^Control (i.e. occupation) is legal after winning a war, constructing colonies and depriving the occupied the use of their land is illegal. Over 60% of the West Bank is currently under direct control of the Israelis and the rest is under general occupational control.
Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.
As UN Resolution 242 made clear (adopted unamiously in Nov 1967 and is reaffirmed each year) - it is illegal to aquire land by force - it made clear the legal position:
"inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war ".
But the point I made in the previous post about Israel not making any concessions according to the Law or UN resolutions is just a statement of fact.
The crimes levelled at Israel are violations of its obligations as an occupying power. One war crime it committed was when it razed the homes of the Arab Palestinians in Jerusalem in the Maghreb quarter - to make a plaza in front of the Western Wall - that is a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions on how to treat people in territory you've occupied. It was one of the first crimes in the growing list.
But, I haven't checked today, has Israel agreed to take the $3billion bribe?