Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued!!

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Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued!! Oct 14, 2010
I know Chile is not on the mind of people in the Middle East, but it's an interesting article nonetheless, regarding the widely televised rescue operation of the trapped miners!! ... scued64160

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Tom Jones
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Re: Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued!! Oct 14, 2010
I have a lot of time for John Pilger - I've read quite a few of his books. His documentaries are excellent too.

I saw the rescue of the first miner live and it was edge of the seat, emotional and moving stuff. However, I did have the thought that this is the example of the power of the media - how many more people are suffering and dying away from the media spotlight at precisely the same time? The money and resources spent on rescuing these workers is well spent - but probably represent more than a lifetime's earnings for their fellow citizens (per head of miner).

Pilger's view is that not enough is being done to spread the wealth equitably or even fairly - not just in Chile. But Chile's past is indeed tragic, on many levels - and the article does raise very valid points.

But I do think that we can both celebrate the rescue of the miners and ponder on the other injustices too.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued!! Oct 14, 2010
It is also to be that CIA had a part tried its best in overthrowing the democratically elected Allende and siding with Pinochet ... index.html
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