They all were "collonised" at the end of 1870s by Tsar Alexander II, 40 years before establishing of the SU. You should set fire on your student book.
Over the falling of an islamic empire it took about a half a century to access and begin a new generation of politics to reshape balkans and muslim populated parts of the world ..Over secret policy making with rising European nations, Tsar too was preparing the Russia for the final scoring after 1st world war which was finalised with the declaration of cold war when Russia and Americans shook their hands and announced themselves enemies after the yalta conference...You do realise that the whole world is always being put through the new political order depends on the shifts on international power and develepment game..New policy making and oppurtunities takes longer and doesn't happen overnight...Nation building and ripening political agenda of the world took almost more than half a century before declaration of 1st world war therefore started the cold war..These days it takes something like 10 to 20 years as the bubble bursts happens much faster thanks to economic develepment and speed of online communication...