Bury The War State's Blank Check At Sea.

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Bury The War State's Blank Check At Sea. Sep 09, 2011
Some very very valid points, just drives the point even more clearer that the actual first respondents haven't even been invited to the ceremony.

http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e29072.htm

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Bury The War State's Blank Check At Sea. Sep 09, 2011
Hard hitting words, and you're right he make very good points.

And the saddest thing is that the victims of those suicidal monstrosities have been misused here ever since under the guise of pious remembrance. This country has become dependent on the dead of 9/11 -- who have no way of defending themselves against how they have been used ...

On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, for an imperial power that is distinctly tattered, visibly in decline, teetering at the edge of financial disaster, and battered by never-ending wars, political paralysis, terrible economic times, disintegrating infrastructure, and weird weather, all of this should be simple and obvious. That it’s not tells us much about the kind of shock therapy we still need.


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Re: Bury The War State's Blank Check At Sea. Sep 09, 2011
The most expensive tombstone in the world consisting of multiple buildings at a cost of $20 billion, built on a graveyard. It is not a government project, but a NYC project, which will generate revenue for as long as they stand. Office space, retail space and tourists equals revenue. Add to that a museum containing pieces of salvage and the staircase that people escaped from death, will charge $20 a head, which will go towards the museum, which is probably on the same scale as Holocaust museums. Just another entry to the "Things to See When in NYC".

Many families of the survivors did not want the ground used for a memorial, but I guess they got an offer they couldn't refuse. Talk about selling your soul to the devil. Everyone who lost a family member became overnight millionaires.

Many lives of first responders were lost, and many lives were saved because of them. Shame on the organizers for excluding them. When that came out in the news recently, it was covered up by announcing that there would be a separate memorial for first responders, but that would take place on a different day.

Personally I could never put my foot in one of those buildings knowing they were built on a graveyard.

I think about the lives lost, but more importantly I won't forget how they were lost.
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