Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Taliban

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Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Taliban Jul 03, 2010

Noam Chomsky: We must bear in mind that the US is a very fundamentalist society, perhaps more than any other society in the world – even more fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia* or the Taliban**. That's very surprising. About half of the [US] population believes that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

*Saudi Arabia, where evolution is illegal to teach and creationism is officially taught

**Taliban, who, along with many other Muslim religious fanatics, stone adulterers and support the death penalty against apostates, hand chopping of thieves, etc.

Perhaps the leftist loon will remind us again of the percentage of Pakistanis who support the death penalty for those who insult the Muslim prophet Muhammad or for Muslims who leave their religion - I think the latter was around 80%.

Oh, and it's not like I have to selectively cite extreme examples. As with the Muslim posters on this forum will demonstrate to the non-Muslims here (who justify wife beating), religious fanaticism in the Muslim world, from Morocco to Indonesia, is almost universal.

Perhaps the ex Soviet states are the only exception. But the times, they are a changing (for the worse).

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 04, 2010
One good thing about Chomsky is that he doesn't have to invent statistics or pretend that fictitious sermons by rapists are from scholars - his statistics about the level of fundamentalist beliefs amongst young eh's countrymen is from actual surveys.

Indeed, we can just look at the evidence on this forum. The most extreme religious fanatic poster we have here is a young eh, a Bible Bashing Christian from the States:

His fellow American Christians include those who make rape vicitims apologise to the congregation for falling pregnant by the rapist:

His countrymen invent stories about Islam and pass them off as fact:

But leaving that aside, let's see what Chomsky actually says about Fundamentalism in the US

shafique wrote:'eh' expressed his belief that Christians were rational and did not interpret the Bible literally and were generally progressive in rejecting verses which science had contradicted. This is indeed to be applauded and a noble practice indeed.

I agree that many Christians (especially scientists who are Christian) take this pragmatic view and despair of their fellow believers who are 'literalists'.

Now, given that eh is a young American, I recalled reading recently about the proportion of Americans (in general, not just Christians) who believed in Biblical explanations of creation. When I looked it up, it was a from a talk given in the 1980s and referring to surveys taken in the 80s. Back then, large proportions did not believe in evolution (man was created in current form) and that the universe is a few thousand years old, with fossils being fakes.

If the US Christians have really changed their minds in the meantime, then this is a really positive move and one we must surely congratulate the Christians in America on their progressive approach. (Seriously - it is quite an achievement to change people's views in this way).

eh - do you have more up-to-date stats on the proportions who reject the 'literalist' view of the Bible's explanations for creation etc? To what extent are people like Dawkins etc responsible for this decrease in 'literalist believers'? (I'm assuming that there has been a decrease).

Anyhoo - here is what Chomsky said in 1989 (taken from pg 50 of 'Understanding Power - The Indispensible Chomsky')

Footnote 34:
For polls on Americans' religious beliefs, see for example, George Gallup, Jr. and Jim Castelli, The People's Religion: American Faith in the 90's, New York: Macmillan, 1989, pp. 46-48, 4, 14. This study gives the United States a rating of 67 on its "Religion Index," based on various indicators -- whereas West Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Great Britain, and France all had scores in the thirties, and Denmark brought up the rear with a 21. It also finds that:

• Nine Americans in ten say they have never doubted the existence of God.
• Eight Americans in ten say they believe they will be called before God on Judgment Day to answer for their sins.
• Eight Americans in ten believe God still works miracles.
• Seven Americans in ten believe in life after death.

Richard Severo, "Poll Finds Americans Split on Creation Idea," New York Times, August 29, 1982, section 1, p. 22 (reporting a Gallup poll which found that 44 percent of Americans believe "God created man pretty much in his present form at one time within the last 10,000 years," 38 percent accept divine guidance of evolution, and a mere 9 percent accept Darwinian evolution -- a number not much above statistical error).

Religious Fanaticism
WOMAN: Fundamentalist religion has really taken off in the last decade,
maybe as an outlet for some of this despair. Do you have any thoughts
about the significance of that development in the U.S?

It's pretty amazing what's happened, actually. There have been a lot of cross-cultural studies of what social scientists call "religious fanaticism" not people who just believe in God or go to church, but they're really kind of fanatic about it, it's the kind of fanatic religious commitment that permeates your whole life. And what these studies demonstrate is that this is a typical characteristic of pre-industrial societies-in fact, it correlates very closely with industrialization: as industrialization goes up, this kind of religious fanaticism goes down. Well, there are two countries that are basically off the curve. One of them is Canada, which has more fundamentalist commitment than you would expect given its level of industrialization. The other is the United States-which is totally off the chart: we're like a shattered peasant society. I mean, the last study I saw of it was done in around 1980, and the United States was at the level of Bangladesh, it was very close to Iran.33 Eighty percent of Americans literally believe in religious miracles. Half the population thinks the world was created a couple thousand years ago and that fossils were put here to mislead people or something-half the population. You just don't find things like that in other industrial societies.

Well, a lot of political scientists and others have tried to figure out why this aberration exists. It's one of the many respects in which the United States is unusual, so you want to see if it's related to some of the others and there are others. For instance, the United States has an unusually weak labor movement, it has an unusually narrow political system. Think: there is no other industrialized Western country that doesn't have a labor-based political party, and we haven't had one here since the Populist Party in the 1890s. So we have a very depoliticized population, and that could be one cause of this phenomenon: if social and political life don't offer you opportunities to form communities and associate yourself with things that are meaningful to you, people look for other ways to do it, and religion's an obvious one. It's strikingly the case in the black communities, actually, where the black churches have been the real organizing center which holds life together: I mean, there's terrible oppression, a lot of families are falling apart, but the church is there, it brings people together and they can get together and do things in that context. And the same is true in many white communities as well.

Now, I don't think you can draw too many sweeping conclusions from religion itself-it's kind of like technology, it depends what you use it for. Like, even among the fundamentalists, you've got Sojourners [a politically progressive religious group], and you have Jerry Falwell [a right-wing televangelist]. But it certainly does carry with it the potential of aligning with other forms of fanaticism-and that's a big danger in the United States, because it's a very significant movement here. In fact, by now just about every major political figure in the country has to associate himself with it in some way. In the 1980 election, for example, all of the three candidates [i.e. Carter, Reagan, and independent candidate John Anderson] advertised themselves as Born Again Christians. In the 1984 election, one of the candidates advertised himself as a Born Again Christian, and the other was a Methodist minister or something.35 In the 1988 election, Dukakis was secular, which is unusual, but Bush said he was religious.

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 04, 2010
Indeed, we can just look at the evidence on this forum. The most extreme religious fanatic poster we have here is a young eh, a Bible Bashing Christian from the States:

I'm sorry, was there a vote taken on that, or something?

I seem to recall a thread being started where I was branded the most religiously extreme poster on DF and that was it. (I spose not being a part of the good ole boys club and speaking out against wife beating tends to get you ostracized in these parts)


I guess I find it underwhelming that your 'evidence' you use to help 'prove' that Americans are religious fundamentalists happens to be, well, invented.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 04, 2010
Hey, don't shoot the messenger.

Just because you don't want to believe your fellow American fanatics make up such a high proportion of your country's population -is not Chomsky's, nor my, fault.

When you have any evidence to the contrary (apart from 'but the loon doesn't want to believe it') let us know.

And the fact you are the most extreme religious fanatic poster here is just a fact based on what you've written, not something that needs voting on or based on what you think people believe. Not even Al Qaeda condones the enslavement of 32,000 virgins - that really sets you apart!

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 04, 2010

Funny that you would claim that Americans are fanatics.

I would say that you are far more of a religious fanatic than any 'fundamentalist' Christian I have ever met. RobbyG figured it out before he apparently went missing.

For the record, the only educated person in the States that I met who didn't believe in evolution was a Muslim biology professor.

And the fact you are the most extreme religious fanatic poster here is just a fact based on what you've written

Ok, let's see the quote. Do you have it or are you blustering?
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 04, 2010
shafique wrote:One good thing about Chomsky is that he doesn't have to invent statistics or pretend that fictitious sermons by rapists are from scholars - his statistics about the level of fundamentalist beliefs amongst young eh's countrymen is from actual surveys.

Indeed, we can just look at the evidence on this forum. The most extreme religious fanatic poster we have here is a young eh, a Bible Bashing Christian from the States:

His fellow American Christians include those who make rape vicitims apologise to the congregation for falling pregnant by the rapist:

His countrymen invent stories about Islam and pass them off as fact:
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 05, 2010
Assuming that half of Americans believe in Creationism (that's absurd), how does this prove that the US is the most fundamentalist society in the world?

Do 80% of Americans support the death penalty (stoning) for adulterers?

Do 80% of Americans support the death penalty for apostates and religious blasphemy?

Are Americans widely homophobic and support illegalizing homosexuality?

If you can answer yes to any of the questions, then maybe you would have a leg to stand on.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 06, 2010
I agree that it is shocking the number of your fellow American believers that believe that man was created a few thousand years ago in the current form (i.e. thos that don't believe man evolved from lower life forms - like the Quran says).

Your disbelief, though, doesn't change the evidence. Should you have any, let us know.

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 06, 2010
What part of assuming Chomsky's claim to be correct (which it isn't) did you not understand?

Half of Americans who supposedly believe in Creationism is a lower % than the % of Pakistanis who support stoning for adulterers.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 07, 2010
I'm with Chomsky - the evidence is that with so many of your fellow countrymen believe that science is wrong when it comes to the creation of man (I mean HALF believe that man was created a few thousand years ago and did not evolve from lower life forms)!

Chomsky says that given this high percentage of fundamentalism, 'perhaps' you are a more fundamentalist state than Saudi or Afghanistan.

So, he allows for the fact that the US may be just as fundamentalist or slightly less fundamentalist than these states - but we'd have to see more than 50% of Saudis and Afghans rejecting the Quran's description of evolution for that to be the case. I still have to see any evidence that this is the case.

When you have some evidence, let us know.

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 07, 2010
I'm with Chomsky - the evidence is that with so many of your fellow countrymen believe that science is wrong when it comes to the creation of man (I mean HALF believe that man was created a few thousand years ago and did not evolve from lower life forms)!

And in many Muslim countries, that belief is over 80%.

That's ignoring that 80% of Pakistanis support the stoning of adulterers.

80% support capital punishment for apostasy and blasphemy.

Still ignoring these stats?
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 07, 2010
I'd rather stick with what Chomsky said about the US and his comparisons with Saudi and Afghans - I fully understand you wanting to look at the stats in Pakistan - but shouldn't you be comparing like with like?

How many of your fellow countrymen support capital punishment?

As for Muslims believing that man was created a few thousand years ago because that is what the Bible says, I'm sorry I haven't yet found one Muslim that believes the Bible's version of creation over that of the Quran. When you find one let me know - although I suspect it will be as elusive as a Chomsky lie or a Bob Spencer debate! :)

You really don't like the fact so many Christians believe the Bible to be true when it comes to creation - do you? Be careful, young man - you may end up in therapy with all the confusing stories you've got to keep straight!

On the measure Chomsky gives - you don't dispute the facts of how many of your fellow countrymen believe the Bible to be literally true and reject science, but wish to believe that Muslims are worse. Hmmm - another example of loon beliefs vs reality?

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
Noam Chomsky: We must bear in mind that the US is a very fundamentalist society, perhaps more than any other society in the world

Unfortunately, there aren't too many polls done in Saudi (or Afghanistan) asking the populace if they support the death penalty for apostasy, blasphemy and adultery.

Anyways, do you have any reason to believe the Taliban and the population of Saudi Arabia are more moderate than the people of Pakistan?

Regardless, Chomsky did say 'any other society in the world'. Perhaps this is another epic fail on your part in reading comprehension?

How many of your fellow countrymen support capital punishment?

Wow. You have to be deliberately obtuse. No one can be this stupid without trying.

How many Americans support capital punishment in the general sense (for murderers, violent criminals) or how many support capital punishment for blasphemy, adultery, and apostasy?

Seriously, DD, if you are reading, how could you *not* agree with me that shafique is the dumbest member on this site?

On the measure Chomsky gives - you don't dispute the facts of how many of your fellow countrymen believe the Bible to be literally true and reject science, but wish to believe that Muslims are worse. Hmmm - another example of loon beliefs vs reality?

So you're saying that a smaller percentage of Saudis and the Taliban take the Koran literally true than Americans who take the Bible literally true?

Despite fundamentalism often being used pejoratively, the word simply means a 'strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles'.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
I keep saying, I agree with Chomsky that the percentage of Americans who take the Bible's explanation of creation literally (over 50%) and hence reject science's explanation shows that the US is more fundamentalist than most other nations - certainly the US is an outlier when it comes to the developed world.

As for Muslims believing the Quran literally - yes, all Muslims should indeed believe the Quran when it says it is the literal word of God - but in doing so Muslims don't have to reject scientific explanations of creation. Therein lies the crucial difference.

Chomsky points out that over 50% of your countrymen will reject science fact because of a belief that the Bible's account is true, he says it is surprising (and the point you need to compare with is how many Muslims believe we were all created 6000 years ago?):

Noam Chomsky: We must bear in mind that the US is a very fundamentalist society, perhaps more than any other society in the world – even more fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia* or the Taliban**. That's very surprising. About half of the [US] population believes that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

If your criteria for me being the 'dumbest member on this site' is that I agree with a cogent argument presented by Prof Chomsky, then I guess we have uncovered another weird loon belief. ;)

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
If your criteria for me being the 'dumbest member on this site' is that I agree with a cogent argument presented by Prof Chomsky, then I guess we have uncovered another weird loon belief.


I clearly quoted what you said and explained the reasons why you are the dumbest member on this site.

I called you obtuse because you conflated the percentage of Americans who support the death penalty for murderers and other violent criminals to the percentage of Pakistanis who support capital punishment for apostasy, blasphemy and the stoning of adulterers.

You seriously can't be this dumb. It's almost as if you don't understand why other members (on this forum and two others you posted on) complain about your stupidity.

Now, were you deliberately being dumb or do you understand the stupidity in making the above comparisons?
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
So, no dispute that more than 50% of your fellow Americans believe
that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

Now, given that not all Americans are Christian - that implies that most Christians in America reject science (as, by definition, the non-Christians - atheists etc - will be the ones who reject the Biblical account and go with science).

No amount of name-calling will divert attention away from this simple 'suprising' fact.

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
Actually, only 45% of American Muslims accept evolution. And I suspect it is only this high because of the number of educated Indian and Pak professionals who immigrate here.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
You and your 'suspicions' and yet another unreferenced statistic.

Did you confirm what the latest proportion of Americans who believe that
that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

They only believe this because they take the Bible's creation explanation over that of science.

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
Please don't divert the topic. The thread is about whether or not the US is more fundamentalist than other societies.

Do you agree that the stats show that Pakistanis, by and large, support the death penalty for such offenses as blasphemy, apostasy and adultery?

...And that Muslims accept evolution in far smaller percentages than Americans do?
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
Whose changing the topic?

Chomsky makes his claim based on the statistic of how many Americans believe
that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

Therefore we should look at the same statistic in other countries. You've failed to do so - in fact you've failed to even update the stats on how many Americans still believe this 'Biblical fact'.

I'm not aware of Muslim nations believing that science should be rejected when it comes to creation theory - certainly not the 50+% Chomsky quotes.

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
I'm not aware of Muslim nations believing that science should be rejected when it comes to creation theory - certainly not the 50+% Chomsky quotes.

Really? You're not aware that creationism is officially taught in Saudi Arabia and the Sudan or where evolution is taught, human evolution is edited out of the curriculum?

Oh, and it seems like you're conflating the teaching of evolution with creationist beliefs. Evolution (sans human evolution) is taught in some places in Pakistan, but most Pakistanis reject evolution.

Regardless, it speaks volumes about Chomsky's methodology if he measures 'fundamentalism' only using ones belief in creationism as the criteria for being a fundamentalist.

Muslims are religious fanatics in many ways that most American Christians are not - most Americans do not support the death penalty for adultery, apostasy and blasphemy. Americans do not support grizzly punishments such as limb chopping, crucifixion, stoning and lashing.

Most American Christians do not believe that homosexuality should be illegal and punishable with death or prison time or some other harsh punishment. The previous should highlight Chomsky's tunnel vision and why people are correct in labeling him a left wing loon and dismiss his 'insights'.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
So, what is the latest proportion of your fellow Americans that believe the Bible's version of creation is true and science is wrong?

Are you ashamed to look up this figure and compare it with other nations?

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 08, 2010
What is the proportion of Pakistanis who support stoning adulterers?

Are you ashamed to compare this figure to the number of American Christians who support the stoning of adulterers?
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
What's the matter eh - can't handle the truth?

So, what is the latest proportion of your fellow Americans that believe the Bible's version of creation is true and science is wrong?

Are you ashamed to look up this figure and compare it with other nations?

That's the criterion used by Chomsky and disputed by you - nothing to do with Pakistan and capital punishment (happy to compare relative rates in a separate thread - but as the Quran doesn't say adulterers should be stoned, I'm not sure what you're carping on about now)

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
shafique wrote:What's the matter eh - can't handle the truth?

So, what is the latest proportion of your fellow Americans that believe the Bible's version of creation is true and science is wrong?

Are you ashamed to look up this figure and compare it with other nations?

That's the criterion used by Chomsky and disputed by you - nothing to do with Pakistan and capital punishment (happy to compare relative rates in a separate thread - but as the Quran doesn't say adulterers should be stoned, I'm not sure what you're carping on about now)


What part of this quote didn't you understand? Was it the word 'assuming'?

event horizon wrote:What part of assuming Chomsky's claim to be correct (which it isn't) did you not understand?

Half of Americans who supposedly believe in Creationism is a lower % than the % of Pakistanis who support stoning for adulterers.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
Yeah, thanks for making my point for me.

We should compare like with like - capital punishment that is not in the Quran is not related to Americans believing the Bible's story of creation above that of science.

So, again - what is the latest proportion of Americans who reject science and believe the Bible's account that man was created a few thousand years ago?

Are you ashamed of the answer?

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
Suddenly shifting the goal posts?

Muslim fundamentalists are no less fundamentalist just because the Koran does not mention the stoning of married adulterers.

We should compare like with like - capital punishment that is not in the Quran is not related to Americans believing the Bible's story of creation above that of science.

No, we're comparing religious extremism/fundamentalism. That is like with like.

You really are the dumbest member here that you needed to come up with that argument.

That the Koran does not mention certain punishments obviously does not that these sick punishments don't have a place in Islam.

So, again - what is the latest proportion of Americans who reject science and believe the Bible's account that man was created a few thousand years ago?

Great - let's see the passage from the Bible stating the earth is a few thousand years old.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
I'm not shifting any goalposts.

Chomsky's words (which you quoted in the first post) are about the more than half of Americans who believe that science is wrong and that
that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

This belief is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible and hence he makes the case that the US is more fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.

Chomsky's quote of statistics so far remain unchallenged - I'm still waiting to hear from you what the latest % of Americans who believe the Bible's version over Science is. (I'm expecting it is lower, but still above 40%). Then we can compare it with what other countries believe (all European countries have lower %'s for example).

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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
This belief is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible and hence he makes the case that the US is more fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.

Which passage?

Oh, and where did Chomsky say that Muslims were only fundamentalists if they believed the absurdities in the Koran?

Am I to believe that Chomsky does not consider Muslims who take all hadith literally are not Muslim fundamentalists?

What a ridiculous argument.

I'm still waiting to hear from you what the latest % of Americans who believe the Bible's version over Science is.


Well, we've already seen that strong Muslim majorities believe in Creationism and the teaching of evolution in Saudi Arabia and Sudan is taboo.

The belief that humans are linked to lower primates is universally dismissed by Muslims, including so called 'moderates'.

So, it looks like, without a doubt, that the % of Muslims who believe the Koran over science is much higher than American Christians.

And, actually, only 45% of American Muslims believe in evolution, as well.
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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib Jul 09, 2010
So, what is the % of Americans who believe
that all living species were created 6,000 years ago in their current form.

Is it still above 50%?

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