”

Fr. Botros can now speak what he thinks.

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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
Right...just what everyone needs. Another blogger from Guru bob's site.
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
No one says that what is happening to Christians in Egypt is right. Do any of the Muslims reading this disagree?
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
EH, don't change to the subject with another biased argument, you started the subject with a Church attack, update us with the current situation and why these violence happened, in details plzzzz

I wanna make a good reporter out of u mate, this way u r just a rumor spreader....

Kanelli, Muslims by ID would make much worse, so are Christians by ID, so are any other person who practice religion from his ID or point of view...
No one says that what is happening to Christians in Egypt is right.

whats happening? actually all Egyptians have been eating the shit together...

Basic foundations of any religion is justice and peace... other wise why the heck did people believed in the past...
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
The church of Saint Mina church was the first to be attacked. According to its pastor Fr. Abanoub the attack started at 5.30 PM on Saturday May 7, when church parishioners noticed a large number of Salafis, estimated at 3000 men, congregating near the church. Anticipating trouble, the army was called. The Salafis went to the church and asked to search it because they believed a Christian girl named called Abir, who had converted to Islam, married a Salafi and wanted to revert back to Christianity, was hiding inside the church. The Muslims circulated a rumor that the husband of Abir received a call from her asking him to save her as she was being “tortured” inside the church.
The governor of Giza said that there are no girls hiding in St. Mina Church. He falsely claimed that things were under control and a “reconciliation” meeting will be arranged for tomorrow. The army later cordoned off the entire district of Embaba.

Father Yohanna Mansour from Giza Bishopric confirmed that no one knows this alleged girl called Abir. He said the congregation was meeting at church and the Salafis wanted to break into the church and force a search to look for this alleged convert, he said in an interview with the Egyptian State TV. “Muslims always come invited to church, but this would have set a precedent that Muslims would use to search our churches.” He refused the “reconciliation” meeting and insisted on the application of the law.

I guess until september elections and while the preparation of a new constituation, egypt will face many western interference through such ploy and tragedies in order to manipulate egyption politics..At the moment egyption army must be negotiating a lot of things with the western powers..I bet you there is no such girl called Abir and it was just a rumour to incite muslim feelings to attack..Muslims should be very very careful..
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
hi Berrin, its almost 60% correct, the girl herself went to the army yesterday and investigations should have started, and as she said on phone calls to the media before the Church kept her since march and was convincing her to revert from Islam "thats what she said" and on Saturday when the Salafis grouped, the Church let her in the streets "she said so", BTW she wasn't married from Salafi. (BTW I don't like the adjective of Salfi to be given to a group of ppl...)

Really thats why I hate the media, they make a thousands of stories of anything, and everyone take the part he like and start a new story...
Personally I want the law to kick everyones @$*

but anyway I wanted EH to state the details himself, any idea how the fights started EH?
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:hi Berrin, its almost 60% correct, the girl herself went to the army yesterday and investigations should have started, and as she said on phone calls to the media before the Church kept her since march and was convincing her to revert from Islam "thats what she said" and on Saturday when the Salafis grouped, the Church let her in the streets "she said so", BTW she wasn't married from Salafi. (BTW I don't like the adjective of Salfi to be given to a group of ppl...)

Really thats why I hate the media, they make a thousands of stories of anything, and everyone take the part he like and start a new story...
Personally I want the law to kick everyones @$*

but anyway I wanted EH to state the details himself, any idea how the fights started EH?

BBC basically says the girl denied all the rumors surrounding her in an interview! Get your hands on that interview Mahmoud and post links.

How do Egyptians manage to take a personal conflict between husband and wife and turn it into a front page headlines? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
u mean the TV phone interviews? or the fake internet one? (i am not even sure if its fake or not) or the news from news paper! anyway I kinda have the full story in mind now, not confirmed, but more than any of you guys :D
wish EH will amuse us with more details from his side...
Husband and Wife :shock:

are you with us on "Abeer" page? or on something else...

Question, did BBC interview the girl to say that the girl denied all the rumors...didn't right!
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
The irony in all of this is that Copts say Coptic women are kidnapped and held against their will.

I think the obsession regarding these stories in Egypt is the creepiest aspect out of all of it.
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
event horizon wrote:The irony in all of this is that Copts say Coptic women are kidnapped and held against their will.

I think the obsession regarding these stories in Egypt is the creepiest aspect out of all of it.

Quite a funny country is Egypt. So post all the violence, with each side blaming the other for her disappearance, they find her at a friend's place. And guess what the cops do then? They hand her over to the Church for custody. Err isn't custodial protection the sole responsibility of the cops? Besides I fail to see how doing that will calm down the agitated masses.

This is what I gathered from the media, Apparently the trouble is that the Coptic Church doesn't recognize divorces unless there is a case of extramarital affair. Which apparently is reason why most women convert. I'm curious, what is the rule of land like in Egypt? Isn't there a federal court system which lays down the rule of the land? If not, then it's not hard to see where all the trouble is stemming from. I would opine that Egypt needs law reforms.
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Re: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt May 11, 2011
I would opine that Egypt needs law reforms.

thats why there has been a revolution, if u have heard about :mrgreen:
tik tak tik tak tik tak, give it time..... whats happening on ground now is kinda expected, sometimes it get really bad, but future should be much better...

BTW, u only know 10% to 20% of whats going in there, of course EH has a point of bringing only religious stuff, and even not complete stories... fair enough
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