Eh - Blowing Up Doctors Is Terrorism, Do You Agree?

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Eh - Blowing up Doctors is Terrorism, do you agree? Feb 02, 2012
A simple question for event horizon - highlighted below - does he agree with the FBI (and me) that blowing up abortion clinics and doctors and nurses is terrorism? A simple yes or no.

Here's why I'm asking the question:

In the USA, the FBI and government generally classify as terrorists the Americans who are anti-abortion and commit acts of violence against doctors, nurses and clinics carrying out abortions.

These terrorists have blown up clinics and killed medical personnel. They are religously motivated Terrorists who base their views on what is in the Bible. (Just to clarify - Unlike Islamophobes who generalise about Islam and Muslims whenever discussions about terrorism based on religion (or imagined to be about religion), I don't think that these Christian terrorists are representative of the religion of Jesus.)

The list of such incidents - murders, bombings, arson is long - longer indeed than so called 'Jihadist' attacks on the USA: ... ted_States

Now, the question in the thread title is for event horizon to clarify what his stance on these terrorists and terrorist acts.

In the thread about condoms and Catholic schoolgirls he wrote:
event horizon wrote:Doctors who terminate the life of unborn children you say, ie., baby killers? Aren't they basically terrorists or something or is that comparison just made for soldiers?

Is this a rhetorical question? Or do you believe that doctors carrying out abortions are terrorists? (For the record, I don't consider doctors, nurses etc to be terrorists - and fully agree with the FBI that their killing is an act of terrorism - indeed, it is religiously motivated terrorism).

So eh, do you agree with me that the bombing of abortion clinics is terrorism (designed to stop abortions - so an act of terror for a political/religious motive)?

Yes or No?

Please don't try your usual smoke and mirrors and bring up Muslims or other of your personal issues - stick to the simple question about these crimes in your home country.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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