Brave American Jewish Youth

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Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
I think this deserves it's own thread - original comment from Mahmoud below.

Mahmoud04 wrote:
what happened! wow, what happens to freedom of speech, or morals that we keep hearing about...

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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011

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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
lol these guys are bunch of fairies seriously!!! lol it took 4 men to handcuff the boy and to put him in the car :D hahhahh

by the way I dont think he is american. If he was the americans would have sent a bloody fleat to pull him out, as they do in other countries 8)
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
^LOL - perhaps the footage stopped before Chuck Norris came to the rescue and broke the guy out of police detention? ;)

(It did look like a genuine US Passport the guy was waving around though)

One wonders how they treat Palestinians when the cameras aren't rolling, if this is the way they treat Jews from America in the presence of a camera! :shock:

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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
rudeboy wrote:lol these guys are bunch of fairies seriously!!! lol it took 4 men to handcuff the boy and to put him in the car :D hahhahh

by the way I dont think he is american. If he was the americans would have sent a bloody fleat to pull him out, as they do in other countries 8)

Oh no ! He said naughty things about lil' buddy Israel so how he is being tried as a Anti Semite, his american citizenship will be rovoked and locked up in some cellar for life. We all know anybody that critizes Israel really is an anti semite, doesn't even matter if he's semite himself ! :shock:
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
symmetric wrote:Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?

no IQ here Symm :D, I am sure someone here can surprise you with an answer, I can name one or 2 but won't :lol:
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
symmetric wrote:Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?

It tells me that the Israeli’s are a free thinking people who exercise their opinions through freedom of speech and the Palestinians are scared of the reprisals from their terrorist Governments if they ever did!

Brave American Jewish Youth? Fool who achieved everything he set out to do!
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
Dillon wrote:
symmetric wrote:Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?

It tells me that the Israeli’s are a free thinking people who exercise their opinions through freedom of speech and the Palestinians are scared of the reprisals from their terrorist Governments if they ever did!

Brave American Jewish Youth? Fool who achieved everything he set out to do!

Told you Symm :mrgreen:
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
Dillon wrote:
symmetric wrote:Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?

It tells me that the Israeli’s are a free thinking people who exercise their opinions through freedom of speech and the Palestinians are scared of the reprisals from their terrorist Governments if they ever did!

Brave American Jewish Youth? Fool who achieved everything he set out to do!

Dillon anyone is free to think!!! The boy said what he thought and was pounced on, restrained, and probably taken to jail and "taught a lesson" at the hands of the police. That's hardly freedom of speech.

More than likely they cancelled his Israeli passport.
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Dillon wrote:
symmetric wrote:Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?

It tells me that the Israeli’s are a free thinking people who exercise their opinions through freedom of speech and the Palestinians are scared of the reprisals from their terrorist Governments if they ever did!

Brave American Jewish Youth? Fool who achieved everything he set out to do!

Dillon anyone is free to think!!! The boy said what he thought and was pounced on, restrained, and probably taken to jail and "taught a lesson" at the hands of the police. That's hardly freedom of speech.

More than likely they cancelled his Israeli passport.

Yes, if we were to take the video at face value, this is what happened, I however question the political messages behind anonymous Youtube videos, exactly as I would a video which portrayed racist Israeli propaganda of which there is a plethora of material to choose from!
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
Dillon wrote:Yes, if we were to take the video at face value, this is what happened, I however question the political messages behind anonymous Youtube videos, exactly as I would a video which portrayed racist Israeli propaganda of which there is a plethora of material to choose from!

Dillon, that sounds like a line taken from Shaf's book, with a twist. :lol:
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 12, 2011
Yes, it is something like Shaf would claim, the difference is, I am sincere and have never posted a Youtube video claiming it to be politically correct.
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 13, 2011
Thats how it is, everything Israel does is placed under a huge magnifying glace. Even the most vile anti-semite, expect Israel to be better than its neighbors, and it is.

One boy arrested in a seemingly disgraceful way is immediately an opportunity to bash FoS in Israel. Well, as long as Israeli Arabs can openly call for the desctruction of Israel during the Nakba demonstration, there is nothing to worry about IMO. Give me one country as an example which allows on a yearly basis huge demonstrations calling for its destuction. I can't think of one, but am interested.
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 13, 2011
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 13, 2011
Haaretz have some more info about the lad - his name is Lucas and he's from Philadelphia, apparently.

Israel Police claims the young man attacked and bit an officer - however, the video does not show Lucas provoking any officers. It shows a group of policemen forcing him to the ground and handcuffing him; as a result, he required medical treatment afterward.

For his part, Lucas adamantly denies that he attacked a police officer.

"I didn't bite anyone," he says. "The police officer showed me his cuts [later], but they were caused by a sharp instrument, and there weren't any bite marks."

Lucas was held in detention for two days. The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court denied a police request to extend his remand; at the advice of his lawyer and family, the youth left the country after being released. ... m-1.367338
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 14, 2011
symmetric wrote:Anyhow, like I've said before, you'll ALWAYS find Jews who support the Palestinian case, but never vice-versa. What does that tell you?

That palestinians have no freedom of speech, as arabs in general.
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 14, 2011
Jews aren't automatons unlike their counterparts. Good point, I fully agree with you that there is a diverse range of views in Western society.
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Re: Brave American Jewish Youth Jun 18, 2011
More info about Lucas.

Arrested American using Internet limelight to speak out on Palestinian rights
19-year-old Lucas Koerner was arrested while demonstrating solidarity with Palestinians on Jerusalem Day.
By David Sheen

Since a video of his arrest at a Jerusalem Day parade garnered over a quarter of a million hits on YouTube in under a week, 19-year-old American Lucas Koerner has become an unwilling Internet darling. The Tufts University sophomore says he wishes it would all go away, but is still using his 15 minutes to draw attention to the plight of protesters and Palestinians.

"I never wanted this, I don't really want this, I kind of resent all this sudden surge of public attention," he says.

Koerner's arrest during a left wing Jerusalem Day demonstration was captured by an amateur videographer. In the four-and-a-half-minute clip Koerner is seen holding his American passport and discussing his views, while wearing both a Jewish skullcap and a Palestinian kafiyeh. Koerner, who is not religiously observant, says he doesn't see any dissonance in the juxtaposition of the two.

"My understanding of the Jewish ethical tradition comes primarily from my knowledge of the Jewish historical experience," he says. "I feel they are the principal determining factors: our ethical tradition, our struggles for justice, going back to the 19th-century shtetl, where my great-grandmother was hunted by the Cossacks, in pogroms."

"Every Jewish person has that memory at some point in their family. And he or she, in remaining faithful to that memory, must struggle against all forms of oppression and inequality," he adds. "That has informed my worldview, more than anything else."

Koerner, 19, says that he went to his first anti-war demonstration in Washington, D.C. on his 15th birthday, but says he remembers being against the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, when he was in fourth grade.

Though disappointed that his time here was cut short by his arrest, his experiences haven't soured his belief in universal justice.

"Fundamentally, justice means solidarity with all human beings, period, and an identification with a necessity to protect them," he says. "And at the same time to fundamentally alter the circumstances which perpetuate oppression and situations that put them in harm's way." ... s-1.368156
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