British PM Remarks Upset Pakistan

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British PM remarks upset Pakistan Jul 31, 2010
ISLAMABAD/LONDON, July 31 (Reuters) - Pakistan's spy chief has cancelled a trip to Britain, a spokesman said on Saturday, but Islamabad played down a row over remarks by British Prime Minister David Cameron suggesting Pakistan was not doing enough to fight terrorism.
Cameron, speaking in Pakistan's rival India on Wednesday, told Islamabad that it must not become a base for militants and "promote the export of terror" across the globe.

A Pakistani foreign ministry spokesman said this week his country had been "saddened" by Cameron's remarks.

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Re: British PM Remarks Upset Pakistan Aug 01, 2010
Yeah well Cameron isn't totally wrong aswell .The lawless northern areas are you could say the heart of terrorism and the birth place of the Taliban.

But having Cameron kissing indian @ss and saying that on a visit of to india is whats make his commets loose credible and make his sound like he might be trying to play the good house negro. And thats what basically gets Pakistan goats.

India some how believes they are superior to Pakistan and Pakistan feels the same way. So this backs up Indias position in this belief and makes the pakis look bad. That is what pisses them off. if he would have said that in London. Pakistan wouldn't have given much notice to it.
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Re: British PM Remarks Upset Pakistan Aug 01, 2010
I don't think Cameron was wrong in anything he said, but agree that saying it in India was bound to get up Pakistan's nose, and of course he was on a arse kissing exercise - aircraft etc need to be sold to the former colony - we are really, really in debt don't you know! ;)

However, I applaud the straight talking. At least it is an improvement on the mealy worded non-statements that politicians tend to come up with.

And let's face it, what Cameron said was mild compared to what Pakistanis themselves say about the tribals etc. And no one seriously doubts that the ISI is not totally blameless in what India accuses it of (generally)

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