Charming Youth Attack Dance Troupe Cuz They're Muslim

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Charming youth attack dance troupe cuz they're Muslim Jun 25, 2010
It saddens me when youth are inculcated to hate others like this.

BERLIN — A Muslim dance group was attacked with stones by a group of children and teenagers during a performance at a street festival in the Germany city of Hannover, police said Thursday. One dancer suffered a leg injury and the group then canceled their performance.

The teenagers also used a megaphone to shout anti-Islamic slurs during the Saturday afternoon attack, Hannover police spokesman Thorsten Schiewe said.

Police said the incident is under investigation and that they do not have an exact number of attackers yet. Schiewe said there were several Polish immigrant youths among the attackers.

Two suspects, a 14-year-old and a 19-year-old, were being questioned, he said.

Alla Volodarska, whose Progressive Muslim community of Hannover group held the performance, told The Associated Press in an interview that members were still in shock.

"What happened is just so awful," Volodarska said. "The teenagers started throwing stones the moment our dance group was announced, even before they started dancing."

Volodarska said she did not attend the event herself, but had talked to several members of the eight-person dance group since the incident. She said one dancer, a woman in her forties, was injured by several stones that hit her leg.

"There were many kids throwing stones, many of them, but we don't know the exact number," she said, adding that the community had performed Turkish group dances at many festivals in the past and never experienced this kind of hostility before.

Volodarska said that the festival took place in Sahlkamp, an immigrant neighborhood of Hannover.

event horizon
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Re: Charming Youth Attack Dance Troupe Cuz They're Muslim Jun 25, 2010
Nice attempt young eh - always amusing to change 'Jewish' to 'Muslim' in a story and see whether people will fall for the trick.

But you forget one little detail, young man. Your track record of presenting made up stories as fact and your weird beliefs means people quite rightly have a knowing smile when reading your posts.

Good to see you smiling again after the roasting your heroes have been getting recently - from Spencer running away from debates and being comprehensively punked, to pro-Apartheid demonstrations in Israel and Bibi trying to convince the world that easing the siege is now good for security (when the opposite true before Obama told him to ease the siege). You've not been having a good few weeks - so nice to see the humour.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Charming youth attack dance troupe cuz they're Muslim Jun 25, 2010
I admit that these types of stories don't bode well for the victim merchant narrative: "We're being genocided, install sharia law and comply with our demands or you're an Islamophobe, wahhhh!"
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Re: Charming youth attack dance troupe cuz they're Muslim Jun 25, 2010
You sure your not a LDS missionary monk ?
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Re: Charming Youth Attack Dance Troupe Cuz They're Muslim Jun 26, 2010
I think eh is confusing Israeli whining about rising anti-Semitism (when it's crimes are highlighted) with the positive campaigns Muslims are running to dispel the loon propaganda that isolated Muslim transgressions are a reflection of Muslims in general and Islam in particular.

But let's face it, when eh has to modify a story about some kids throwing stones at a street dance group after he decides even he can't spin it as a Moooslim conspiracy against Jews, he knows he's on dodgy ground.

It's a bit like the realisation that his protestations that the Apartheid policies of Zionists are just 'normal' employment practices make him look a bit silly:


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Charming youth attack dance troupe cuz they're Muslim Jun 26, 2010
with the positive campaigns Muslims are running

Yes, PR campaign indeed.

One where the problem lies not with Muslims, or Islamic theology, but with the 'crusaders' and their actions.

You know, because Israel (or the Great Satan) is the reason that Islamic radicals are carrying out terrorist acts in the name of Islam in the Philippines, Thailand, London, New York, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, India, Afghanistan, Indonesia....well, pretty much everywhere.

I love the chutzpah!

isolated Muslim transgressions are a reflection of Muslims in general and Islam in particular.

I guess that's a case where you make a claim and expect others to believe it.

I'll stick to the common view that Islamic terrorists are *not* isolated, either in belief or practice.

But the thousands of suicide bombings since 9/11 targeting almost every corner of the world should have made that painfully obvious.

It's a bit like the realisation that his protestations that the Apartheid policies of Zionists are just 'normal' employment practices make him look a bit silly:

Actually, Israeli settlers typically employ Pal-Arabs, including for construction jobs.

I guess that's why Pal-Arabs are against Fatah's plan to curb Pal-Arabs being employed in the settlements.

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Re: Charming Youth Attack Dance Troupe Cuz They're Muslim Jun 26, 2010

Someone let me know when the loons change the tune. ;)

But definitely wake me up if loon guru, Bob 'the huckster' Spencer re-surfaces:

Sir David ( Illuminati membership number 5:32) Says:

Where has Bob gone ? ... -a-debate/
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Re: Charming youth attack dance troupe cuz they're Muslim Jun 26, 2010
Another case of making a claim and expecting others to believe it to be true.

BTW, is Jesus still the author of the epistle of James?
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Re: Charming Youth Attack Dance Troupe Cuz They're Muslim Jun 26, 2010
What, has Bob actually resurfaced - we should be told!

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