Britain In Afghanistan

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Jul 19, 2009
Speedhump wrote:Did my eyes deceive me or does this article call Russia a Third World country????

I don't know. Probably. They puke in the cabines but are forced to use, poor guys. :)

To be frank, Speedy, I didn't know that current situation with British troops there is so grim. I'm afraid but further presence or withdrawl 9000 troops and 20 helicopters will hardly change the war.

Red Chief
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Aug 04, 2009
It turns out that lack of helicopters isn't the only problem of Brits in Afghanistan. Another problem is pushing Tommy into helicopter.
8) 8) 8)

Overweight soldiers holding the Army back in Afghanistan, leaked memo claims ... laims.html
Red Chief
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Aug 04, 2009
Red Chief wrote:It turns out that lack of helicopters isn't the only problem of Brits in Afghanistan. Another problem is pushing Tommy into helicopter.
8) 8) 8)

Overweight soldiers holding the Army back in Afghanistan, leaked memo claims ... laims.html

Don't forget highly medicated soldiers as well!
Misery Called Life
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Aug 04, 2009
Trotsky you are a racist pure and simple. I think I need to start pointing out what your disgusting country is doing, which is being condemned by the whole civilised world. Russia is the hooligan of the world.

I'll be starting new threads daily, after today.

Is it because you are so ashamed of your own country that you poke fun at mine? Please elucidate: ... id=1011157

Kazbek Djiloev told Amnesty International about his experience of the attack on his house in a residential area in Tskhinvali on the night of August 7:

"I was drinking tea and suddenly I heard gunfire followed by tanks, artillery…we all went downstairs. Two hours later I heard explosions, the house shook, the roof exploded and GRAD missiles fell on our house. The sofa and other stuff caught fire. We heard an airplane and it aimed at us and started firing at us with a machine gun. My brother and I hid downstairs again. After a while another GRAD fell and half of the house was destroyed. I was in shock. The Georgians claim that they fired at positions of Russian soldiers. This is a lie. There was no soldier here. They were firing at peaceful citizens. There was nothing military here. I was here with my brother and mother … Now I don’t have a house. The weather is fine right now and I can sleep in the garden, but I don’t know what to do when the rain comes. Nobody is helping me. I’ll never be able to restore the house because I don’t have the money."
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Aug 04, 2009
The village of Tamarsheni, which was mostly inhabited by ethnic Georgians before the conflict, shows no damage at all on August 10. Nine days later, the satellite imagery analysis identified 152 damaged structures, a large proportion of the total number of structures in the village.

You liKe to talk about the bombing of Dresden, don't you....
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Aug 04, 2009
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 04, 2009
If you want to start a new thread start it but separately. Don't trash own thread. Have a self-respect.
8) 8) 8)

This thread is about Tommies in Afghanistan. My post isn't off-topic but only citation from British media.
Red Chief
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Aug 04, 2009
I already said that I would, but in retrospect, frankly I don't think you deserve the attention. :D
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Aug 04, 2009
Why did you call me racist? As far as I understand you and me are the same race. You are not four-wheels , are you? :shock:

And a little philosophy. If you are going to do something do it. Otherwise I will think that my suspicion about your balls or rather absence of them is not baseless.
8) 8) 8)
Red Chief
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Aug 04, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Speedie,
Why did you call me racist? As far as I understand you and me are the same race. You are not four-wheels , are you? :shock:

And a little philosophy. If you are going to do something do it. Otherwise I will think that my suspicion about your balls or rather absence of them is not baseless.
8) 8) 8)

A racist justifying his behavior. The jews in Russia were of the same "race" as you but yet you have displayed your hated for them. Racism isn't only about skin color - which is what I gather you are referring to when you say that you and SH "are the same race".
Bora Bora
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Aug 04, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:
Red Chief wrote:Speedie,
Why did you call me racist? As far as I understand you and me are the same race. You are not four-wheels , are you? :shock:

And a little philosophy. If you are going to do something do it. Otherwise I will think that my suspicion about your balls or rather absence of them is not baseless.
8) 8) 8)

A racist justifying his behavior. The jews in Russia were of the same "race" as you but yet you have displayed your hated for them. Racism isn't only about skin color - which is what I gather you are referring to when you say that you and SH "are the same race".

8) 8) 8)
Red Chief
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Aug 04, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Speedie,
Why did you call me racist? As far as I understand you and me are the same race. You are not four-wheels , are you? :shock:

And a little philosophy. If you are going to do something do it. Otherwise I will think that my suspicion about your balls or rather absence of them is not baseless.
8) 8) 8)

I think we already know who is the timid coward here, who had no reply and covered it by a sudden and rather unbelievable turnaround, in claiming to not wish to trash a thread. OK Cinderella, your wish can come true. :D :D

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Aug 06, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Speedie,
Why did you call me racist? As far as I understand you and me are the same race. You are not four-wheels , are you? :shock:

And a little philosophy. If you are going to do something do it. Otherwise I will think that my suspicion about your balls or rather absence of them is not baseless.
8) 8) 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 06, 2009
Pathetic little shit. As an arab you are of course a jew-hater right?

I'm not the same as the russian, or you, I am a tolerant world citizen like most peope who post messages here. You lizards can carry on living under rocks for all your lives, marhaba :D :D
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Aug 06, 2009
oh comaan , don’t be a tied ass, choc is doing that part, but u got to give it to Red Chief, the four-wheel was a funny part, lighten up well yaa :)

ps. jew-hater is the least u can call me when it comes to those pigs.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 06, 2009
you just said all that anyone needs to know about you.
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Aug 06, 2009
Speedhump wrote: I am a tolerant world citizen like most peope who post messages here. You lizards can carry on living under rocks for all your lives, marhaba :D :D

Hm. The citizen of the World? :roll: You definitely are, Sleazy Sid. 8)
Red Chief
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Aug 07, 2009
Is this the special edition topic of The Brit vs Commie Show?

Great Humprey versus Backstabbin' Ivan :D
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 07, 2009
It's no contest, I always wipe the floor with him. Anway he won't be following me round licking my butt for much longer, he has a new infatuation: ... n-own.html

Gay Russians claim bare-chested Putin as one of their own.

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Aug 07, 2009
Fairy photos again. You told everybody around that you like women, but notably speak with them. :wink:
Do you want to be as fit as Mr. Putin? You don't have balls for that. Forget. 8)
Red Chief
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Aug 07, 2009
I suppose you just club women over the head with your massive intellect and drag them back to your cave. Ape. :naka:

I bet they love the living carpet on your back.
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Aug 07, 2009
Take it easy, buddy. It was only a light banter, at least from my side. 8)

By the way I'm in Moscow now and so there are a lot of good-looking girls around. That's why the biggest problem is to chose some lady to carry her away to my cave then. :) After Dubai they all look extremely attractive. :D

Have a nice week-end!
Red Chief
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Aug 07, 2009
I just imagine you covered in hair, that's in my nightmares of course. :shock:

You're on holiday, or left your car at Dubai airport with the keys behind the sun visor?

I'm off to the UK for a few days tomorrow, to a house with no internet, so I won't be available to taunt you.

Enjoy the peace :P :D
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Aug 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:You're on holiday, or left your car at Dubai airport with the keys behind the sun visor?

He-he. You know I'm not one of these British tieves on the one hand but I will never sign blank "security" cheque on the other hand. So I have been renting a car for 5 years :) on monthly basis.

Unfortunately only 2 weeks holidays. :evil:

Anyway have a nice trip!
Red Chief
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Aug 07, 2009
You too, watch out for the girls with their hands in your pockets ;P

By the way, I am pretty sure Moscow thieves outnumber London thieves.... :rr:
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Aug 07, 2009
but not on the Dubai airport parking. 8)

By the way last month I spoke to one lady from Bristol and she didn't consider mentioned situation as a crime. As I undersood it's rather common shift in British mentality. :shock:
Red Chief
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Aug 07, 2009
No that's rubbish. I can't see Russians, Indians or anybody staying here to face jail for bankruptcy either, if they have a chance to escape. You are being short sighted as usual, when it comes to nationality. It's a huge failing of yours.....
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