Red Chief wrote: Where did I speak about Turkey?
Where did I ever refered to you for mentioning Turkey!?
I simply gave it as an EXAMPLE to explain my thoughts!
Is it too hard for you to distinguish between giving examples and putting words in others mouths??
Red Chief wrote: I told you that there is no evidence that people in Central Asian countries, which used to be parts of Soviet Union, hates Israel and sympathised Palistain a lot. Nobody treats itself as a part of Muslim brotherhood and is going to fight against Jews to last drop of blood.
You want evidence for something considered to be more like a fact?
You simply FAIL to understand that there is a common/shared feelings among Muslims, even for those non-practicing. Those countries were part of the Greater Iran, and were homeland for many famous Muslim scholars and hub of Islamic sciences. The historical Islamic pride for those nations and other Muslim nations is carried as a legacy. You just failed to understand this logic, and I already gave you Turkey as an example, a country that declared secularity still couldn't debate itself with giving up this legacy. It's out of question.
Islam is different from other religions as it aimed to all nations since day one. And the main concept is that all Muslims are brothers, and this is the relation that any Muslim, black/white/yellow/brown believes in.
Any Muslim in Central Asia will surely sympathize with the Palestineans! If not for the people, then surely for the holy land and the holy Mosque. Just like how any Jew in the world will sympathise with any Jew in Israel.
This is not Islamic logic as you lamely claimed, rather its SIMPLE LOGIC!
Congratulations for inventing Islamo-allergic logic. Now I understand where your argument comes from.
FYI, I'm not very conservative, nor I pray regularly, and I'm not even an Arab, and I dislike Palestineans in general. But why do you see me defending this case?? Simply, due to the brotherhood feelings shared by all who address themselves as Muslims.
Red Chief wrote: In addition, as I told before, the Muslim belonging for some of those countries is highly questionable. Kazakhstan and Kirgizstan have both Muslim and Christian Orthodox main holidays as public holidays. Again so far religion doesn't play a significant role even in routine life. As for Politics the local dictators try to have religion as far as possible, treating it as a threat for their absolute power.
I won't waste my time debating your weird illogic views.
I'm not a big fan of wikipedia, but even wikipedia disagrees with you!
Kindly, enlighten yourself with more facts with and check the references for the sake of your evidence hunting campaign. do your research properly before debating others in such lame manner.
Seriously RC? Still no evidence?!
Red Chief wrote: As for Afghanistan there is any resemblance at all with C.I.S. countries. I absolutely have no idea, which common history you are talking about. Ulugbeck and Babur maybe?
If you fail to visualize the relationship between Afghanistan and Central Asia, then I won't bother waste my time with you.
Just to give you a hint, not less than 40% of the population are of ethnicities whose homelands are actually Central Asian countries, such as Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Let alone the kingdoms that ruled all these lands equally for many years which resulted in this scattered distribution of population of different ethnicities. For God's sake, even their religous sector (majority of them) is common, which is Hanafi school of Sunni Islam, and this itself is something significant.
And BTW, I did not -strictly- refer Afghanistan as part of the Central Asian countries, rather I said "I'd like to include Afghanistan.." and thats due to my own point of view.
Red Chief wrote: After invention of Muslim Politics and Mulslim Math by honorable Al Shafique you launched Muslim logic! My congratulation!
If logic existed, then you have failed to attain it.

<--- I can really see this blackeye on ur face.