EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem

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EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Focusing on some positive developments in regards to East Jerusalem, EU diplomats have come up with a sensible proposal.

This echoes the swathe of countries in South America which recently have chosen to diplomatically recognise the State of Palestine as existing within the 4 June 1967 green line - and with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

These are just words, of course, and are the result of a increasingly successful diplomatic initiative by the Palestinians. But every little bit helps.

EU diplomats say East Jerusalem should be treated as Palestinian capital
EU consuls to Israel, Palestinian Authority recommend boycotting Israeli products from East Jerusalem, refuse to visit gov't offices beyond the green line.

By Nir Hasson

East Jerusalem should be treated as the capital of the Palestinian state, according to a report compiled by the heads of European diplomatic missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah. The report includes several other unprecedented recommendations to the European Union regarding its attitude toward East Jerusalem.

The European diplomats, mainly consuls, also recommend that EU officials and politicians refuse to visit Israeli government offices that are located beyond the Green Line and that they decline any Israeli security in the Old City and elsewhere in East Jerusalem.

The report, which was completed last month, was sent to the EU's main foreign policy body, the Political and Security Committee in Brussels. It was apparently not released at the time due to the sensitivity of its content.

The diplomats' report also discusses the possibility of preventing "violent settlers in East Jerusalem" from being granted entry into EU countries. In the area of commerce, it recommends encouraging a boycott of Israeli products from East Jerusalem.

The first part of the report details construction and expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem, the infringement of human rights of Palestinian residents of the eastern part of the city, as well as inequality in education and medical services available to Palestinians. The report concludes that beyond their humanitarian significance, these conditions weaken the Palestinian hold on the city.

European criticism of Israeli policy in the territories and particularly East Jerusalem is not new. But the dramatic turn in the report can be seen in the operative steps it recommends, which in fact constitute the foundations for sanctions against Israel.

For example, the document proposes that visiting senior EU officials not use Israeli businesses operating in East Jerusalem, such as hotels and transportation companies, and that archaeological sites operated by "pro-settler organizations" (a reference to the City of David National Park ) not be visited.

The report goes on to suggest that public awareness be raised about settlement products, "for instance by providing guidance on origin labeling for settlement products to major EU retailers," and that EU citizens be informed "of the financial risks involved in purchasing property in occupied East Jerusalem."

The diplomats also recommend that the EU encourage Israel to allow the reopening of Palestine Liberation Organization offices in East Jerusalem, in keeping with the road map. Israel closed the PLO institutions during the second intifada.

EU diplomats are called on to express great concern during their meetings with senior Israeli officials over the state of emergency services to East Jerusalem Arabs, the report also says, adding that EU officials should be present at house demolitions or evacuations from homes, as well as at court hearings on such issues.

The report further recommends that the European Union "encourage Arab countries to acknowledge the multicultural dimension of Jerusalem, including its Jewish and Christian heritage." ... l-1.336109

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Do you think that they give a toss about what European diplomats come up with..Europeans were the ones who feared their increasing dominance once upon a time.

BTW, what peace process? diaspora is working hard in East Jerusalem.. ... -snub.html
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Hey, at least the diplomatic moves by the Palestinians are gaining momentum.

What will be interesting, will be seeing whether the proposed UN resolution condemning the building of settlments/colonies on land under Military Occupation will go through.

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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
UN resolutions basically means bugger all. If sanctions are the only solution to control a nation from getting worse, then why those busted Euro-American leaders cannot come up with the same solutions against peace threatening Israel? I am afraid the only remedy against tyranny will be rising islam and islamic economies in the ME..Until muslims are capable to manage themselves and apply their own worldwide rightly sanctions, their will be no solution to the problem...(that's presuming that peace talks still aren't working)
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
I'm with shaf on this one, every little bit helps and that the only solution in the current climate is to win the battle of hearts and minds. It is surprisng how many people are not fimilar with the situation after decades of propaganda being fed to them hence the blind support for Israel.
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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
I agree that every bit should help, but I don't understand why every bit doesn't help?
i.e. I don't understand why peace initiaters let these decades of propaganda happen back in their own yards and I never understand why they still give blind support..

so What happens if muslims win the battle of hearts and minds of the western world?
I believe that nothing will change until they(westerners) get rid of cronyism between political,industrial, financial circles..
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I'm with shaf on this one, every little bit helps and that the only solution in the current climate is to win the battle of hearts and minds. It is surprisng how many people are not fimilar with the situation after decades of propaganda being fed to them hence the blind support for Israel.

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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Hey zubber come on you too give your own opinion or scenario if you like?

if muslims win the batte of hearts and minds,how do you think things will chance in the west ? :wink:
I can't think of a better scenario..I am also loosing hope on I worry about Tea party :wink: ..
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Maybe your not fimilar with the process. If the ( majority of the ) people are against it, it eventually trickles down through democratic process to the policy and law makers. A govt cannot tag a line which is against the majority opinion, for too long atleast.

For example Canada recently having lost the arab vote on its blind support for Israel at the UN. Due to this now many Canadians are actually looking into why is it so that Canada blindly supports Israel and is it worth it and right, althogh there are still many throwing a hissy fit that it was UAE's doing.

Although in the current climate western nations of power are embroiled in their own economic troubles at home and foriegn policy is not too way up on the agenda, but you could also look at this in a positive light in regards to this topic. As very soon people will demand that the massive foriegn aid given out to Israel could be put to better use at home. I can't remember who but there was an interview I read/saw with a quite a high ranking army officer who admitted that Israel has gone from being a strategic asset of the past to a diplomatic burden of today.

Anyways the point is the ordinary citizen does have power and say. So the more hearts and minds won the stronger that voice becomes and has to be heard.
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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Maybe your not fimilar with the process. If the ( majority of the ) people are against it, it eventually trickles down through democratic process to the policy and law makers. A govt cannot tag a line which is against the majority opinion, for too long atleast.

So how far can people have majority opinion on a country where there is almost nothing left for its Arab natives anyway?
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
That is the whole point now, isn't it. Although many will debate endlessly to what you have just stated you'd be surprised how little people know about the situation. Most only know what they have heard. Somewhat like you hear in these forums i.e somewhat along the lines Israel is only defending itself and that there really isn't any occupation etc etc.

Although a lot choose to be ignorant or just don't want to come to the realisation that the firm stand and beleifs they have had in this issue for years could be false. Call it denial if you will. You don't have to go too far to look for such. Take the case in the other thread where one poster is arguing that shooting the wrong e;derly man in bed was just a mistake all the while having no clue what hebron is and whats its status. The level of ignorance is amazing.

Also do not underestimate the how far reaching effects the propaganda that Israelis are the victims here has and how it is manipulated to swing opinions.

Look at the gaza flotilla, almost world wide initial reaction was yes Israel was right but as more attention was brought to light as to why a aids flotilla was needed in the first place i.e the illegal blocked. World opion swung the other way and Israel was forced to ease it although not completely lifting it.

Just go have a listen to many of George Galloways talksport shows on this issue about the Pal Isareali conflict and you'd be amazed at the level of ignorance of the callers.

So I do say hearts and minds my friend, hearts and minds at the end of the day we are all human. Only the most crude humans cannot help but not be moved by tragedy any where in the world. But this issue is like if a tree falls in a forest will anybody hear it half way around the world.

The Chillean miners everybody cheered for them when they saw them come out and were on their toes while the recue operations were going on. But if there was no coverage of the story you'd think anybody would have known let alone cared ? Or if it was spun on some twisted fashion making them out to be drug dealers trying to dig their way, away from the hands of the law ?
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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Yes I understand what your saying but what I am saying is that israel has gone too far to reverse anything,for instance how can you encorouge reverse imigration, they are residents of illegal annexations? (I am sure BM would be happy to see tho :) ) And possibly get to the point where it all started decades ago?

Sure Israel would resist remember they have atom bombs? :wink:
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 10, 2011
Berrin - we are where we are. The Arab side recognised this fact and proposed a comprehensive peace plan in 2000. This was based on international law and UN resolutions - but also allowed for flexibility, with the Palestinian side willing to give away/exchange what they are entitled to under International Law and UN resolutions.

The fact that it is only the Palestinian side that has made any (and I do mean ANY) concessions according to their rights, is one that many will refuse to believe - even though it is a fact that even FD wasn't able to spin/deny. Israel has only grudgingly agreed to what it is required to do under the law - whereas the Palestinians are willing to negotiate and not insist that UN resolution 242 (for example) is implemented in full.

But the facts are the facts - but if the propaganda convinces people that it is a religious struggle rather than a simple Military Occupation of land captured in 1967, then facts which expose this lie just won't be believed. The PLO for many years was THE Palestinian resistance movement, it was secular and it had many Christian Palestinian (Arabs) in their midsts. The Israelis helped set up what was to be Hamas - to counteract the PLO.

Colonial powers have used divide and rule effectively in the past, and this attempt was nothing new. It has partially worked too.

But things are changing fast.

On this very forum about 2 years ago, there were those who were saying things like 'if only the Palestinians didn't always resort to violence' or 'where is the Palestinian Ghandi' or 'why don't they try passive resistance'.

Well, the Palestinian side has been many PR victories - from the pirates of the Med incident, the medieval siege of Gaza and the military failure (loss) of the wars in Lebanon (twice). The bravado at the start of the 2006 war in Lebanon - triggered when Hezbollah captured two soldiers and immediately offered to trade them for prisoners - ended in a military defeat for Israel. They said they would have lost if they didn't free the two soldiers and didn't eliminate Hezbollah's military. They failed at the two aims they set themselves. Then, humiliatingly, they exchanged the two soldiers for prisoners as Hezbollah initially offered.

The PR battle is being lost - much, much fewer people are willing to swallow the lies about the Palestinians wholesale any more.

Every little bit does help.

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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 13, 2011
I think this news is what is causing some of the consternation amongst the fans of Israel's military occupation, and others who just like to bash Muslims and don't give a f-f which territories are occupied and which are Israel proper :shock: .

Note the usual sequence of events - positive news on the diplomatic front (no violence etc) - just legal moves. EU reinforces existing rulings etc.

I'm wondering though - aren't the EU aware of the desires of some Arabs living under military occupation to remain in Israel?

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Re: EU: Capital of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 13, 2011
Are you that naive to hope that Israel will ever go back to the 1967 borders
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Re: EU: Capital Of Palestine - East Jerusalem Jan 13, 2011
You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one.. :)

But seriously - I don't know - perhaps they will, perhaps they won't - but the thread is not really what I speculate about the future, but more about the EU diplomats proposals. I'd probably put more weight to what they say rather than what some random poster on an internet forum thinks - but that's just me. ;)

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