Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

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Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship? Jul 20, 2011
Herve, holy misplaced anger or what! Your ignorance and hatred for Muslims is astounding. I'd hardly call you open-minded.

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Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship? Jul 20, 2011
Herve may be angry, but he's got a point.
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Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship? Jul 20, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Herve may be angry, but he's got a point.

What happened in that schools is the perfect example.
We have guests to this country, they come from their islamic countries, beg for a passport, and get it, and at the same time depsise their host countries, never adapt to their standards.
Instead once they have settle, they go to the school and have the authorities break a sacred rule, that is separation church and state, to force authorities and everyone else to adapt to their foreign standards.
They take advantage of our laws, to turn them around and force us to accomodate to their standards.

remember that story in minnesota, the taxi cab company hires mooslims, after a while, mooslims taxi drivers refuse to take clients when they carry alcohol, because it is forbiden for a mooslim to transport alcohol. most people at the airport (duty free shops) are stranded. the company fires the muzlims, the moozlims sue the company and win.
if the CEO had contacted me before, i would have told him not to hire muslims, now he knows....
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Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship? Jul 21, 2011
A year ago I compared Sir Shafique with the fifth column in Spain. This individual said that did not understand me at that time.

I just wonder how quickly so many people from different parts of Europe do understand.
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Re: Canadian public school turned into house of worship? Jul 21, 2011
The Fifth Column and the first forty-nine stories? yes RC, I would agree with that analogy.
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Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship? Jul 22, 2011
shafique wrote:Perhaps your assumption is correct, I don't know.

What I do know is that the schools are in clear violation of the rules. No ifs or buts here - as the article makes clear.

Now I'm confused. Now you acknowledge that the schools are in clear violation of the rules - not the guidelines.

But, nice to see you coming up with some arguments in favour of the action. I respect this view of yours in favour of the Lord's Prayer being said by all. (I personally don't have an issue with this - but am just pointing out that this IS in violation of the code).

In favour of what action? I don't favor prayer in school by either religion. You can't pick and chose what is right or wrong, who can, who can't when there is one rule to follow. Separation of church and state - full stop.

I'm not sure which article you read which said that the school is following guidelines - it can't be the one I linked to about the schools in Manitoba who are in violation of the rules. ;)

In a couple of the articles on the subject, the principal justified his actions and said he was operating within school guidelines. What school doesn't have guidelines?? The problem is that the guidelines may be vague, allowing for some wiggle room when it comes to certain actions - such as the one the principal took.
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