Career Hatemonger Claims Muslim World Is At War With Us

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Career hatemonger claims Muslim world is at war with us Feb 28, 2012
So we see on another thread someone becoming a "career hatemonger" because they said there's a global war on Christians in the Muslim world. Her evidence? Nearly universal persecution and concerted violent campaigns in numerous Muslim countries.

Now we have a US politician making the same claim in reverse. His evidence? A statement where one Republican disagreed with Obama's apology to the people of Afghanistan, calling it appeasement.

Interesting that for one claim someone becomes a hatemonger but for another claim that is virtually identical (but without substance) that person is heralded as an anti-Loon.

This is liberal logic.

Majority Whip Sen. banana Durbin (D-IL) appeared on Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien to discuss the flare up of violence in Afghanistan.

Durbin says, “And understand, just go back to history a little bit to 9/11, President George W. Bush, I sure had my differences with him, but I thought he got it right, and he stuck with it through his presidency. He said our war is not with the religion of Islam. Our war is with those who would distort it and turn it into terrorism. And I think that was a bright spot kind of a guiding principle. It was adopted by President Obama. Now, listen to these Republican candidates for president. They’re at war with Islam.”

CNN Contributor Will Cain counters, “Senator Durbin, I haven’t heard one thing that backs up what you suggest. Just give me an example, how are they at war with Islam?

Referencing the Quran burnings, Durbin replies, “Newt Gingrich saying that the president is guilty of appeasement…. What you listen to is incendiary rhetoric coming out in a very delicate situation. Lives are at stake here. The president is showing leadership. The president is stepping up, trying to calm a situation. These three candidates are coming on television doing the opposite.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs week mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN. ... ith-islam/

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