desertdudeshj wrote:Thats the whole issue in my view, these sponging off issues are way more exaggerated than they actually are. And its always the brown people who are the problem everywhere. Wether it be the Latinos in USA or Asians in the UK. As always its eaiser to pass the blame on to someone else. The immigrants are eating up everything and just draining the system which is specially ironic for a country like the USA which was built on and by immigrants.
Who are the number one illegals in Australia ? One would believe from the media and by watching programs like border security its either the Asians or Arabs. But its the British with Americans comming in a close second.
Pass the blame on to someone else? Like who, the working class, the rich?? Yes the USA is a land founded and built by immigrants. The difference is those immigrants built it from the ground up. Maybe you aren't aware of it, but there was no welfare at that time or a system they could drain. Different times dude, different situations.
As for the Asian immigrants in the UK, I'm sure it's safe to say they are in the country legally. It appears that the immigrant problems the people in the country is experiencing is that of a MAJORITY, which happen to be Pakistani. I'm sure there are a number of immigrants, including Pakistanis, who are opposed to the immigration and abuse of benefits and crimes committed by them. Reality is, there is a backlash on those who don't deserve it, who are probably the majority.
As for the USA - the issues with the Mexicans have to do with 1) their status - they are in limbo. Allow me to explain it to you - being illegal yet allowed to be in the states and work - which appears to serve farmers, business owners and the government quite well. IMO, if they are going to be allowed to work, they should be given legal status - at the very least a green card. And 2) the issue of drug cartels moving into states that border Mexico and the crimes that are being committed by the cartels within those states, especially Arizona, as well as the drugs being brought into the States.
With regard to immigration: there are two different issues-first, immigrants; second; illegal immigrants. Apples and oranges. It appears that the UK has issues with people legally in the country, whereas the US has issues with people who are legally and illegally in the country.
Americans and Brits migrating to Australia (or any country for that matter) may not be a problem for the host country as Brits and Americans by nature work for a living.
You are all up in everyone's face about being people being racist towards brown skinned people. Yet, you yourself clearly come across as being a racist towards white skinned people.
I guess it's safe to say that the UK, US, Australia won't be expecting an application to migrate.

Thank God for small miracles.