Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy

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Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Home Secretary Theresa May has launched the government's updated strategy for tackling terrorism by saying there needs to be better focus on preventing extremism at community levels.

The revised strategy will see £36m spent and 25 areas in England targeted as priorities.

They include Birmingham, Leicester, Luton, Manchester, Leeds and some London boroughs.

It will also withdraw support from extremist groups - even non-violent ones - and cut off funding to those opposed to what the government calls "fundamental and universal" British values.

Our Government is tiring of the immigrants coming to Britain and conspiring to change our values and do us harm.

Ms May said the strategy would be targeted against "those forms of terrorism which pose the greatest risk to our national security, currently al-Qaeda and those they inspire".

Not a mention of the Irish, anywhere :D

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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Hmm, Perhaps they should consider implanting everybody with a biorecognition chip that also monitors their thoughts , coupled with more advanced facial recognition algorithms in those 100's of cc camera's through-out the city . Law enforcement officials need access to good tech !
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Govt says : There needs to be better focus on preventing extremism at community levels.

Phobe reads : Brown people go home

Conclusion : FAIL
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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Home Secretary Theresa May has launched the government's updated strategy for tackling terrorism by saying there needs to be better focus on preventing extremism at community levels.

The revised strategy will see £36m spent and 25 areas in England targeted as priorities.

They include Birmingham, Leicester, Luton, Manchester, Leeds and some London boroughs.

It will also withdraw support from extremist groups - even non-violent ones - and cut off funding to those opposed to what the government calls "fundamental and universal" British values.

Our Government is tiring of the immigrants coming to Britain and conspiring to change our values and do us harm.

Ms May said the strategy would be targeted against "those forms of terrorism which pose the greatest risk to our national security, currently al-Qaeda and those they inspire".

Not a mention of the Irish, anywhere :D

Well done BM, eat that Al Shafique :lol: , for your bogus stats no one reads.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
I totally support all the efforts to cut off funding to extremists - be they the racist EDL or wannabe Jihadist groups.

But when it comes to real terror attacks, show me the stats.

99 real bombs in Northern Ireland is an official police statistic - that's a real threat. Imagining that the numpty jihadists are a greater threat is a great sound-bite, but one that vanishes when we look for real evidence.

Please don't tell me that you trust political hype over cold-hard-facts?

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Who's talking about statistics?

'Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments.

What we are talking about here is the recognisition of the British government that more needs to be done to combat Muslim extremism. The British people are sick and tired of Muslims trying to take over our country.
If they can't accept our fundamental and universal British values then they can go home. This is what the majority of the British population think and that is why the government is starting to listen to us.

The towns that the government are targeting Birmingham, Leicester, Luton, Manchester, Leeds and some London boroughs are towns over run with Asians not Irish.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
The UK should be more strict about how its native population think and desire to have. It's their right.
I'm againt the unreasonable demands of Muslims in the West. If they don't like it, then they should either leave or adapt.

Likewise in the East, laws and rules apply.
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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
^Sym - I agree with the government initiatives to work with the Muslim citizens in the UK to combat extremism. It compliments very well other initiatives.

Indeed, young eh - back when he called himself 'ikka', highlighted an initiative by British Muslims who took out adverts in Pakistan to educate the people there that the West wasn't the 'great satan' etc that some extremists make out.

Any work to reduce the risk of terrorism and violence is most welcome.

There is a separate discussion over the scale of the problem in reality - and that is where statistics come into play.

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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Shafique, the problem is that SOME of those Muslims in the UK, coming from different backgrounds, got the wrong idea of practicing religion. They got the wrong religious education I'm more than sure.

Based on Islamic judgement, those "ignorant Muslims" are actually the wrong ones!
They either adapt, or simply leave! I'm totally against them.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
symmetric wrote:The UK should be more strict about how its native population think and desire to have. It's their right.
I'm againt the unreasonable demands of Muslims in the West. If they don't like it, then they should either leave or adapt.

Likewise in the East, laws and rules apply.

Well done Sym, that's the right idea. Likewise I don't like people coming to Dubai and saying how bad things are. If they are not happy, they should return to where you came from. I, for one, would not live in a country which I hated. Dubai belongs to the Emiratis, they have a right to their laws and their culture.
Just the way Britain belongs to the British and should remain a mainly Christian society.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Agreed =)
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Well done Sym, that's the right idea. Likewise I don't like people coming to Dubai and saying how bad things are. If they are not happy, they should return to where you came from. I, for one, would not live in a country which I hated. Dubai belongs to the Emiratis, they have a right to their laws and their culture.
Just the way Britain belongs to the British and should remain a mainly Christian society.

What about people who have genuine greavances? Are we allowed to mention them?

I know and have met a few people who have been arrested (including my wife). Arrest warrants are not issued by a judge - a person is arrested if their name is on a list. There is also no need to lay charges, a person can be held indefinately without charge. Can you imagine the UK having a reciprical arrangement with the Emirates - why don't we arrest some of your citizens without charge and subject them to physical abuse. The Emiratis would be outraged and they would have every right to be.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
blueshift wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Well done Sym, that's the right idea. Likewise I don't like people coming to Dubai and saying how bad things are. If they are not happy, they should return to where you came from. I, for one, would not live in a country which I hated. Dubai belongs to the Emiratis, they have a right to their laws and their culture.
Just the way Britain belongs to the British and should remain a mainly Christian society.

What about people who have genuine greavances? Are we allowed to mention them?

I know and have met a few people who have been arrested (including my wife). Arrest warrants are not issued by a judge - a person is arrested if their name is on a list. There is also no need to lay charges, a person can be held indefinately without charge. Can you imagine the UK having a reciprical arrangement with the Emirates - why don't we arrest some of your citizens without charge and subject them to physical abuse. The Emiratis would be outraged and they would have every right to be.

Sorry I can't comment on your wifes arrest as I don't know what she was supposed to have done.
What I'm saying is that our culture in the UK should be respected and so should the Emirati culture by foreigners.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
symmetric wrote:Shafique, the problem is that SOME of those Muslims in the UK, coming from different backgrounds, got the wrong idea of practicing religion. They got the wrong religious education I'm more than sure.

Based on Islamic judgement, those "ignorant Muslims" are actually the wrong ones!
They either adapt, or simply leave! I'm totally against them.

I agree Sym - that is why I support the initiatives which tackle these groups. The Government is complimenting the initiatives taken by Muslim groups already (eg the mosques which banned groups like Al-Muhajiroon, Islam4UK, Anjum Choudhary etc from preaching/recruiting in their mosques - AND teaching the young-uns the true teachings of Islam).

Tackling the few 'bad eggs' is a very good thing.

Exaggerating the threat from these numpties by Islamophobes (by and large, they are numpties - and thank God for that) is a different matter.

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
shafique wrote:
Exaggerating the threat from these numpties by Islamophobes (by and large, they are numpties - and thank God for that) is a different matter.


But the threat from Islamic Extremists still remains to be the biggest threat to the security of Great Britain today. ... eat-level/
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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
How can Islam have 'true teachings' when Muslim groups such as CAIR say Islam is not a monolith (and it's Islamophobic to say it is, at that!)?

And anyone care to point out what those true teachings are and where I can independently find / verify them?
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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
Dillon wrote:
shafique wrote:
Exaggerating the threat from these numpties by Islamophobes (by and large, they are numpties - and thank God for that) is a different matter.


But the threat from Islamic Extremists still remains to be the biggest threat to the security of Great Britain today. ... eat-level/

And Iraq had WMD, the ricin plots were real etc etc :roll:

Edit (and I suggest people do click on the link and read what the Government says - and search for the word 'Islamic' on the linked page... and note that the threat from terror attack in NI is 'severe'. Then compare the stats.)

But I can't fault the Home Office's advice:
But you should not let the fear of terrorism stop you from going about your day-to-day life as normal. Your risk of being caught up in a terrorist attack is very low.

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
Then try this link if the first didn’t do it for you, it’s all there on the same site if you could be bothered to look.

The current threat level to the UK from international terrorism is severe. The most significant international terrorism threat to the UK remains violent extremism associated with and influenced by Al Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda, Pronunciation:/alˈkʌɪdə, ˌalkɑːˈiːdə/ a militant Islamic fundamentalist group. ... -strategy/

shafique wrote:
Exaggerating the threat from these numpties by Islamophobes (by and large, they are numpties - and thank God for that) is a different matter.

You are free to believe what you wish Shafique, and interpret your stats in whichever way you desire, but labelling the prevent strategy, of the UK Government's Anti Terrorism policies, with another one of your liberal embellishments of Islamophobic, just doesn’t do it for me. The reason why the risk is very low of being caught up in a terrorist attack in the UK is because of the sterling job being done by the UK anti-terrorist forces against a real and clearly identified threat, and should not be attributed to the inept capabilities of Al-Qaeda and their associated network, a militant Islamic fundamentalist group who have proven their capabilities in the past and are continuing to do so throughout the world.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
Dillon - I've mentioned quite a few times in this thread that I support the Prevent strategy. I haven't labelled it as Islamophobic - but applaud the efforts to eradicate/mitigate/lessen the chances of numpties being tempted to carry out 7/7 type attacks.

The Home Office site says the risk from International Terrorism is severe - as is the risk of NI terrorism in Northern Ireland (severe). In NI, last year, there were 99 actual bombs according to the official stats (i.e. not something I made up).

I would indeed worry if Al Qaeda militants started a campaign in Britain and were even half as successful as the NI terrrorists. I am happy, but not complacent, that the 'jihadists' in the UK have largely resembled the guys in the film 'Four Lions' (i.e. numpties). However, even numpties sometimes get things right and hence why I support Prevent and other initiatives.

Overall, taking the UK as a whole, the stats do show that 'Islamic fundamentalist terrorism' is empirically less of a threat than non-Islamic terrorism. That is what the stats show. When the stats change (and I hope they don't) - then we can draw different conclusions.

Just imagining that the numpties are Al Qaeda crack troops is not going to change reality.

I don't blame the government for being cautious. But I do blame the 'phobes for blowing things out of proportion.

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
Shafique – As has recently been discussed on the forum, you keep ‘mentioning things’ in your personal declarations, then you contradict them in further statements, Shafique – I’ve mentioned in this thread and others that:

The current threat level to the UK from international terrorism is severe. The most significant international terrorism threat to the UK remains violent extremism associated with and influenced by Al Qaeda.
And not the numpties in NI. :wink: ... -strategy/

This is a fact, no personal interpretations of statistics and no references to acts of fiction.

Just imagining that the numpties are Al Qaeda crack troops is not going to change reality.

Who are you claiming is imagining this, if not the author of the article I posted?

I don't blame the government for being cautious. But I do blame the 'phobes for blowing things out of proportion.

So who are the Islamophobes in your eyes, if not the author of the article I posted?
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
I couldn't see anywhere where the author said the numpties were Al Qaeda crack troops.

Note that even the numpties in 'Four Lions' were 'inspired by Al Qaeda'.

The statistics speak for themselves, that is why I give them more credence than 'interpretations'.

99 real bombs does make NI terror threat 'severe' - no questions there. What I'm glad about is that last year the numpty Jihadists are no-where near as successful as the NI terrorists.

The 'phobes are those who are taking the Tory re-vamped Prevent policy as an indication that their fantasies about Islam are true. Duh.

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
Who cares about statistics?

You just have to ask the people on the street. Who do you fear more? Islamic or Irish terrorists?
A straw poll of my (government) office says 23 out of 23 people say the biggest threat comes from the Islamic terrorists, with 11 people saying there was no longer a threat from the Irish and the other 12 saying there was never a threat from the Irish in the first place. (They weren't around in the 1970's)
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
shafique wrote:I couldn't see anywhere where the author said the numpties were Al Qaeda crack troops.

Note that even the numpties in 'Four Lions' were 'inspired by Al Qaeda'.

The statistics speak for themselves, that is why I give them more credence than 'interpretations'.

99 real bombs does make NI terror threat 'severe' - no questions there. What I'm glad about is that last year the numpty Jihadists are no-where near as successful as the NI terrorists.

The 'phobes are those who are taking the Tory re-vamped Prevent policy as an indication that their fantasies about Islam are true. Duh.


So, in summary, no-one has imagined that your numpties are in fact Al-Qaeda crack troops that you originally stated, and there is no reference to your numpties in the Prevent Policy.

‘Four Lions’ is still a piece of fiction. And the islamophobes you are referring to are an unidentified figment of your imagination, have no place in our discussion, and the most significant international terrorism threat to the UK remains violent extremism associated with and influenced by Al Qaeda, Duh.

I believe that if this pointless discussion hasn’t already lost the interest of most of the visitors to DF, it soon will, so I’m going to leave it now with yet another fine example of Shaf ‘Calling a spade a spade’.

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
Four Lions is certainly a piece of fiction - and very funny too.

Fortunately they also are far more 'successful' than the real-life numpties we've been seeing so far in the UK in the past few years.

My point has always been that 'phobes have over-active imaginations too - and the only cure for that is hard-cold-facts - such as 99 real bombs. ;)

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
You've bored everyone shitless again Shafique.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 09, 2011
shafique wrote:
The 'phobes are those who are taking the Tory re-vamped Prevent policy as an indication that their fantasies about Islam are true. Duh.


The fact that prevent policies are re vamped is the proof that it is no fantasies: the real threat is islamic, not Irish.
No one is taking seriously the bogus stats you keep boasting about, even yourself, you are just doing your job posting them all the time and everywhere.
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Re: Britain Updates It's Prevent Policy Jun 10, 2011

I support the Prevent campaign - and by definition it is targeting the numpties in the Muslim communities in Britain.

The separate issue is whether this means (in of itself) that the biggest threat of terrorism in the UK is from muslim numpties.

The stats suggest otherwise - 99 real bombs from non-Muslim terrorists is the cold-hard-fact I'm basing my conclusion on. How many real bombs came from muslim numpties over the same period?

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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 10, 2011
shafique wrote:I support the Prevent campaign - and by definition it is targeting the numpties in the Muslim communities in Britain.

The Prevent Strategy, the preventative strand of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, focuses on the most significant security threat to the people of the UK today, the threat from international terrorism, not from your UK numpties.

The separate issue is whether this means (in of itself) that the biggest threat of terrorism in the UK is from muslim numpties.

Read my earlier statement, the information on the Home Office website is clear and concise. The latest initiative announced by Theresa May is addressing identified shortfalls in the Prevent Strategy it is not a separate issue, it is part of the overall strategy.

The stats suggest otherwise - 99 real bombs from non-Muslim terrorists is the cold-hard-fact I'm basing my conclusion on. How many real bombs came from muslim numpties over the same period?

Terrorism, definition: The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Not just Bombs, the threat includes every form of violence and intimidation.

You persistently harp on about the 99 NI bombs which contribute to a severe threat to NI and a substantial threat to GB, The most significant terrorism threat to the UK remains violent extremism associated with and influenced by Al Qaeda.

It would appear you support the anti terrorist strategies in the UK as long as you can rewrite and redefine them and their target populations and use your personal interpretation of terrorism. That would appear to be the smoke and mirrors so often spoke of about your posts rather than ‘calling a spade a spade’ as some would believe. I suggest you clearly define your numpties so that everyone understands exactly who you’re talking about.
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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 10, 2011
Dillon wrote:‘Four Lions’ is still a piece of fiction. And the islamophobes you are referring to are an unidentified figment of your imagination, have no place in our discussion, and the most significant international terrorism threat to the UK remains violent extremism associated with and influenced by Al Qaeda, Duh.

Shafique is a natural born troll as far as I know.

He creates his own sideshow discussion - in this case, 'Islamophobes' - and then re-enters the discussion pretending the entire point of the thread had something to with what he's rambling about.

It's a nice diversionary tactic.

I remember him doing something similar when he was responding to herve and out of the blue accusing herve of believing Iraq had WMD's.

I think by doing that, shafique can construct his own imaginary opponent in place of his actual one where he can knock down their arguments - which are now the arguments of his imagined opponent - without addressing what is really being said.
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Re: Britain Updates it's Prevent Policy Jun 10, 2011
Agreed, he attempted the same on this thread;

And Iraq had WMD, the ricin plots were real etc etc


His latest tactic is to delegitimise the Prevent Policy with constant references to his numpties, which I’m sure the majority of readers don’t fully understand who his numpties actually are!
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