British Baroness On Islamophobia

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British Baroness on Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011
The BBC reports that Baroness Warsi (who creamed the BNP leader Nick Griffin on Question Time), who happens to be Muslim and in the cabinet, says that prejudice against Muslims is seen as 'normal' by many in the UK.

She makes some excellent points and seems to be doing a sterling job as co-chairman of the Tory party. I personally don't agree with the Tories (indeed, after their surprise moves to change the NHS, my suspicions about them have been proved right) - but she speaks sense on this subject.


Baroness Warsi says Muslim prejudice seen as normal

Baroness Warsi, co-chairman of the Tory Party, will warn against dividing Muslims into moderates and extremists.

The baroness, the first Muslim woman to serve in the cabinet, will say such labels fuel misunderstanding.
She will use a speech at Leicester University to accuse the media of superficial discussion of Islam.

Baroness Warsi will say anti-Muslim prejudice is now seen by many Britons as normal and uncontroversial, and she will use her position to fight an “ongoing battle against bigotry”.

In extracts of the speech, published in the Daily Telegraph, the peer blames “the patronising, superficial way faith is discussed in certain quarters, including the media”, for making Britain a less tolerant place for believers.

She is expected to reveal that she raised the issue of Islamophobia with Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Britain last year, urging him to “create a better understanding between Europe and its Muslim citizens”.

‘Social rejection’

The BBC’s religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said Baroness Warsi is to say publicly what many Muslims privately complain about – that prejudice against them does not attract the social stigma attached to prejudice against other religious and ethnic groups.

“She told the 2009 Conservative Party conference that anti-Muslim hatred had become Britain’s last socially acceptable form of bigotry, and claimed in a magazine article last October that taking a pop at the Muslim community in the media sold papers and didn’t really matter.”

In her speech, she is expected to say the description of Muslims as either moderate or extremist encourages false assumptions.

“It’s not a big leap of imagination to predict where the talk of ‘moderate’ Muslims leads; in the factory, where they’ve just hired a Muslim worker, the boss says to his employees: ‘Not to worry, he’s only fairly Muslim’,” she will say.

“In the school, the kids say: ‘The family next door are Muslim but they’re not too bad’.

“And in the road, as a woman walks past wearing a burka, the passers-by think: ‘That woman’s either oppressed or is making a political statement’.”

Baroness Warsi will say terror offences committed by a small number of Muslims should not be used to condemn all who follow Islam.

But she will also urge Muslim communities to be clearer about their rejection of those who resort to violent acts.

“Those who commit criminal acts of terrorism in our country need to be dealt with not just by the full force of the law,” she will say.

“They also should face social rejection and alienation across society and their acts must not be used as an opportunity to tar all Muslims.”

Asked about Baroness Warsi’s speech, a No 10 spokesman said she was expressing the view that there needed to be a debate “about the issue of radicalisation in Great Britain and terrorism”.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011
Oh but Shaf but our resident racist and xenophobe does not even consider her to be British just like you, infact in the other BNP thread she should be worried about things "back home" in Pakistan and not in Britian, she obviously just sponging of the system and stealing jobs from the white ! LOOL !
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Re: British Baroness on Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011

It really must make the BNP's blood boil to think that an English, Yorkshirewoman who happens to be Muslim is not only in Cabinet, but also in the House of Lords!

But of course, they aren't racist - they just think the Baroness should renounce her citizenship and leave the country she was born in. :shock:

Perhaps the Prime Minister who appointed her should be told of this imagined 'anti-white racism' in the UK!

(But don't you love the predictability of the Islamophobes - when faced with evidence of racist views, they go on the attack and produce the wildest fantasies. :mrgreen: )

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Re: British Baroness on Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011
She's only there to keep you lot happy. :D
She's not that cousin of yours you were refering to Shaf is she?
LOL British, she looks it doesn't she?LOL
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011
Seems to be keeping you very unhappy. And you're right - this does make me smile a lot.

Isn't it nice of the PM to want to keep 'us' guys happy and c.ock-a-snook at BNP supporters! Hilarious.

(I think the Yorkshire lass is there on merit - and the way she demolished Nick Griffin shows her law background is still being to good use!)

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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011
shafique wrote:Seems to be keeping you very unhappy. And you're right - this does make me smile a lot.

Isn't it nice of the PM to want to keep 'us' guys happy and c.ock-a-snook at BNP supporters! Hilarious.


Nice sari! LOL
I'm far from unhappy Shaf, I'm pleased to be keeping you so busy with these new topics LMAO
Thank you for reminding I'm not a member of the BNP. I'm not allowed to be a member of a political party in my job :wink:
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 23, 2011
I'm glad you're laughing at the threads - you're obviously upset that the Baroness happens to not be white or Christian.. and as you ask, yes she does look like an English lass from Dewsbury to me - and she certainly speaks like one!

But your comprehension skills are letting you down again. A BNP supporter is not the same as a member of the BNP party. A supporter will be someone who votes for them and justifies and supports their views. Now, if you were to dis-own the BNP's views...

But I guess what upsets you the most is that she's speaking sense. ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 24, 2011
shafique wrote:I'm glad you're laughing at the threads - you're obviously upset that the Baroness happens to not be white or Christian.. and as you ask, yes she does look like an English lass from Dewsbury to me - and she certainly speaks like one!

But your comprehension skills are letting you down again. A BNP supporter is not the same as a member of the BNP party. A supporter will be someone who votes for them and justifies and supports their views. Now, if you were to dis-own the BNP's views...

But I guess what upsets you the most is that she's speaking sense. ;)


My comprehension skills are fine thank you. You said 'Isn't it nice of the PM to want to keep 'us' guys happy and c.ock-a-snook at BNP supporters! Hilarious.' To me that is confirming that I am only a supporter, and not a member, of the party. Tis your skills that are in question is it not?
As for her speaking sense, I wouldn't know, I haven't listened to her. Why would I?
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 24, 2011
Is that the sound of knickers getting bunched I hear ?
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 24, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Is that the sound of knickers getting bunched I hear ?

Whores don't wear knickers do they?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: British Baroness On Islamophobia Jan 25, 2011
Bump so that people can compare the Baroness' views with that of a right wing blogger on the US 'right side news'.

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